Our Tribute to Robin Patrick

Robin Patrick was a beloved member of the BabsTalk Mailing List
and of the BabsTalk Committee.  We lost Robin to cancer in July of 1997,
but will always remember her.


This is for you, Robin!

..... You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always by our side.
~~Author Unknown~~

Oh Dear - No Java!!!

I have so many Robin memories that relate to Barbie and friends.
First of all, I received a blonde #4 for my 6th birthday.  She came in a
black Barbie case.  Robin was only about a year and a half old at that
time.  Eventually, for some INSANE reason, I gave Robin my pristine #4.
She totally THRASHED it in less than one week.  It was totally my fault,
but she always thought I blamed her while I actually totally blamed
myself for giving such a beautiful doll to a young child.

In 6th grade, I received a bubblecut.  Robin had a blonde Skipper at
that time.  We played "Barbies" all the time, even though I was 4-1/2
years older than Robin.  I even have a picture in our front yard of
Robin gleefully clutching that Skipper.  Now I collect SL Skippers in
her memory.  I never owned one as a child.

Somehow Robin ended up with the bubblecut and the Skipper disappeared. I  had not even remembered what happened to my bubblecut, and remember
Robin having one when I was in high school.  She played all the time with her friends who lived behind us.  She kept that bubblecut, and I
always thought it was hers from trading with those neighbor girls.

But after Robin died, I received her doll collection.  As I inspected
the bubblecut for the first time, it dawned on me that this was my
bubblecut! I thought about having her professionally restored, but my
fond memories of playing with her as a child and Robin doing the same and both of us forgetting that I gave it to her made me decide to keep
her as is, which is very played with!

Robin especially loved Midge. Vintage Midge. She had one as a small child. Who knows what happened to it. In 1996 she went to a family reunion in Illinois with our mother. One day they went antiquing and Robin bought a mint Midge in box. She paid $150 for it, so it wasn't a bargain, but it was not overpriced either. How she loved that Midge. Now I have that Midge. It gave me great comfort to have her. The box Robin originally got with the doll was for the wrong hair color, so I bought one that was the right hair color and have kept her safe. I even bought the Midge repro because I knew Robin would have wanted one. I definitely like the set too.

Robin also loved the Kelly dolls and her little friends. She bought all the sets with Barbie and little sisters, and I have those. She also bought lots of the little Kelly dolls and I kept one of each but sent the rest to Allie, our little Babstalk friend in Australia who also collected Kelly and her little friends. Allie was a special friend of Robin's, and they traded dolls several times. I know Robin would have loved the new sets - Hansel and Gretel and Raggedy Ann and Andy. So do I.

When Robin found out she was going to die (only one week before she actually did die), she was so worried about everyone but herself. She voiced her concern for Allie's feelings. I assured her we would do our best to help Allie deal with losing her. Allie's mother is wonderful, and I hope that receiving Robin's Kelly dolls helped Allie with her grieving. She was such a little girl then. Robin was also very very concerned about our parents and her two little boys (age 3 and 4-1/2). It was so sad. But, typical of Robin, she was much more concerned about those of us who loved and needed her than she was about herself.

It was wonderful how the Babstalk grouped together and raised money for Robin's family. She had no medical insurance or life insurance and had incurred many expenses during her fight against cancer. The loving contributions from this group really helped her widower and children. I will be forever grateful to this wonderful group of people who have in common collecting dolls and huge, generous hearts. I cannot put into words the importance of this group's help at such an unbearable time. Robin loved this group and so do I.

~Elaine Rumaker~

Robin and I kept in touch through the email. I was fortunate to have her
as a swap partner for the last Christmas swap that Babstalk had done.

She was so excited. I remember her writing me, then posting the pictures
on the net. I had made a silky red dress. Put up her hair and made her look all fancy. I then had her sitting a a brass sleigh with lots of wrapped
presents and pretend snow. I remember enjoying this swap so much, because I had been getting to know Robin, so I had an idea of what she liked. I sure miss her.
~Deb Buhl~

Robin told me if I ever needed her to just look up and wave, she'd see me! ~Mary V.~

From the very first email that I received from Robin, I knew she was something else. Robin always was alot of fun, and being on the BabsTalk committee with Robin was truly a honor.  She always had a opinion, and always made us LOL!  It's hard to put into writing what she meant to me, to all of us.  Sometimes, I sit here at my computer and wonder just what Robin would say or do. She was a true original who touched our lives with her common sense, humor and love.  Robin, Barbie Slave, we will always miss you!!

~Terri Fazenbaker~

I have a kinda weird memory to share here. I didn't get to know Robin real well because she got sick shortly after I joined the list but I do remember her and how the group tried to support her and honor her after her death. We held the fundraiser auction for breast cancer and I made a OOAK angel Barbie. I wish I knew who bought her and if they still have her because here comes the "spooky" part.....I had never used the type of hair I used on this angel before and it was my first angel Barbie. The hair was a light brown, wavy, mohair like stuff that you buy in the craft dept and I just glued it on in a long, wavy style. After the auction, someone  posted a tribute to Robin and it had her picture. Her hair was the same color, almost the same style, and the resemblance between her and the angel I made was unnerving, to say the least! I never forget the strange feeling it gave me.
~Sheryl Smith~ 
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