If you are currently being sexually abused or victimized tell someone you trust. If they do not believe you or respond in a way that you do not feel safe or protected tell someone else.

If you are the parent of a child who has been sexually abused remain calm but take action now !!! Make sure your child is physically healthy. Go to a doctor or the emergency room at the hospital if necessary. Call the local police department. Make sure your child is separated from the offender with arrangements for the offender to leave the home if necessary. Take whatever action is necessary in order for your child to feel safe and protected.

You may feel overwhelmed, confused, anxious, nervous, scared, alone, angry, guilty, sad, or have a number of other reactions, all of which is normal for the situation. Talk to someone you trust. While sexual abuse is traumatic for the child and their family, life will go on. While there may be changes that are necessary, try to keep your child's life and your family as normalized as possible.

Remember to:

Do something nice for yourself each day.
Reduce your stress.
Go for a walk.
Find humor where you can.

Participate in a hobby of your choice.
Participate in family activities.
Listen to your favorite music.

Remember you are not alone.
Talk to someone you trust.

Parents, listen to your children.
Believe, support, and protect them.

If the sexual abuse has disrupted their normal behavioral patterns, get professional intervention.
