For Everyone


Remember to:

Do something nice for yourself each day.

Bookmark this page and read the inspirational thought of the day each and every day


Learn to plan. Disorganization can breed stress. Having too many projects going simultaneously often leads to confusion, forgetfulness, and the sense that uncompleted projects are hanging over your head. When possible, take on projects one at a time and work on them until completed.

Recognize and accept limits. Most of us set unreasonable and perfectionistic goals for ourselves. We can never be perfect, so we often have a sense of failure or inadequacy no matter how well we perform. Set achievable goals for yourself.

Learn to play. You need occasionally to escape from the pressures of life and have fun. Find pastimes which are absorbing and enjoyable to you no matter what your level of ability is.

Be a positive person. Avoid criticizing others. Learn to praise the things you like in others. Focus upon the good qualities those around you possess. Be sure to give yourself credit and appreciate your own good qualities, as well.

Learn to tolerate and forgive. Intolerance of others leads to frustration and anger. An attempt to really understand the way other people feel can make you more accepting of them. Accept and forgive yourself also.

Avoid unnecessary competition. There are many competitive situations in life that we can't avoid. Too much concern with winning in too many areas of life can create excessive tension and anxiety, and make us unnecessarily aggressive.

Get regular physical exercise. Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You will be more likely to stay with an exercise program if you choose one that you really enjoy rather than one that feels like pure hard work and drudgery.

Learn a systematic, drug-free method of relaxing. Meditation, yoga, or any of a variety of relaxation techniques can be learned from various books or accredited teachers.

Talk out your troubles. Find a friend, member of the clergy, faculty member, counselor, or psycho-therapist you can be open with. Expressing your bottled up thoughts and feelings or sources of tension to a sympathetic ear can be incredibly helpful.

Change your thinking. How we feel emotionally often depends on our outlook or philosophy of life. Changing one's beliefs is a difficult and painstaking process. No one has all the answers, but some answers are available. Reading a self-help book of interest is a start.

Take each day one day at a time. Live in the present. Take advantage of opporunities now. While it is desirable to plan, it does no good to worry about tomorrow. Find humor where you can. Participate in a hobby of your choice. Keep a daily journal or diary. Writing out your thoughts can be very therapeutic.

Participate in family activities. Go fishing. Enjoy a picnic or fun at the local park. Play games. Enjoy a bike ride together. Go for a nature walk or try camping. The possibilities are endless !

Prepare and cook your favorite recipie for yourself or family. (Click here to get your favorite recipie of your favorite food from your favorite restaurant such as cheddar cheese biscuits from Red Lobster)!

Go to your favorite sporting event, concert or theater of your choice.

Read your favorite book. Whether you're searching for a long-lost children's book or a new bestseller, find it at Alibris!

Read your favorite magazine

Listen to your favorite music. Go to: TOP 100 MUSIC SINGLES, Or check out Music & VideoDVD

If you have or continue to suffer from stress, acne, sleep deprivation, indigestion, memory loss, lack of energy, or depression you may also want to consider taking vitamins. For information on which vitamin may be right for you go to Can Vitamins Improve My Health ?

If you know what vitamins you desire you may get them here:

Enter keyword:

Remember, there is only one you, you are important, and you do make a difference in the lives of other people !!!

For Parents and Survivors of Sexual Abuse

If you are currently being sexually abused or victimized tell someone you trust. If they do not believe you or respond in a way that you do not feel safe or protected tell someone else.

If you are the parent of a child who has been sexually abused remain calm but take action now !!! Make sure your child is physically healthy. Go to a doctor or the emergency room at the hospital if necessary. Call the local police department. Make sure your child is separated from the offender with arrangements for the offender to leave the home if necessary. Take whatever action is necessary in order for your child to feel safe and protected. If the sexual abuse has disrupted their normal behavioral patterns, get professional intervention. Parents, listen to your children. Believe, support, and protect them.

You may feel overwhelmed, confused, anxious, nervous, scared, alone, angry, guilty, sad, or have a number of other reactions, all of which is normal for the situation. Remember you are not alone. Talk to someone you trust. While sexual abuse is traumatic for the child and their family, life will go on. While there may be changes that are necessary, try to keep your child's life and your family as normalized as possible.
