Below are recommended books for children and their families surviving sexual abuse. You may purchase new or used books at the following links:

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by title by author

Below are suggested books and articles for:


Something Happened and I'm Scared to Tell: A Book for Young Victims of Abuse/ Patricia Kehoe,Carol Deach (Illustrator) / Paperback / Parenting Pr., Inc. / February 1986

Please Tell!: A Child's Story about Sexual Abuse/ Jessie / Paperback / Hazelden Information & Educational Services / July 1991

Laurie Tells/ Linda Lowery, John Eric Karpinski (Illustrator) / Paperback / Lerner Publishing Group/ July 1995

My Body Is Private/ Linda Walvoord Girard, Kathleen Tucker (Editor) / Paperback / Albert Whitman / September 1992

Eyes of a Child/ Richard North Patterson, Ken Howard / Audio / Random House, Incorporated / May 1997

Your Body Belongs to You/ Cornelia Spelman, Teri Weidner (Illustrator) / Paperback / Albert Whitman / August 1997

The Right Touch: A Read-Aloud Book to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse/ Sandy Kleven / Hardcover / Illumination Arts Publishing Company, Incorporated / March 1998

Adult Survivors

The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Featuring "Honoring the Truth: A Response to the Backlash"/ Ellen Bass, Preface by Laura Davis / Paperback / HarperTrade / January 1994

The Courage to Heal Workbook: For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse/ Laura Davis / Paperback / HarperTrade / January 1990

The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse/ Wendy Maltz, Carol Arian (Illustrator) / Paperback / HarperCollins Publishers, Incorporated / January 1991

Victims No Longer: Men Recovering from Incest and Other Sexual Child Abuse/ Mike Lew, Foreword by Ellen Bass / Paperback / HarperTrade / February 1990

Beginning to Heal: A First Book for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse/ Ellen Bass, Laura Davis / Paperback / HarperTrade / January 1993

Parents of Children Surviving Sexual Abuse

(article):Parenting Children Surviving Sexual Abuse

When Your Child Has Been Molested: A Parent's Guide to Healing and Recovery/ Joyce Case, Kathryn B. Hagans / Paperback / Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers / January 1998

A Better Safe than Sorry Book : A Family Guide for Sexual Assault Prevention/ Sol Gordon, Judith Gordon, Vivien Cohen (Illustrator) / Paperback / Prometheus Books / March 1992

No More Secrets for Me: A Book for Adults to Share with Children/ Oralee Wachter, Jane Aaron (Illustrator) / Paperback / Little, Brown & Company / July 1984

Child Lures: What Every Parent and Child Should Know About Preventing Sexual Abuse and Abduction/ Kenneth Wooden / Hardcover / Summit Publishing Group / May 1995

Parents of Juvenile Sex Offenders

Assessment and Treatment of Adolescent Sex Offenders/ Garry P. Perry, Janet Orchard / Paperback / Professional Resource Press / July 1992

Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others : Challenges and Responses/ Marcus Erooga, Helen C. Masson (Editor) / Paperback / Routledge / November 1999
