This is my home page!
If you like 2pac and want to know a few very intresting things about his life and his murder all you have to do is click here

That's my pictur galery here you'll finde very intresting pix of mine and I hope you'll like them!

New and Exclusive:

That's me and a girl named Eva in Maliovica

Now you can see that I'm one of the most wanted persons in the world

A smart face in Maliovica

You can see me @ My School The 28th with a few litle girls

This is Me and a girl from my class named Iva

That's My Last vacation on Black Sea with Borko and Sasho and a ice cream

That pix is a classic one - Me and Marius in Suzopul

That's why I'm so wanted......I have a gun in my hands

Have you ever seen me with a classes???

I'm in a pool with Borko and Sasho

Now I'm staring in Baywatch....

Kalin the kid (haven't I've been cute)

Now I'm on fier right befor the ball

One of my cute faces....

Now I'm working for the secret services protecting Kate's Life

Was I a good schoolboy?

Underweare everyweare

I realy Love my Body

Again underweare everyweare, but this time difrent underweare

You realy want to see me on my underweare 1 2 3

That's how I look like when I'm chating

I realy love dancing 1 2

Another of my prety faces

That's Me and My Bro @ home

Here I'm fuly naked just like I was on my birthday

Here I'm again @ My room but now I have put my clothes on

Yo baby that's me on a fashion revew1 2 3

Me and my cousin's wife in "Pri Kmeta"1 2

Me allone "Pri Kmeta"

Kalin Kate & Ilich "Pri Kmeta"

Brat'cheda his wife and Moa in "Jungle"

My ID pic

On Tedy's graduating ball 1 2

Me in "Forum of Bulgarin Fashion" backstage

Me in my last fashion show 1 2 3 4

And here you can see the pix form my balls with my favorite school 22nd and the school I was studying last year the nasty 28th

if you want to get in touch with me you can do it with e-mail: kalin@gavrilov.org
or you can find my ICQ: 29117764
also you can leave me a messege on my pager: 0179-242-936