Wellcome to Digital Heidi Klum!!!

Here IS a new site, dedicated only to her.

P cs

Hello, Heidi Klum Fans

Great thanks to:

Heidi Klum Fans!
Al Gambert
Mmmmm, Heidi...
Dan's Showcase
Heidi Klum For Ever
Your Url...


Now I want to introduce
the idea of the site. I think,
most of you, guys, would have found
my idea interesting. I personally want
to collect a number of pictures of lovely Heidi,
but not simply the pictures, but processed .
by some way. May be it would be
Photoshop, Maybe It would be
Soft Image or something.
I don't know... But these
images must be a kind of art.
Some of you can say that
a lot of desctopers are available
here and there, but why desctopers?
Let's make the art for the art!
So, I have something
to begin with
and want to say welcome
to everyone who found my idea interesting

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