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My Home Page: Eppo Stel

Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page.
I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life.
After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us.

Eppo Stel

My Background

I grew up in The Netherlands, but
after 24 years I moved to Germany, where I now live and work.
My parents are retired fashionentrepreneurs
and my sister is a flight attendant.

My Interests

I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know me
is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .
I love watching Science Fiction, and searching the Web.
I adore movies - especially action. My favourites?

My Personal Records

This is a photographic retrospective of my life to date - a mere 31 years -.
Or take a look in my holiday photo albums.
Images of my travels with Studiosus are here.

One of my flatmates

Links to My Favourite Sites

Another way to really get to know someone - especially someone who spends
as much time on the Internet as I do - is to learn their favourite sites:

Peek & Cloppenburg (the site of the company I work for)
Bluebottle (Spam free email)
Webcam (have a live look not far from where I live)
World's Smallest Political Quiz (The ORIGINAL Internet Political Quiz)

Updated on May 2, 2008.