I am a thirty year-old man living in California.  I have been fascinated by jumpsuits since I was very young. I think that women wearing jumpsuits are very sexy.  Sometimes I like to wear them myself. 

I made this web site because jumpsuits deserve more appreciation!  I have tracked down pictures and information on the web about jumpsuits, and I want to share it all with anyone who's interested.

I also want to know what other people think about jumpsuits. Feel free to write to me to let me know your opinions. Also if you know of any good references to one-piece clothing on the web or elsewhere, please let me know and I might add it to this web site.


I have created a Yahoo club with a discussion forum: 

I hope that you'll join the club and help make it a success.

Where can I buy ....?
*Illustrated* definitions of terms   and  Jumpsuits around the world
Some pictures of jumpsuits       - What makes a good jumpsuit?
Web links to more pictures and information about jumpsuits
Who wears jumpsuits?
Jumpsuits on TV, in movies, and in books
Jumpsuits pro and con      -    Expert advice about jumpsuits
The true adventures of a guy who likes jumpsuits
MAILBAG -- let's hear what you know about jumpsuits

email me at jumpsuitguy(AT)yahoo.com

This page has been accessed  times since July 1, 1999.