Stuff I wrote
These are some of my edited for your eyes only poems
6 months past
I should have known it wouldn't last
Fight after fight
Tears night after night
All your lies show through
How could i ever say I love you?
I wonder,
What i did to deserve this
Did it all start with that one 1st kiss?
Is this how it is meant to be,
You go off and just leave me.
Tell me
How do you lose love so fast?
I can't believe i cared so much
I was so blind
Now all that's left is my broken heart.
I thought you loved me,
I thought you cared,
But now i know the truth.
This hurts so much,
I do admit.
But with time,
I will move on,
And you,
You will regret this.
I'm the best you will have
But now,
To you,
I'm just a memory,
The memory of what was once you and me
Love Gone to waste
Life is a thing worth living.
Heart is a thing worth having
Love is a thing worth feeling
But subtract the love,
You lose the heart
And then,
You lose the life
Life without Love
You think it all got better
You think all was right
And the one day it happens
It comes over night.
It takes the one you care for
It takes away the joy
You never knew how much u cared
Until you lose it that night.
You hope its all a dream
You wish it wasnt true
But in the end its over
But the love is still there and true
In loving memory of Charles Gernett
Save Me
Save me
Save me from this misery
Save me from the tears
Take me away
I dont want to stay here
I'm sick of this
I'm Trapped in my thoughts
I can't escape
I need some hope
Can you save me?
I'd love you forever
Just say you can help
Save me
Take me away
I wont look back
In my Heart
I'll love you forever
No matter what
My heart aches for you
My body shakes with upset
I have tried it all
But i cant move on
You have my heart
Now and forever
Up going down
Twisted feelings
spiriling up
to black existence
lost in darkness
with no way back
cant get down
winding thoughts
shooting up
a sea of emotion
becomes an open wound