Yuval: should i call u juval. New building.. cool
Adam: old flings dont work out. Pinnwheel hat
Corey: stop skipping events, come to jersey!
Noah: nuce hair
Perry: toast to unique candel titles
Efrem: still friends, always the best
Seth: wow i cant get over u calling me a slut, not even shaving my legs can make up 4 it
Kenny: your awesome.. we gotta chill at more concerts, i'm gonna miss u
Ellie:my tiny shrew girl.  Got the bite, use it.
Jordy: porn coin, don't deny u found it
Bekah: my skank, Plainfield peeps
Ashley: BLACK SOCKS, doggie ears, kutz alum
Marissa: Marissas rock, nfty GERuls no matter what
Kelly: black socks, P2, big bertha
Kelsey: my texan sweetie.. i love you hunnie!

f I 4got u then Just tell me and i'll add u!
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