~ Keliana's Home Page ~

Hi and welcome to my page. I'm a eurasian female living in Los Angeles, California. I enjoy, shopping, restaurants, the movies, dancing, hanging out with friends and the internet.

Here I have posted a few pics of myself.

In cyber-space one can only see what is put before them. If you look into my eyes, you may catch a glimse of who I am. However, one cannot completely see the spirit within, or know one beyond the images that are posted.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

I would like to thank the people who have carried me through the trials and tribulations of life, having touched mine and dedicate this poem to you:

Once in every life, there comes someone who opens the inner door and speaks to the heart and soul.
One who touches you so completely, so exquisitely, their sweet passing changes your life... forever. In that one brief moment, that one person reminds you that, everything you have hoped for can be realized, everything you have dreamed of can come true, everything you have waited for is now waiting for you.
The purpose of their coming and touching you so deeply was not that you change them, or they change you, but that you remember the gift that is you and the love you have to share.

My Background

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Here is a touching angel story.
The Guardian Angel

A reminder to be thankful for all the "Angels" in our lives and to do our best to be an "Angel" in someone else's.

CopyrightKeliana ©2008

This website and all images herein are protected under the copyright laws. Photos may not be downloaded without the express written permission.
This page was last updated on July 27, 2002

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