First, let me give my condolences to the victims of the Sep 11 tragedy. You are in my prayers. I also want to say that I couldn't be more proud of my country than I am today. Vinnie hasn't had to go anywhere yet, I thank you all for your concern.
Lexis tanktop below is finally done. Many of you know I go crazy over designing necklines, but hallelujah...I got it!! Edges crocheted in Red Hearts "Misty" and the main body knit on my 350 with Aunt Lydias cotton denim.
Below is a sweater I designed for my best friend Julie in New York. Its knitted on the 350 in sage green from Red heart. There is a message only for the wearer knitted atop the fair isle band on the front...I do intend to change the fair isle somewhat, but the sweater itself is big and cozy, and this size on me is the smallest there is. (There will be 3 more sizes in this sweater, and soon there will be a graphic with a flag with the Manhattan skyline to go with this one!)

Well, time to get back to my flag sweater, my best to you all!
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