This one was taken in the 8th grade - which is 13 years ago!
Young and innocent...
Do check this
poor try to
make a blog -
in danish!
Duckhunt, a good place to find *all* about Don Rosa
write me an e-mail kasserer at ddfr dot dk
Check this link for
my bibliography
Check the page of the donaldist society my friend, Søren and I founded 5 years ago
My duckhunt-related homepage at this page
See my new page, which is not completely done yet.
Sorry guys about these 7 year old photoes!!
Here are Thomas and Søren at the first meeting in Raptus (The Ludwig von Drake-club)
Here's Ole, doing what he likes best :-) reading Topolino. Certain members (of the Ludwig-list thought Sørens black cat in front of Ole, looked nicer than Ole himself :-)
Søren took this picture. Of me
I strongly wonder if
I still have that shirt...

A 1000 times sorry for the layout on this page - I just refound the editor for it, and wanted to update a bit. Hi folks from the DDF(R) If you see this :-)