Welcome to NBA Inside Drive Collective.
If you would like to submit your own ID2k Modifications to display on the Collective
or submit a rating, please
email me at neo@clarkson.wa.edu.au.

Inside Drive Collective Available
Tuesday, July 3, 2001
- updated by Nick Brown
@ 5:10 PM (+8:00)
Would anyone like to take over the reigns here at Inside Drive Collective? You are welcome to be the new web-master of this site. Simply be the first to e-mail me at neo@clarkson.wa.edu.au.

Friday, June 22, 2001
- updated by Nick Brown
@ 10:26 AM (+8:00)
I just want to thank everyone for visiting my site. I am sorry that I abandoned you all a year ago. Thankyou.

Rookie Request
Tuesday, March 28, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 11:14 AM (+8:00)
Jux requested an update for the rookies in NBA Inside Drive. As requested the file has been completed... The top thirteen rookies currently in the NBA have been created. Check it out in the Faces section.

More, more and more...
Monday, March 27, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 8:50 PM (+8:00)
A whole load of new MODs have been uploaded into their respective sections. There are three new Australian NBL team jerseys in the Jerseys section. There is another Ben Wallace and Iverson face/skin pack in the Faces section. Finally, a new Iverson Trainer (shoe) has been posted into the Extras section. I hope you like them all. Have fun...

Another Request Ready
Monday, March 27, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 8:47 PM (+8:00)
Someone requested for an update for the Orlando Magic. For example, changing the faces of certain players like Doleac and B. Wallace. They have now been uploaded to the Faces section.

Requests Ready
Saturday, March 25, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 9:42 AM (+8:00)
Someone requested for a new Pacers Stadium MOD on our requests page. It has been uploaded to the courts section and has been sent to him. This was done within 2 days. If anyone has any more requests, feel free to make one on our requests page.
The Wildcats one Game 1 of the Semi's!!! Only one more to go until the Finals baby!!!

Wildcats are in the House
Thursday, March 23, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 11:34 PM (+8:00)
The Wildcats Pack number 1 has just been uploaded to the extras section. It includes the faces/skins, rosters/stats, home/away jerseys and even their court. This MOD replaces the Clippers, it then merges the Clippers with the Grizzlies.
Alternately, you can download the individual packs. The Perth Wildcats home and away jerseys have been placed in the jerseys section, the faces/skins for the entire roster of the Wildcats are located in the faces section and the Perth Entertainment Centre is located in the courts section. I hope you enjoy it.

Wildcats MOD
Thursday, March 23, 2000
- updated by zEon
@ 10:54 AM (+8:00)
Sorry again for the delay everyone. Not many MODs have been posted within that last week, so I haven't got much to report. Everyone has been working hard on the two new league ideas.
I was going to post the Wildcats Pack, but had to make some changes. I overwrote the Clippers with the Wildcats and merged the Clippers with the Grizzlies. I'm having a bit of trouble with it, but it should be available exclusively on the Collective within a couple of days.