Sweet Rock Incense

Sweet Rock Incense Powder

Forget moldy potpourri pots. Throw out those charcoal hunks of junk. Enliven your home, office, dorm room, car or even business with true fragrance incense powders. Sweet Rock Incense Powder is the most unique and highest quality way to bring your favorite scents into your home. Sweet Rock Incense powders are the finest, highest quality incense available.


Stick and cone incense are almost entirely made of wood, charcoal, glue adhesives, resins, and potassiium nitrate, with a little fragrance oil or liquid soaked in. Many of these substances alone or in combination can burn eyes, irritate throats, and cause allergic reactions in some people. They also burn 3 times hotter than sweet rock powders. Who of us has not burned a valuable piece of furniture, or even worse, a finger with old stick burners or cone holders. Potpourri pots require water and some even an open flame from a candle. An unattended pot can crack or burn if the water is allowed to boil dry. That same water can cause a moldy mess if left set out in a room over a period of time. The unique burners for our powder contains all the ashes, allows for a controlled slow steady release of fragrance, requires no open flame, and never become too warm to handle. The powder can be loaded into the burners and allowed to set out in a room for a delicate scent, without any mold or mildew. You can light them, put them out at any time, come back, relight them and enjoy the same fragrance you started with. There are over 50 fragrances available in Sweet Rock Incense Powder. The powders come in vibrant shades of blue, red, green, gold, brown or purple. The burners are all natural finish, in times coils, or designs. For fragrance listings, design types and prices, click on the pages below.



Sweet Rock Incense Powder

Sweet Rock Burners

To Order From Louisville Sweet Rock

Last Updated November 20, 2000 by Louisville Sweet Rock