Plastic Model

"Almost an hour preparing this picture and now I am just getting to putting it into place", I thought. "But this one is worth it", smiling to myself. It amazes me how long it takes just to carefully cut out around the clear plastic sheeting that made up the awesome ensemble this model wore for my digital camera! What was even more challenging was coloring and shading the background showing through the plastic between her body and the edge of the outfit. It has to match the background to look right. And yet, I didn't want to lose the shine of the lights on her transparent fashion statement or the iridescence of the gossamer mist of condensation on the inside of the outfit that enveloped her.

"That's about the right spot". I let go of the mouse button and my wedding girl was now walking the aisle of "some church somewhere". I chuckled as I thought of how a real congregation would react to such a sight! "Mind games are fun", I thought to myself as I began to dodge the edges to make the newly planted image blend in with the surroundings. Completely naked and yet completed clothed, she began to look a part of the virtual scene I was creating.

"Now time for some shadow", I said to myself as I began creating shading behind and to her right. Though I enjoyed being creative in such a wonderfully tantalizing way, this was a tedious process, and so my mind began to drift as I thought back to the days and weeks leading to the photo session which gave me this creative opportunity.

She was an acquaintance at work. Late 20's, not a supermodel by any means, but she had curves and was easy on the eyes. I had previously worked briefly with her on several occasions on some code being developed for a new application. She had always seemed pleasant, intelligent, and came across with confidence. This was a gal that created her own opportunities and worked hard to make them happen.

Even prior to the new project which put us together to work on converting an aging accounting system to a new one, I had known that she had definite and strongly held opinions on many subjects. She had to. After a messy divorce from an alcoholic husband, and working in a 'male' shop, she relied on herself alone much of the time. I myself had also been married and had a child, and was now making payments to assure my newfound freedom stayed that way. It left me tight on cash, but as in all things, life's tradeoff was an opportunity to engineer my own direction and to explore things I was never able to while married. My ex was not a tough gal to live with, we just saw life's choices very differently. The strain of two people wanting to go in opposite directions simply didn't make for a good marriage.

Strangely enough though, my co-worker often seemed to be very open minded when discussing people's pursuits and inclinations. "This was something that would have to be explored someday", I had thought.

I myself made most of my living through programming. I always enjoyed being creative though, and being very much into things like rubber, plastic, and PVC, built a self-supporting hobby out of making clothing for people out of these materials. This I started while I was still married, and carried on afterwards. A master of this craft I was certainly not, so I never charged the going rate for my wares, but most people appreciated the workmanship and the fact that a local supplier was available to them. Besides, it provided a little extra money occasionally, which kept me from going stir crazy from not being able to afford to pursue my dreams.

About a month ago, my co-worker and I went to lunch, and in the course of the conversation we spoke of being artistic and I had mentioned that I occasionally made "club wear" for people. "The stuff you see in dance music videos", I said. She seemed undisturbed by the picture this brings to mind, in fact, she seemed almost pleased! "Strange?", I thought, "This is a conservative place, a moderate sized city with a rural town attitude that smothers those who would dare step out of its' mold". "She had told me previously that she was born and raised here", I pondered. While still puzzled, she said to me, "I would like to design fashions as well, mostly lingerie. The stuff you see in most of the chain stores really leaves a lot to be desired". I was stunned at this point. Not wanting to take that conversation any further in the public eatery where we finished our lunch, I purposed to steer the conversation in another direction. I had to wait to see if she would volunteer more or if a suitable opportunity to engineer a conversation would come up.

Still daydreaming as I worked now on some highlights. There is something about the way clear vinyl curves around an erect nipple and folds gently over a breast that must be captured. The shot was a little dark and short of contrast there, so I highlighted the area and increased the brightness and contrast about 5%. Previewing the results, I was pleased with the effect, and proceeded to sharpen the drum-taut clear vinyl stretched between the high neckline and her two breasts. This area had steamed in nicely by that point in the shooting, and I did not want that subtle fact to be lost.

Daydreaming again, it was about a week later that we left a seminar and it was a several block walk back to the office. It was well after lunch, so there weren't many people on the street. I asked, "if you were to create the fashions you mentioned, what would you create and from what materials". The first thing from her mouth were two words: "Saran Wrap", she said. To avoid being completely floored by this unexpected reply, I retorted, "Oh, you mean 'Sarah Wrap', don't you?!". The delay provided just enough time to regain my footing as a lively, if somewhat quiet, conversation regarding how each of us began experimenting with plastic emerged. She said she had been caught by her mother at a young age mummifying her body in food wrap. I myself related how I am sure my dad saw me once blanketed in a thin plastic drop sheet, but as he was sensitive to discuss sexual topics, he pretended he never saw it.

The next week found us exchanging ideas on suitable occasions. One day, I presented her with a grocery bag containing disk of pictures showing some of my plastic and rubber creations, as well as a few 6 foot wedding gown bags for her private enjoyment.

I told her, "These are wonderful in the shower. I put one on to the waist without any holes at first and step into the shower. After closing the curtain and turning on the shower warm, I let the rest of the bag fall to my feet. 'Part of me' assists in holding the bag far enough away from my body so I can enjoy a short spell coccooned in it's embrace. I spend a minute or two enjoying the pelting water on the outside while I stay dry and warm on the inside. Of course, you will provide your own moisture shortly as the bag warms and you body begins to steam up your private sauna", I said to her. "When it gets a bit too stuffy for comfort, I push my arms through the sides near the top, and then my head through the top. Of course, I do get wet now in my plastic 'gown' and it begins to stick to me. The most fun part is then taking some shampoo and squirting in the neckline of the bag all the way around and allowing just enough shower water in to move the shampoo across your body. This makes the plastic incredibly slippery and it clings to you. It is nearly impossible for me to avoid the gyrating dance of pleasure that makes the plastic massage my body", I said. "Not only do you end up 'very relaxed', you are soaped up and ready to rinse off once you remove the bag!"

A few days later, she invited me to join her for lunch at a picnic table in a nearby park. It had showered that morning, but now the sun was out full and it was becoming a nice warm day. In spite of this, she wore a full length shiny black trench. It had simple lines. No gaudy back vents or ruffles to disturb the smoothness of wind played plastic or the sun toying with its' glossy surface. I enjoyed watching how the wind would occasionally blow it against her body so I could revel in her plastic coated curves as she walked beside me. "She's such a tease", I thought, seeing how she occasionally smiled at me when she caught me eyeing her.

I received her full report during lunch as to how she (ab)used the bags I gave her. "I like enclosure", she said. So I hope you don't mind that I used them a bit differently than you do. "Sure I like being inside as well", I said, She smiled, pleased that I wasn't disappointed. "So, out with it! I'm waiting!", I said to her. She began to recount how she had taped two bags end to end carefully with clear box tape. She said, "I figured these bags are a lot stronger than regular drycleaning bags. I thought they'd inflate nicely". She recounted how she sealed the top seam so it wouldn't blow out, and opened the other end. The third bag I gave her she had worn as a dress, pretaping the bottom high enough so she wouldn't trip on it. "I'm only 5 foot 4", she said. She told how she filled the twelve foot bag with air and pulled it over her quickly, so as not to lose all the volume. When the end of the bag reach the floor, she said she stepped on the edges to pin it down and then began to twist the bag with her hands and pick up each foot intermittently to take up the slack of the twisting bag until it was drum tight with a bubble of air.

Her bedroom had a south facing window, and living outside the edge of the city, she had considerable privacy as this window faced the back of her property. In her own plastic bubble facing the open window, she was enjoying the view and the cocooning effect of all that plastic. Then the sun came out after an earlier shower! "The warmth was incredible", she said. In her own private hothouse, and wearing a plastic dress besides, she began to perspire almost immediately and soon the plastic dress went from smooth to clingy to slippery wet on her body. She told me in intimate detail how she slowly began massaging her body and smoothly moving the plastic over herself. I was glad we were sitting at the table as she told me all of this, as my interest in the conversation was obvious at that point! She recounted to me how she played with herself slowly by the open window, the sun now causing condensation to thicken on the inside of her 'personal greenhouse'. Eventually, it became thick enough to diffuse the sunlight into a white iridescent light inside the enclosure. She told me often while relating this story how she took her time in the bag, and in about 10 minutes, her hair was wet with moisture. She said she was starting to breathe more heavily at this point, so she worked herself up closure to the edge of her excitement. Purposely, she told me how I would have enjoyed watching her chest heave as she breathed more heavily in the enclosure, in part due to her exhausting the air inside, and in part from her nearing climax. She knew by now that I was a breast man! She told me that as she became more vigorous with her approaching orgasm, the condensation was being disturbed by all that vibration, and that now, droplets of water began to stream down the inside of the bag. She shuddered with pleasure as her moment arrived. Her orgasm slowly subsiding, she told me how she was breathing heavily and sweating everywhere when, with a hint of sadness of knowing she had to leave her coccoon, she pierced the enclosure with her fingers above her head and let the bag fall to her shoulders. The fresh air was wonderful as she breathed deeply, noticing her body heat escaping through the neck opening. She split the bag further, letting it fall to the floor, but rather than chilling herself , being soaked, she left the dress on. She walked to the shower and stepped in, dress and all. She proceeded to cleaned herself in the manner I had originally prescribed for the gown bags!

After recounting this wondrous scene to me, I was feeling a bit deprived inside that I was not there to witness it, or better yet, participate!. I am not sure if she sensed this, but prior to leaving, she passed to me a manila envelope containing what felt like a video tape. She had captured the entire event for my viewing pleasure. That evening I played myself sore watching it!

About this time, I remember her asking me if I could make her something to wear out. She gave me a reasonably full set of measurements. Her hair was fairly blond and her complexion light, so I selected some metallic pewter latex to work with and made her a form fitting halter dress with an A-line skirt slit at the sides with zips to mid-thigh. It had a halter neck, but also a back, so the sleeve opened in a slash across each shoulder. The back zipped to the waist with two snaps on the collar above. She would like the dress. I would like seeing her in it, noting that the design was chosen to highlight her bust in highly stretched rubber and provide a shimmering sheet of latex between her thighs that would betray every movement if she danced in it!

It took me about a week to create, but I finally presented it to her on the following Thursday as lunch. She looked at it in the bag, careful not to reveal it to others at the tables around us. She said to me, "Now how about asking me out so I can break in this new dress!?" "Another fine opportunity to regain my footing", I thought, realizing that as long as I speak to this gal, I will never know what to expect next - but that's sort of fun too. After almost too long a pause, I said, "Sure, how about Saturday". There were only a couple places in town where a dress like that would be accepted. When she insisted that I too dress in rubber or PVC, the choice was firmed. A dance-techno joint with a 'very open minded' attitude to all persuasions would be where we would spend at least part of Saturday night.

Saturday arrived, and I checked my own collection of latex. Most of my stuff was 'experiments' with new designs, and so, getting the first of each new item, they tended not to be perfect. I did have one 'dressy looking' pair of latex pants and a latex dress shirt I had created quite some time ago. Both were black and had enough looseness to appear like a regular shirt and pants. I had finally begun losing the weight I had gained after the divorce and as I tried these on, hoped like hell that they would fit. A little snug in the waist, but the outfit worked!

It was warm that evening, but in spite of this I threw on a light windbreaker to hide the latex. I did not want to alert my neighbors to my proclivities as I drove out of the driveway and down the street. It was about 15 minutes to her place. It had been a while since I had 'dated', so I was almost as nervous as I was at age 16. This, I was finding out, was a special gal, and I didn't want to lose her on some 'social technicality'. When I arrived at her house, she had been watching at the window for me, as I saw her face in there as I pulled up. I had feared she might find the old beater I was driving a bit disconcerting. On the contrary, she stepped out her front door, locked it, and almost bounded down the walk to my car, her in her new latex dress, gleaming metallic pewter as I enjoyed the late sun playing orange off her shiny curves. She announced her arrival in my car with the squeak of rubber on vinyl seats. A couple in rubber on a fairly warm evening. We both had a bit of shine on our foreheads, but neither of us seemed to mind as we pulled away with both windows down looking for some cooling effect from the wind.

We arrived at the club and parked. It was a bit early, but still, we could hear the thump of the latest house music as we paid our cover, bar staff eyeing our shining outfits in the process. Dance/techno wasn't her favorite music, but she would dance to anything with a beat. We got through three or four songs before we were both pretty wet in our rubber outfits. I was just glad the pants were loose, as seeing her move in that latex was almost too much. Her nipples were tauntingly visible through the bust of the dress while her hips twisted the light of the front of her latex skirt like a homing beacon as she moved. We spent about three hours in that club, alternating between dance and chat over Coke. Neither of us drank much and neither smoked. Both our outfits drew substantial attention throughout that evening. Latex is rare here. Thankfully, most of the attention there was positive. We decided that we didn't want to be there when people started tipping back a few too many, so we left about 11:30.

Arriving at her place, I turned off the ignition and stepped out to walk her up to her place. At the door she said little, but took my hand and as she opened the door, simply drew me in without a word. "Something was up", I thought, "And not just in my pants", I joked with myself!

After a few minutes chatting, she asked me to join her, assuring me it would be a special time for both of us. I remember going into her bathroom, where she had asked me to remove my rubber wear. She still had her dress on as she motioned for both of us to step into her tub and shower. The liner was one of those glass clear plastic ones and the bar was positioned right near the top of the opening to the tub. Little steam would escape in a warm shower here. She turned on the water and then asked me to help her out of her dress. I undid the snaps at the back of the collar holding up the front of the dress and zipped down the back. I took advantage of the water running down on her to pick up her shampoo and put some between the dress and body at the now open neck line. As I began to massage the slippery latex on her body she gently stopped me, saying, "Not yet!, let's just get cleaned up first". So, once we peeled her dress off, we gently showered each other and dried off.

She motioned me to come with her and we stepped into her bedroom. I stopped in my tracks for a moment. There was the window, as I saw it in the video, but, the scene that caught my eye was her bed. Her bed was the canopy variety, queen size, with a square iron framework turning the bed into a kind of cube-like arrangement. My initial thoughts ran to the idea of the uses that iron would have in a bondage scene. It was fairly robust. What really caught my attention is that she dressed out this framework with vinyl shower curtains. She had made a full covering with one curtain forming the top, its hook holes cut away prior to assembly, and four curtains around the sides, sealed down the sides and around the top with the exception of the two that would join at either side of the head of the bed. The two open ends had zips on them which could be opened for fresh air or kept closed to preserve warmth. The curtains hung from the four rows of hooks on the ironwork with the top piece set in slightly. They just touched the floor. As I looked closer, the bed itself had sheets of poly drop sheet and pillows in clear plastic bags. On top of all this was an extra sheet or two of plastic and what looked like a bag, sealed on three sides, made from two plastic drop sheets.

I stood amazed and expectant as she took some soft vinyl wear from where it lay on a chair in the corner of the room. They were semi-clear one piece jumpsuits in vinyl with center front zips have sliders at both ends. The zip itself ended at about the tailbone. She said to me as she handed me one of the jumpsuits to put on, "When I found out you shared my interest for plastic, I went and ordered the second jumpsuit for you. I hope you like it?". "I do, very much", I replied, as I slipped the cool vinyl legs up my thighs and began putting my arms in the sleeves. "The enclosure doesn't really seal", she said, "But it does get fairly wet overnight".

We slipped into the enclosure and onto the bed. She said, "I know you said you have played with these large bags. Can you get us both in it and full of air?" I nodded yes and motioned for her to help me lay it out flat. She then tossed one of the extra sheets into the bag and slid in on one side. I got in next to her and took the extra plastic of the opening and began cupping it downward to fill up the bag with air. When it was fairly full, I pulled all of the extra plastic together and tucked it underneath me after twisting a bit to ensure a reasonable seal and to tighten the bag a bit. I was already sweating by now, but was enjoying every minute of it.

We spent some time enjoying each other's warmth and exploring each other through our soft vinyl suits. I was pretty hard from the time I stepped into that room, so by the time she unzipped the lower end of my suit, and I likewise did hers, I couldn't wait much longer. She straddled me and pulled the spare sheet over her shoulders like a transparent caped crusader. We joined and began in a slow rhythm of pleasure. The bag echoed this movement with a life of its' own as the bubble it made reshaped itself to our movements. It was getting hot in it then and the inside of the bubble began to get wet. She stopped for a moment, took the 'cape' on her shoulders, and enveloped us both in the plastic sheet, tucking it under our feet and my head and shoulders. Her head now acted like a tent pole, holding up our plastic paradise. I relished feeling her breath on my face as she worked on me. I fondled her lovingly through her catsuit as she did. As we both began to breath more heavily she squeezed me more. It wasn't long before, panting, I exploded, feeling her draw closer to me, warm breath in my face.

We pulled the plastic sheet out from under my head and she rolled to my side for a moment. Both of us were smiling, having enjoyed my moment. There was still plenty of air in the inflated bag, so now it was her turn. I motioned for her to move over the sealed area to keep the air trapped in the bubble, draped the plastic sheet on her and went down on her underneath it. Her movements betrayed her obvious enjoyment as she enjoyed both the pleasure I sought to give her and the extra warmth where she needed it most. It was a close space, so I occasionally moved the sheet to get some air. When she was close to her moment, she said, "Come up here". I laid next to her and worked by hand as she pulled the sheet over us in a small pocket of air between our faces. Soon, she began to shudder, and I could feel every wave of joy in her breath in that small space. Soon, she was relaxed as we pulled off the sheet and we rolled off the seal to open the bag, now hot, wet, and full of the aroma of our pleasures. Opening the bag immediately steamed the bed curtains and they moved a bit as air rushed in from the bottom to equalize all the heat we released. We carefully got out of the bag and lay on top of the plastic sheeting, and in our catsuits, spooned together as we fell asleep.

In the morning, the sun shone through her window, bathing the steamed in bed curtains in a white, ethereal light. With the slits on the sides of the curtain and with them not being sealed at the bottom, there was enough air circulation to sleep fine, even if it was a bit stuffy and wet in the morning. I know I didn't mind. I don't think she did either! We had thought for a moment to have another tryst, but we were both pleasantly tired from the activities of the previous night and the hour we finally went to sleep. "Save some for next time", I said. We both smiled in agreement. She opened the curtains on the bed to let them dry and we removed the plastic that 'saw action' the previous night. We both then went to shower, sweat dripping from the legs of our vinyl catsuits. "Nothing like getting both yourself and your bedclothes clean as the same time", I joked as we soaped up between the catsuits and our bodies before rinsing both and hanging the catsuits to dry as we towelled off.

Over the next couple of weeks we had played many mutual games with bondage, rubber, and plastic. We made a plastic bubble to play in outside on a rainy evening. We took turns in my home made vacuum bondage frame. Sometimes we just sat and watched TV next to each other in those soft vinyl catsuits. It was heaven sharing our little fetishes together. Neither of us had thought we would find an encounter like this in our lifetimes.

Coming back to reality for a moment, I realized that I was running out of time. I had a commitment soon and would have to wrap up ("Oooh, bad pun, I thought to myself") my little project shortly. Thankfully, it was very close to complete. Just putting the finishing touches on now.

"This shot here", I thought, "One of nearly 60 frames I took that day. What a story they would tell if they could speak!". I had mentioned a fantasy about modelling someone in plastic for some really thought provoking fetish pictures when we first started talking together on the subject. Never gave it another thought.

My birthday was last week. She had told me to keep at least the afternoon of that day open. So I did. She showed up carrying a clear vinyl dress in a grocery bag that morning and said that for the afternoon she would be back to work as my study. "She" was my birthday gift from her! What more could I ask for!

As she left I stepped up to look at the dress, which she had laid over a chair. The dress itself was not far from what I needed. It was glass clear fairly soft vinyl, formal styled with a close neck but no collar. It had a fitted bodice with a darted bust. "Perfect", I thought, "A full princess line would really clutter up the bust". I think she knew I would say that! The skirt was gathered at the waist and flared considerably in clear vinyl to almost a floor length. The sleeves were fitted and set in. The dress itself was rear zipped, nothing to clutter the view.

I had about 2 and 1/2 hours to get my act together to shoot this. Thankfully, I had lots of plastic of various kinds on hand, my digital camera was ready with spare batteries charged, and I had a fairly monochromatic backdrop in blue to shoot against. What I didn't have were the tidbits to give the shot some authenticity. I left in a rush to prepare what I needed.

First, I went to a thrift shop looking for anything in lace that would make a neckline. I actually bought an old tablecloth with some staining on it, but it at least one corner that was free of stains. I then hurried to a florist for some roses, a dozen red ones with long stems. These would be pricy photos on my budget, but worth it. Besides, I thought, "She'd really enjoy smelling the flowers where I will have her". The lady behind the counter wrapped them for me as I returned to reality from what must have been a rather glazed-eyed moment. I took the package and hurried back. There was still a little over an hour left when I returned , but there was still much to prepare. I put the flowers in water. I set up the backdrop and some cheap lighting I acquired used. Then, I took two drop sheets and taped them side by side and carefully cut the corners to make an approximate circle. I cut a smaller circle from poly as well, about 3 feet in diameter. Finally, I cut a collar piece from the lacy tablecloth I brought and taped it to the front neck of the dress. Not a big piece, I didn't want it cluttering up the bust! I was getting the last of the stuff I figured I might need together when she returned.

Preparing her for the shoot took quite a while. She already had done her hair and face. I helped her into the clear vinyl dress. She had black heels that she brought with the dress as well. They weren't the stiletto fetish variety, just standard dress heels you would wear in business or a night out. She looked a bit puzzled about the lace. I cut a second piece of the lace, in a small circle, and pinned the four foot circle of plastic like a veil over her head with the lace circle as a kind of doile on her head. I took the flowers, still with the ribbon tied around them, and she cradled them for me. She knew, at this point, the setting I was trying to create. I shot some photos at this juncture, both with the veil up, and with it down. She was already beginning to steam up her bust. "Nothing like a girl who knows how to be hot in style", I said. She smiled to that as I squeezed off another shot. Next, I misted down the whole dress with a spray bottle of warm water until beads of water formed on it, and took some closer shots to display that effect. She stood or pose as I wished, smiling at how I took my shots so seriously. I am not sure if she realized how horny I was looking through that viewfinder. Perhaps she did!

While she was still a bit wet, I took the larger sheet of plastic, nearly 16 feet in diameter, and centered it on her head, taping it to the doile on the underside. I shot a few pictures with the veil mostly doubled so it was behind her. I then pulled the upper part over her so she was completely enclosed. I pinned the edges to the floor, out of view of the camera, now mounted on a tripod for this series of shots. The result was a fully enclosing "veil", pulled out to form a fairly wide, soft cone of thin poly sheeting. The taped joint lay behind her, carefully concealed. I began shooting, knowing that the wetness on her dress would soon become condensation on the inside of the veil. The thought of how warm and wet she must be in there was getting me really horny. As the plastic steamed in, I alternated between shots with and without flash. The ones without flash turn the plastic only hazy. The ones with flash tend to make it white or iridescent.

After about 10 minutes I had finished that series and I looked at her, sweating now as the layers of plastic heated her up. There was a certain question in her face I was about to answer. I lifted the veil enough to retrieve the flowers from her and put them back in water. Coming back into the room without my clothes, she smiled in anticipation. I joined her under her veil. She had already warmed things up for me as I embraced her plastic coated body with my nakedness. I lifted the small inner veil so I could see her now wet face as she proceeded to rub me down. "Happy Birthday", she said, as she spent the next five minutes slowly bringing me to a throbbing moment of release. I remember her holding me as I came into the vinyl folds of her dress and watched that small rivulet roll down the fold to the floor. We embraced for a moment, breathing a bit more heavily now that we had been in the veil awhile. She said, "You can catch me up later", and we together lifted the veil behind her to breathe fresh air again.

I took a few other pictures that afternoon, but they paled compared to the ones shot before those moments.

Doorbell! Reality check! I quickly saved my work and answered the door. Ah, she's here and I am not even ready to go out. "Come in, sorry I'm late again", I said, as she walked in. She always gets my attention on Saturdays, and today is no exception, as she walked in wearing vinyl jeans and jacket over a cotton tank top. "You obviously have been at the computer again. You lose complete track of time when you do. No problem, I'm 15 minutes early today anyway, just thought I'd be sure you were ready on time!", she said with a bit of a chiding smile. She stepped over to where the computer was and her eyes raised a bit as she took in my afternoon's work. I joined her at the screen, now depicting my clear plastic wedding girl walking down the aisle, and thought seriously about making that picture a reality.

Many thanks to the generous donator