Tweedy's Nest
Embroidery Sites Listing
(Individual sites)

 Updates coming soon
September 2007


tweedy's nest

Site developed and maintained by tweedy since 1996. 
Please do not copy my pages.  Thank you.

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In the beginning of the home embroidery industry, it was pretty simple to keep up with new sites and update this page frequently.  With new sites now opening daily, moving to the embroidery malls, or closing up altogether,  it is impossible to keep pace. 
Nearly every site has a
Yahoo group for announcements and Yahoo groups mailing lists have become the medium for updates.  Join as many as you can handle emails, as some lists generate hundreds every day!   I will update this page when I have the time to devote to checking links.  I suppose I have become obsolete!  After all, if I am busy checking and adding, I don't have time to stitch! 
Happy stitching!

NOTE:  I do not check total content of all the sites listed.  If you have questions about a site, email that site's owner!!






3Bells Embroidery
Abadus Custom Embroidery
Ace Sewing & Vacuum Center
A Design by Lyn
A Design in Stitches

A Designer Touch  
A Diadem of Beauty

A Great Notion
A Bit of Stitch
A Renaissance Woman
A Slice of Life
A Stitch Design

A Time to Stitch 
A to Z Designs
A3Design Adri in Holland

ABC Cross Stitch&Mach.Emb.
ABC Embroidery Designs
A.B.C..UK  see Nostalgia Time
ACB56 Atelier Creation deBroderies

Absolute Embroidery Services
Acorn Designs
Ad Threads
ADG Arrowhead Designs
Adorable Affordable Designs
Adorable Ideas (John Deer's)

Advanced Embroidery Design
Affordable Designs 
Africa Design 
Ahead Graphics

Aida Embroidery & Printing
Alf's Site
  see Thredworks
Aljay Designs
All Granny's Girls Paper Dolls
All Sorts of Embroidery Designs

Amazing Designs
Ameth Thread

Anna-Maria's Other Page

Angelic Stitches
Angie Spong designs 

Anna's Sewing Room
Ann the Gran

Apple Blossom Hollow
Applique Design Exchange
Arrowhead Design Group
Art+Designs by Ruth Klingberg
Artista Design Exchange
Artistic Stitches

Artistic Thread Works


Ashby Sewing Machine

ASK Creations 
Aunt Jan's Creations
Austin Sewing Machine
Ayeone Machine Embroidery

Babylock USA
Balboa Threadworks

Barnes Sewing Center
Barry's Pallette
BeaconFunding Equipment Leasing
Bead Different Embroidery
Bean's Things Embroidery

Becky J Designs 
Becoming Stitches

Belinda's Studio 
Bella Ricamo
Beloved Embroidery
Ben's Textiles

Berlin Embroidery Designs

Best Embroidery  
Best Punching

Best Sewing & Vacuum
Betsy's Wine Country Designs


Betty's Sunset Threads
Ebony Elegance
Beverly's Page  
BFC Creations
Bianca's Homepage
Big Bear Inc.
Birdhouse Cottage Creations 
Bizzi B's Machine Embroidery

Blue Moon Sportswear
Blue Scorpion Designs
Bobbin Buzz

Bobbin Partner Custom Embroidery Designs
Bobbi's Treasure
Boomer Designs
Brenda's Blessings
Brendee's Boutique 
Brother Home Sewing & Embroidery

Bullard Designs
Bunnycup Embroidery

Busy B Custom Digitizing

ByLine Creations

CH Holderby
Cactus Punch
Candi's Creations
Capitol Automation (Bestcad)
Capital Resource Corp.

Carey's Town & Country 
Carin Sharon's Heavenly Inspirations

Carla's Corner
Carl's Sew Creative
Carol Price
Carol's Embroidery Cuties

Cat Whiskers Embroidery

Catherine's Stitch in Thyme
Cats Meow
Central Monogramming
Central Sewing Machines Inc.
Chamonix Broderie
Champagne Broderie

Chantell's Creations
Charlotte's Embroidery

Chatelaine Design
Cheryl's Web Page
Embroidery pages
Lighthouse pages
Chez Veronique
Chico Creations
China Stitch Richpeace Custom Emb.

Chippewa Cabin Designs

Chris Katic's Quilts & Such
Christin's Designs

Cider House Designs  
CJ's Workshop
CJ Designs
Classic Embroidery
Clevenger Creations
Club Broderie

Co and Joke's Page 
Columbus Embroidery Supply,

Connie's Embroidery Page
Cora's Embroidery Plus
Country Church Mouse Designs 
Country Creations 
Country Elegance

Country Graphics by Camille
Country Needle
Country Sew
Covered in Stitches
CR Deesigns now See Our Designs

Craft Hutch
Crafty Di's Embroidery House

Crafty's Place
Cravy's Embroidery Shop
Creations by Ginger

Creative Addictions
Creative Design
Creative Embroidery by Lauren
Creative Hands Embroidery
Creative Machine Embroidery Magazine

Creative Stitches Classes

Creatively Yours

Creek Creations
Creekside Designs
Critters and Crafts
Ellen Maurer-StrohCross Stitch Design
Custom Creations by Marian
Custom Digitizer-Judi Jaksa 
Custom Keepsakes 


CVKey Co. Embroidery by Design

Dainty Stitches
Dakota Collectibles
Damast Embroidery
Darlene's Embroidery World
Dave's Bernina
Dave's  Dave Johnsen
Deebee's Freebies
Deer Haven Designs

Deegee's Digi Designs
Deleens Emb.
Delightful Designs by Ruby
Dennis Pellikaan's Page

Denton Sewing Center
Dependable Digitizing
Sherry DeRosia

Design Citi
Designing Threads

Design Innovations
Design Stash
Designed by Jane
Designs by Dawn
Designs by Enid
Designs by JuJu

Designs by KD
Designs by Petro

Designs for Stitching, LLC

Designs in Stitches
Designs Sew Fine
Designs Sew Funtastic

Designs to Sew 

Deziner Dogz
Diamond Threadworks
Diana's Dezigns
Diana's Dezigns
Diane Milliron Embroidery

Diane's Designs
Diggie Sews!
Digi Demon's Homepage

DigiDemon's Stitchywoman site
DigiSew Machine Embroidery

Digital Dreams Embroidery Works

Digital Giggle

Digital Stitches

Digitiser's World

Digitizing 4less
Digitizing Diva
Digitizing Duo

Digitizing Secrets
Dilly Designs
Dimensional Designs *Silver Star Embroidery*
Dirt Cheap Designs

Divine Designs
Divine Digitizing

Dixie Designs
Dobcroft Farm
Dollar Stitch
Dolls by Denise
Dolphin Embroidery

Down Home Dreams
Downstown Dreams Designs

Dry Creek Quilting & Embroidery
Linda Dryer
Dutch Stitches

Dupage Sew & Vac

E & B Designs
Eat Dessert First 
Ebony Elegance
Echidna Sewing Products

Eddy Designs
Editing Wizardry 
Edna vonBorstel 
Eilynn's Designs
Electronic Grandmother's

Elegant Details
Elegant Threads Design
Ellen Jaye Designs

Ellen Maurer-Stroh Cross Stitch Design

Elizabeth's Embroideries

Elsa's Designs
Embro Factory

Embroiders Eye

Embroider This! 
Embroider USA Florida
Embroidered Art

Embroideries of Liliane
Embroidery & Sewing Supplies, Inc.
Embroidery Accents of AZ

Embroidery Arts

Embroidery Attic

Embroidery Bayou
Embroidery by Design
Embroidery by Sue

Embroidery by Tref

Embroidery Chest

Embroidery Design 
Embroidery Design Place

Embroidery Designs by aHey

Embroidery Designs by AuntyM
Embroidery Designs by Carolyn

Embroidery Designs by Elizabeth
Embroidery Designs by Enid
Embroidery Designs by Enid
Embroidery d'golf
Embroidery Direct
Embroidery Draw
Embroidery Dreamers
(Down Home Dreams)
Embroidery Emotions

Embroidery Emporium
Embroidery Experience

Embroidery Forums

Embroidery Friends
Embroidery from Filip KOZA
Embroidery Fun
Embroidery Garden
Embroidery Journal

Embroidery Library

Embroidery Lovers
Embroidery Magic
Embroidery Market

Embroidery Projects Unlimited
Embroidery Resource
Embroidery Soup

Embroidery Unlimited
Embroidery Way
Emerald Originals
Emileigh Designs

Enchanted Cottage

Eric Thompson
ES Design
European Embroidery

Eva's Fine Things 
Everything Embroidery - MelcoMart
Ewe-Nique Designs

Fabric Affair
Faebulous Faeb
Fancy That Fun & Fancy Designs
Fantasy Design

Fill Factory
Bill Finch's Free Artwork for Digitizers

First Impressions Designs
Five Star Embroidery Designs

Flying Needle Machine Emb.    
Francesca's Delightful Designs
Franni's Sewing Room
Freda's Corner
Free Embroidery Files
Free Embroidery Stuff

G's Designs

Gabi's Embroidery Site
Garments of Praise
G.E.M Sewing
George the Digitizer
Georgie Porgie Designs

Gerlily Embroidery

Giggles Embroidery

Ginny's Sewing Page
Gipsy Embroidery Goldclub

Glory Designs

Goodies by Gail
Gosia Embroidery Designs


Grand Slam Designs
Gran's Place Fiasco Farm
Granny Wise Designs
Graphic Impressions

Green Bee Designs Inc. GBD
Green Eggs Grove
Griffith Sew & Vac
Sharon Grissom

Grumpy Dragon

HM Design
Happy Hobbies
Yvonne Hartley
Jenny Haskins
Hatched in Africa
Heartstrings Embroidery

Heather's Home *see OPW Mall*
Heather's World 
Heavenly Inspirations
Heirloom Collections
Heirlooms by Suzanna 
Heirlooms Forever

Henry's Homepage II
Herta's Designs

Heyde Sewing Machine Co.   
Hilda's Heirloom
Hobbyschneiderin's   *Anne Liebler*
HoBo's Discount Designs
Holley Berry Collections
Hoop La Do

The Houston Family Tree 
Huskey Embroidery Designs
Husqvarna Viking Canada
Husqvarna Viking Sweden
Husqvarna Viking USA

I-of the Needle
Idea/Design Swap

Inside Embroidery *Embroidery Library Projects*

Inspiration Mutz

In Stitches  now Embroidery Etcetera 
In Stitches Embroidery Designs
International Machine Group

Internet Sewing  
In The Hoop Designs

In To Embroidery
Irene's Designs
Iris Lee Originals

Island Embroidery
Island Time Embroidery

Ita's Machine Embroidery Creations
It's 2 Kuhl Artistry in Stitches
It's Here Ethnic Embroidery

JD's Clipart
The J Files
Jackie's Embroidery Connection

Janny Primrose Embroidery Designs

Jan's Place
Jan's Sewda Shoppe
JB's Designs 
Jeanne's Digitizing
Jeanette's Page
Jenny's Embroidery
Jenny's Sewing Studio
Jensen's Vac & Sew
Jericho Designs
Jipo Softech
Joan's Louisiana Fish Designs
Jonesboro Sewing & Vacuum
Josephine Symons
Joy Designs
JP's Designs 
JS Embroidery Designs 
JS Embroidery Designs
JSI John Solomon, Inc

Judith's Sewing
Judy's Embroidery Haven
Julia's Needle Designs

Julie's Spring Fling
Jumping Needle

K & S Designs
Kano's Keep 
Katie Fund 
Kathy Quilts
Chris Katic's Quilts & Such
Keepsakes Custom embroidery 
Kellie's Designs
Kemp Embroidery Designs

Kenlin Embroidery
Ken's Sewin' and Surfin' Page
Ken's Sewing & Vacuum
Kenny Kreations

Kentucky Designs
Kid at Heart
Kimberly's Designs
Kimmi's Korner
Kinship Creations
Kitlitter Kreations
KNA Designs
Knit and Sew
KO Design
Brigitte Kohrsen
Krafts and Kreations by Nancy

Ladies in Red
Ladybug Lines
Langedijk Homepage
Laura's Sewing Studio
Leave Me In Stitches

Leigh's Embroidery 
Lil' Red Embroidery Shop

Lilibrod Embroideries of Liliane
Linda Lee Originals
Linda's Sew N So
Linda's StitchinArts
Linea Designs
Linette's Homepage

Lindsay's Creative Expressions
Lis's Homepage

Little Brown Jug Designs
Little Chaz Boutique
Little Memories

Little Storehouse
LJI Designs

Sue Lord Designs
Logo Tech

Loralie Designs

Lori Lee Designs

Lori's Pins & Needles
Love's Embroidery Creations

LS - Liane -
Lynzie's Embroidery

M&A Designs
M.A. Klein Design

Mbroideri Inn

Maartje Wagenaar
Machine Embroidery by Nikki
Machine Embroidery SA

MadMumbler Designs
Magic Stitches

Magical Machine Embroidery
Mall Sew Creative

Jana Malanikova
Mamik Productions 
Manna's Design Boutique

Marge's Creations
Margrit's Embroidery Page
Maria-Luise's Page

Marvelous Creations
Mary Ann's Stuff
Mary T's Home Page
Marzia Online

Masterpiece Threader

Maya's Scrap Bag
Maya's Scrap Bag English page
McKee Sewing Center
Mel's Sewing & Vacuum Service
MiaKay Designs
Michelle's Designs

Michelle's Crochet and Sewing
Micnali Designs

Midnight Sewin
Midwest Europe Limited
Miem's Designs

Mikki's Embroidery
Diane Milliron Embroidery
Paula Milner's
Modern Punch
Mondo Machine Embroidery 
Mona's Sewing Room

Monica's Miscellany Designs
Monogram Magic
Moonlight Designs
Moonlight Design
Moose B Stitchin
Mother Hen's Quilt Embroideries 
Mountain Designs by Ann Kunkel 
Mountain Thread Art
Mr Logo
Mr.Vac & Mrs Sew
MsPiggy's Embroidery Designs
MTL Design 

Murphy's Emb. & Logos

Murphy's Designs
My Sister's Designs
My Stitch Factory
My Thread Box
My Top Designs

Myra's page

NP Scenes

Nancy's Sewing
Nathalie's Pages
Needle Dreams
Needle In Motion 
Needle Passion Embroidery
Needle Up Digitizing
Net Digitizing
Net Stitch
Nicole's Designs

Niti Design
Northern Lights Embroidery
OBE Designs
Odiles Corner
Once Upon A Stitch
One Song Needle Arts

Online Designs

OPW Premium Embroidery Designs

Otto & Penny's Sewing Center 
Out On A Whim embroidery

Outback Embroidery
Outer Banks Shirts
Rich & Judy Oare
Oz  Embroidery

Paha Sapa Traders
Palmer Sales
Paradise Stitches

Patiently Made Designs

Patti's Creative Studio
PAW Designs 2

Pearly Designs

Pegboard Crafts 
Peglet's Pages
Perfect Little Stitches
Perfect Punch 
Pfaff USA
Pfaffers web page 
PGS Specialties 

Pictures in Stitches

Piecemaking LLC
Pin Money

Pointe to Pointe, Inc
Pollard's Sew Creative

Poly Designs

Premium Embroidery Showcase Designs

Carol Price
Prized Possessions
Punch Needle Marketplace
The Purple Hat

PW Designs

QDT Moritz 

Rags to Stitches Productions

Raggs Enrich
Rebecca's Renditions
Reneah Raffay
Retro Boulevard
Ricamo per Hobby 

SMR Scott M. Ritter Softwear
RJO Consulting, Inc.
Roberta's Creations
Designs for Stitching
Rose Sews Embroidery Designs

Ruth's Machine Embroidery Designs

S Embroidery
Sabine Klinger
Sadiasews's Home Page
Sam's Embroidery Designs
Sandy Says

Satin Stitches
Say It With Thread  
Schillers Sewing Circle

Scrigby's Embroidery Designs 
Seams of Cape Mudge


Secrets of Embroidery 
Sensational Stitches
Sew and Relax

Sew and Sew Designs
Sew for Less

Sew Average

Sew Creative
Sew Delightful Embroidery

Sew Dragon Designs

Sew Goes It
Sew Good 4 Kids 
Sew Happy Designs

Sew Happy Embroidery Boutique
Sew it Now
Sew Jazzy

Sew Many Designs
Sew Michelle
Sew Much Fun
Sew Nouveau
Sew Swell Designs


The Sewing Center
The Sewing Center of Cheyenne
Sewing Hoop

Sewing on the Beach
The Sewingplace

Sew Incredible
Sew In Carolina 
Sew Much 4 Retirement
Sew n Tell
Sew N Save
Sew N Vac 
Sewphisticated Stitcher
Sew Snazzee 
Sew Swell Designs

Sew Teri-fic Designs
Sew Weird Embroidery
Sew What Designs
Sew What's

SH Designs
Shamrock Thread Designs
Shappley Sewing & Vac.
Sharryns Small Wunders From Down Under
Shechinah Glory
SheriO Embroidery Designs

Sherrie's Sewing & Digitizing  
Sherries's Home Page
Silver Fang Designs

Singer Sewing Co.
SK Embroidery & Crafts

Skeldale House
Skippy's Creative Embroidery
Small Wunders Machine Emb.
Smiling Stitches

Snow Lady Designs 
SNS Embroidery
Son Rise Holler
Sons N Stitches Embroidery

Southern Stitches
Speedy Sew
Splinters & Threads 
Sport Satin Embroidery
Starlight Creations
Starlight Dreams
Sterling Design Studio
Stick Creation

Stirling Embroidery
Stitch Delight
Stitch  *see Embroidery Emotions

Stitch Garden
Stitch It Cheap
Stitch Makers
Stitch Petit

Stitch This Designs


Stitched Impressions
Stitches by Sue

Stitches by Sue Two

Stitches 2 Sew
Stitches 4U
Stitches of Canberra 
Stitches of Mine

Stitches Galore UK

Stitchin' Up a Storm

A Stitch On Time *Rags to Stitches

Strawberry Stitch Co.
Stunning Stiitches

Sudberry House
Sue Box Embroidery Designs

Sue in Ohio
Sue Lord
Sue Patterson's Homepage

Sundrop Designs

Sun Embroidery
Sunshine Embroidery

Super Embroidery
Superior Threads
Susan's embroidery 
Susan's embroidery Page
Susan's Sewing Page
Sweet Sensations

TabbyCat's Homepage 
Tashambra's Menagerie
Teaberry House Designs

Teresa's Embroidery Designs
Terradon Unlimited
Time to Stitch
The Calico Cat

The Embroidery Resource
The Embroidery Stop 
The Embroidery Seamstress
The Embroidery Studio
The Frugal Nana's 
The Pea Patch

The Purple Hat
The Sewphisticated Stitcher

The Sewing Room

The Stitchery Mall
The Stitchin' Post
The Stitchin' Cellar 
The Stitching Station
Thomas Sewing
Eric Thompson

Thread Art
Thread Buddies
Thread Designs 4U

Threads for Heads
Thread Images
Thread Sketches   
Threads Magazine
Thread Wonders
Tim Keeble
Tina's Cross Stitch Designs
Tonnie's Embroidery

Too Cool Designs
Too Cutie
Toucan Punchworks
Toyota Commercial Machines

Tracy's Designs
Treasure Chest Designs

Treasured Designs
Treetrunk Designs
Trish Schmiedl's Threads & Needles

Tropical Punch Design
Trudi Stitches
Trust Services

Tundra Rose Express Creations

Two Bears Trading

U Nameit Creations CC

Un-FROG-ettable Designs
Urban Stitches

Vanetsian Embroidery

Vee Pro

Velvet Stitch

Veres Family

Vermillion Stitchery

Vicky's Machine Embroidery

VisionAiry Arts

Wabbit Wanch Designs  
Watts Embroidery
We Are Sisters2

Wendy's Embroidery Designs
Wendy's Quilting & Embroidery Place
Wendy's Treasures

Welmoed's Sewing Room
Westerville Sew-N-Save 
Wicked Stitch of the East, Inc
Wild Card Design Studio

Wild Ginger Software
WildLyfe Images
WinDaisy Embroidery System

WindStar Embroidery

Zari's Embroidery Delights
Zaturn's Designs

Zazzy Embroiodery 
Zena's Embroidery Soup

Zick Zack  
Zundt Design

