september 29th---i added the triop eggs to the triop tank.
september 30th---last nite i thought i saw some triops in the tank.
october 1st---i saw one triop in the tank today.
october 3rd---i dont see any triops.
october 4th--- the triops are big as sea monkeys.soon thell be as sea gorrillas.i named them dolly,mitzi,tails and dad named the other one porky.
october 5th---the triops are bigger now.their are now 5 triops.
october 10th---their all dead.all except two.:(
october 16th---the adolt triop has been digging in the sand and maybe he layed some eggs.
october 23---one of the triops died.maybe he laid some eggs.
october 24th---the other triop died.i hope they layed some eggs.
december 24th---the triops didnt lay eggs.
february 2nd---i got more sea monkeys and then they died and now im evaporateting the water.
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