Welcome to my photo Gallery and romance page!
Hope you will enjoy it!!
Be natural, and don't be constantly thinking about your looks.
If you are at a football game and it starts to rain, don't be worried
that your hair is going to mess up.Just have fun!
Your inner beauty is always more important than outer stuff.
It's your character that counts.Create your own look, make the most of what you have and be realistic about what you look good in.The only power you have is to make the most of every single day with the people you love.Appreciate them.That's the only thing you have control over..
Signs He's About to Propose...
...Something ROMANTIC:
1) You find THe Lovers' Guide to B&B's of Vermont in his glove compartment with all the "fireplace in bedroom" listings circled.
2)He stops calling you by your last name and rediscovers first name.
3)He finally got the haircut you've been bugging him to get.
4)He's wearing that I've-got-a-secret grin.
5)You borrow his computer to surf the Web and notice that he has all the florists in town bookmarked.
6)He comes home from the video store with "Sense and Sensibility",
"Splendor in the Grass" and "Casablanca"
7)He calles you at work to find out exactly what time you're coming home.
...Something INDECENT:
1) He casually mentions that his car seats recline all the way back.
2)He asks if you're wearing panties.
3)He has handcuffs and badge-but he's not a cop.
4)At the bar he says,"Hey,let's do shots!"
5)You discover your refrigerator has mysteriously been stocked with
whipped cream,yard-long licorice whips and a concoction called Long-Life Lickable Love Oil.The note under the magnet says"Let's get cooking!"
6)When you get into bed,he clears his throat three times and says,"I promise this won't be as weird as it sounds..."
7)He buys you a costume.And it's not Halloween.
...Something PERMANENT:
1)You catch him trying to calculate what two months of his salary equals.
2)He says wistfully,"You look so natural holding that baby!"
3)He asks,"Would you still Love me if someday I was bald?"
4)His motherand sisters are giddy for no apparent reason.
5)You ask why he's been drinking so much tonight,and he yelps,"courage"
6)You discover that his still-single football buddies are throwing him a party called "Michael's last hurrah"
7)You want to vacation in Paris.He suggests a cozy cabin in Wisconsin,insisting,"Shouldn't we save Paris for,um.,another time?
Some cool stuff you would like to see.
Here you will find something fantastic.

Ops, i found Fire from angels..come and look!!

I think we all just love to know what is going on around us?!

Oh,I see the fun out there,would you like to join me?

Dream--white freesia and orange flower.Freedom!!

Welcome to Amelia Island!!
The Sea By Night!
If you were to give me your mouth,arcing blue,
sparking out of the range of safe estimation,
boundaries unlimited by pounding copper,or
that same sweat I once saw memorizing the shape of
your cheekbone,your breath running golden and cold,and if our
bodies balanced,magnetized by no phosphorescent rule but
the sea's cormorant-tipped night,waves pointed as eyes,and if
I then emerged,thin from recognition,skin and roped hair bleached into
this night that whispers and roars,"This is where we came from,"
blue and naked as salt foaming between eye-slinked surges,
my hips coldly birthing a hot-starred sea;if you would
suffer northern light,survive the touch of a split cloud,waking
before the clawed realization takes and holdes you with iron arms of fire,
there would be nothing we wouldn't know,everything
sought then killed for,
in that final,brief moment:sapphire-dark,marrow-deep,
a wing-fluttering silence between us.
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