I was supposed to be twins

I am practicing for a life i am afraid to live.

August 2005---

I was supposed to be one half of a set of identical twins. However, my mother's poor pre-natal and neo-natal diet lead me to cannibalize my womb-mate. I have a strange small flap on one of my ears that reminds me of her... and i have her thoughts and desires bouncing around in my head all the time. Most people would call my crazy, but i'm just one of the few that's really in touch. Her name, since our mother never gave her one, is one she has come up with herself. She is Vyronika Knight. I am a Gemini to begin with... add this absorbed twin into the mix and i'm a very conflicted person. She is this really hot goth chick that loves corsets, wigs, makeup and very high heeled shoes.. i am this dorky little book worm that reads alot of non-fiction art books, literature, and makes Artist Trading Cards to sell on eBay in my spare time. i wear jeans and t-shirts with flip-flops most of the time. Because i'm crafty and like to make things, Vyronika keeps me busy making stuff for her, like the bright pink wig in this photo.
Then she also brews home-made absinthe and dresses up like the green fairy for halloween... like here... The boots she had on! OH MY! they were SO tall.. and they had buckles all the way to the knees!
However.. the worst was last wednesday.. for goth night at the Full Moon Club above Zinnie's East.. she always winds up there... she was a naughty catholic school girl.. i don't even have a photograph of it... but it was very ostentatious with over the knee white socks with bows and a scandalous little plaid skirt.. i do have a photo of her first trip to the MIG Project wednesday night... Where does she find hair like that! and that corset with it's buckles.. i do think that she fancies buckles...
So.. i don't know how to get my life back from my evil absorbed twin... I'm going to be a teacher someday... with photos like this floating about, no private catholic school with half a clue will hire me! She's also causing me trouble because she's got very expensive tastes... she's booked another trip to New Orleans for this Halloween... and she wants a new corset before the trip... Her costume is going to be some crazy gothic, cyber Queen of Hearts... i bet there will be buckles somewhere on the costume.
perhaps i should just let her take over, write a book about it, and become filthy rich.. :) Any opinions out there?
