Welcome to my Guestbook!

jeri - 11/19/00 05:52:26
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/jrkwikhand/SAUCERSEECRETS
My Email:jrkwikhand@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: gallo wine
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: chocolate chipies
Have you ever seen a UFO?: not yet,but I,m waiting for it to happen.

Great site, I enjoyed your story very much.I like stuff thats a little bit different from the usual. I have used some of your gifs on another site I'm still working on, thanks a bunch.

suzanne - 06/27/00 06:38:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/1crafty.geo/staticart.html
My Email:nirvana716@transload.net
Favorite Moonshine: rum and coke! make it a tall one pleeze!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: ohhhh, ummmmm, the uh, oh, ah, those chocolate thingys!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yep, sure have, 1977, near this river, and the next day on the news, they had lots of reports, soooo... what cha think, it looked down at a car near us, it did not come close, but the 4 of us will never forget

great site! really had fun here! thanks, not the normal site, from not normal folks, I love it!

GalaxyBeing - 06/18/00 16:37:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~GalaxyBeing/index-4.html
My Email:NOSPAMGalaxy_Being@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: At night
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Debbie
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yes


Galaxy was here, heres my image you all TOOK.

I'm flattered!

G. B.

GalaxyBeing - 06/18/00 15:34:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~GalaxyBeing/index-4.html
My Email:NOSPAMGalaxy_Being@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: At night
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Debbie
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yes


Galaxy was here, heres my image you all TOOK.

I'm flattered!

G. B.

The Hillbilly Cybergeek - 05/04/00 00:25:12
My URL:http://www.cyberbilly.net
My Email:tim@cyberbilly.net
Favorite Moonshine: Whatever's on Sale
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Whatever's Free
Have you ever seen a UFO?: I thought I did, but I couldn't identify it.

I tried to apply for y'alls award but the mail message bounced. Y'all gat a great page. Send me your award an' I send you mine.

Granny Jenny - 04/29/00 08:39:34
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/clog8/BarnBurnerCloggers
My Email:clog8@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: outta da jug.
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: them jelly roll thngies
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Atter we`uns drunk dat jug a shine

Oh Lordy I have laughed until I have a stitch in my side. It is 5:30am and I ain`t been to sleep yet. I was just a surchen for cow gifs. (no not the kind ya find in da pastur) This is really a great site and I will certainly be back as I haven`t seed i all....ROFLMBO....jenny

Milo Overstreet - 04/26/00 13:55:18
My Email:mylomy@pvtnetworks.net
Favorite Moonshine: coor's lite

I live in Roswell, NM. injoyead tha story, about them thar eliens. yall shore tawlk funnie. :-)

Jimmy Joe Butt - 04/14/00 03:43:23
My URL:http://internettrash.com/users/insane46/butt2.html
My Email:Jimmy_Joe_Butt@yahoo.com
Favorite Moonshine: Everclear!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Oatmeal Cream
Have you ever seen a UFO?: tain't everyone?

Ya'll shore do havs ya a nice site here an it was a kinda fun a goin through...ya''l keeps up the good work now ya hear!...Your new friend... Jimmy Joe Butt

Mugshots of the Rich and Famous - 02/25/00 02:06:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Set/3881/
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes

Mugshots of the Rich and Famous-Police Mugshots of the Famous-KEANU REEVES,JanisJoplin,DavidCrosby,GeorgeCarlin,Hopper, Gates,ZsaZsa,Tyson,Rodman,PeeWee,Pippin,Jagger,Tommy Lee,SnoopDoggy,Manson,Elvis,Fonda,Many,Many,More!!!

jizoint - 02/20/00 03:26:03
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/locolove/doc/
Favorite Moonshine: any
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: any
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no

Thanks so much for all your hard work

Bob - 02/20/00 01:36:59
My URL:http://www.beercanbob.com
My Email:Bob@nospam.com
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Maybe

I came. I saw. I snickered. Come visit me.
www.beercanbob.com: Humor (rated PG-13), Travel and Entertainment web site. We are collecting crazy pictures of Beer Can Bob from around the world and your hometown. Come see why you should submit a picture or video of Bob and yourself. Read our funny sailing story: Misadventures in the British Virgin Islands

Visit Beer Can Bob

Pam - 11/29/99 20:43:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/homeincarolinas
My Email:homeincarolinas@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: Rot-Gut
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: When I is in publik, I eets da Swiss Cakes, like i is had some rayzin... but when I gits home, I only eets Moon-Pies and drank Red Rock sodey pop !!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Seen one, hell !!! I was marryed to a alien !!!

i shore did injoy dat der page a yourz !! We jest mite be naybors !! Ya'll ain't from SC is ya ?? We see dim dang UFOz all da time.... day ALWAYZ come hyeah rite affer a tornadey hits our traylor park.... I bleeve ther mite be sum konnekshun ! I really enjoyed your web site !! Thanks for taking the time to share a part of your world with the rest of us.... I love the sense of humor... Thanks again... Pam

Heuyboy - 11/21/99 23:39:44
My Email:Heuyboy77@hotmail.com
Favorite Moonshine: Grain Alkihall
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: yes
Have you ever seen a UFO?: I can't recall. I think uh I don't recall.

Kool page!! Thanks, HB

MadMark - 10/16/99 00:25:18
My URL:http://friendpages.com/music/madmark
My Email:starman@bizbot.net
Favorite Moonshine: korn squeezinz
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: any
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yes..3 times once up close.

They will be back!

Mr. "D" - 10/01/99 16:12:18
My Email:deeky@megsinet.net

Great Site. Very entertaining!!

Andrew McGrath - 08/22/99 13:25:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/HomeOfTheBugatti/homepage.html
My Email:TheBugatti@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: i likes crown-royal or brandeee wit my pork-rinds
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: har-pie
Have you ever seen a UFO?: i seens un in ma yard once and i think ma girf frien is an alien sumtimes

Howdy Thar Cherll, Jess stopped bi to look at yer page an all thu frienly aliens in har. I once were abducted by sum kinky aliens uh few weeks ago in they all dun sum nasty cavity searches of my inards but thas another story fer another time y'hea! I's jess wants to say thank ye fer bein a nice frien and may lord abuve keep ye safe frum them nasty lookin critters we call aliens. Sooooooooeeeeeeyyyyyy! Yer Frien~~~~>Andy-Bob

Ed - 08/22/99 11:09:10
My Email:billydean-@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: tap water hehehe
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: nutty bars
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes in my dreams hehe

WOW......hey this page is like so cool.you did a really great job on this.you are a very nice person no matter what bug says hehe.you have a great day cheryl :-) hugs to ya

Gladyz - 08/02/99 17:52:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jazzmoon/index.html
Favorite Moonshine: My recepe fer shine!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Da cofee cak
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Sur hav

Deer Cuzin Besseee
Ah jes stop'd bi ta see our nu pictur yu sade yu'd hung up en yur plac! But yu wasn't hom. Da pictur es reel purty! Un da fram yu put un et es reel nice!
Yur Cuzin
Cuzin Gladyz

Gladyz - 08/02/99 17:51:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jazzmoon/index.html
Favorite Moonshine: My recepe fer shine!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Da cofee cak
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Sur hav

Deer Cuzin Besseee
Ah jes stop'd bi ta see our nu pictur yu sade yu'd hung up en yur plac! But yu wasn't hom. Da pictur es reel purty! Un da fram yu put un et es reel nice!
Yur Cuzin
Cuzin Gladyz

Gladyz - 08/02/99 17:51:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jazzmoon/index.html
Favorite Moonshine: My recepe fer shine!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Da cofee cak
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Sur hav

Deer Cuzin Besseee
Ah jes stop'd bi ta see our nu pictur yu sade yu'd hung up en yur plac! But yu wasn't hom. Da pictur es reel purty! Un da fram yu put un et es reel nice!
Yur Cuzin
Cuzin Gladyz

Gladyz - 08/02/99 17:51:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jazzmoon/index.html
Favorite Moonshine: My recepe fer shine!
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: Da cofee cak
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Sur hav

Deer Cuzin Besseee
Ah jes stop'd bi ta see our nu pictur yu sade yu'd hung up en yur plac! But yu wasn't hom. Da pictur es reel purty! Un da fram yu put un et es reel nice!
Yur Cuzin
Cuzin Gladyz

kevin - 07/16/99 08:54:00
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/kcs22
My Email:MOUNTIANHAWK@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: uncle buds

that is a great story,best one i've heard in awhile..

§å®å (Sara) - 06/29/99 16:40:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~leo_girl/index.html
My Email:leo-girl@webtv.net
Favorite Moonshine: glazed
Favorite Lil Debbee Snak Cake: carrot cake
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no

Luv yer page herr!!! Kome en vizit mi her site. K *Luv you moommy*

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