Links to glove or fetish related sites

Glove Planet
One of our friend glove site. With a chat room. Great!

Vinyl Queen
A well-designed site owned by a beautiful dominant lady.

If you love drawings and gloves (of course), this one
is for you. Very good site.

A nice site owned by one of our more lovely friends.

Bad Influence
A fetish fashion site.

Glovvies and Booties
A multi-fetish page (including gloves!). Nice picture galleries.

A tribute to ladies leather gloves
One of our friends' homepage. Take a look!
Lots of links/information on glove suppliers...

Glove 2000
A complete and illustrated panorama of glove and
leather fetish. Very nice!

The Rubber Glove Mansion
Another glove site specialized in rubber gloves.
A very complete site with pictures, stories, etc.

Leopold's Leather Fashions
A very nice gallery of leather fashion owned by
a member of our community! Great glove

The Glove Lover's Page
One of the few pages about gloves on the net. It has
a great gallery but it's offline for now.

There you can find fabulous pictures of fashion
from famous designers (Dior, Westwood, St-Laurent, etc.)
who know how to glove a woman.

Different Loving
A big site containing a very complete list of sites about
any sexual fantasies you can imagine.

Gloveman's Homepage
One of our glove fetishist friend who owns a site
with picture galleries with some original pics
you won't find anywhere else.

Beautiful Women Wearing Leather Gloves
Another gloved women picture archive. Lots of original
scans form magazines and catalogues. Nice for glove lovers
and fur lovers too!

Black Leather Highness
A japanese dominant lady who seems to have a
passion for black leather gloves.

Ticklish Guy's homepages
...slow to load but worth the wait.
