
Birthdate: April 24, 1976 (21)

Height:  5'10"

Weight: 123lbs.

Hair:  Blonde

Eyes: Blue/Green

Measurements:  32D-22-36

Location:  California (willing to travel)

Description:  "A computer nerd trapped in a model's body!"  I'm a determined model that will go to great lengths to get that 'perfect shot'!"

Shannon Marie Codner

Katwoman of the Web

In the brief annals of the cybermodel phenomenon, Shannon Marie Codner stands alone: a 21-year-old, 5-foot 10-inch, blonde, blue-eyed, 32D-22-36 computer geek.

It was either her good fortune to be blessed with beauty, brains and a penchant for HTML -- or her cross to bear, since it's difficult to be a full-time nerd when you're winning every bikini contest in sight. To say nothing of the challenge of hooking a pocket protector to a spandex spaghetti strap.

Shannon's been modeling for two years - roughly the same amount of time she's been a mother. In a classic demonstration of doing it her way, she entered the business when most women would have disqualified themselves on the alter of stretch marks - six weeks after her son Dakota was born. Finding none, she plunged in, sans the 22 pounds she gained during pregnancy.

"My son was the driving force, since I got back into shape so quickly," she says. "My first shoot was in a bikini - I guess that's why I've become so confident." It's a self-affirmation that quickly found a bottomless well of support on the Web. (At last look, 256,000 hits and counting.) Shannon's post-partum photos continue to garner thousands of downloads, though it's a sure bet her admirers on the Internet aware that she's a new mom.

If the cybermodel phenomenon abeys any rules, it's that the homegrown, naturl look is in - and the artifice of Madison Avenue is out. True to form, Shannon has never gone under the knife, anywhere, and rarely wears makeup. Yet as her growing portfolio illustrates, she can don a dizzying array of looks: from Cosmo girl to biker chick, Paris sophisticate to pouty California bikini babe, wide-eyed girl-next-door to fun-loving big sister. Nowhere in her repertoire is there any clue that she's a programmer at heart.

"I'm a computer nerd trapped in a model's body," Shannon says. "The majority of men I've dealt with have either been intimidated by my knowledge of computers -- because they assume that since I'm a female (and blonde) I couldn't possibly understand. Women, meanwhile, assume that since they don't know what they are talking about, I don't either!"

Away from the strobe lights, Shannon turns out to be a very down-to-earth country girl, the real-life big sister to three brothers, all of whom grew up in a small town in Ohio before moving to Ventura County, California. In high school, she was everywhere - in the art club, running cross-country - yet managed to pull down a perfect 4.0 GPA. A serious history buff who admits spending weekends buried in one text or another, she shared assistant editor-in-chief duties on the school yearbook, then saw the fruits of her labors win top honors in a worldwide yearbook competition.

While describing herself "Heinz 57", with Native American, Irish, French Canadian, German, Greek and Scottish roots, Shannon's Shawnee and Cherokee background background remains the source of her greatest pride. As a sophomore, she was named Indian Student Of The Year, and tries to stay active in the California Indian Education Program when time permits.

Now when she's not in front a camera or any of the turbocharged PCs she shares with her husband Stan, Shannon works part-time at a local school district. She's a nut for Marilyn Monroe memorabilla, loves to surf (not just the Web, the beach variety), is currently restoring a vintage Chevy Malibu, and devours autobiographies. She's partial to reggae music, Mexican food with a kick, the Carolina Panthers, gardening and Discovery Channel documentaries. A few years from now, expect her to be on her way to having her own clothing line... and, perhaps, that coveted star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Shannon's online portfolio can be accessed at . Or, she can be contacted via e-mail at .

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Press contact:

Ken Greenberg

Edge Communications, Inc.


818-591-7348 fax


Swimwear/Bikini Fashion Shows
Artist's Model
Portfolio Work
Parts Modeling (legs/feet/back)
Stock Photography Model
CD Album Cover
Digital Catalog Work
Virtual Greeting Card Model
Mannequin Modeling