This is Charlie's Personal Page!

...and he's available ladies!

Hi I'm Charlie.
I'm your average teen playing around on the internet at three in the morning. This page would be more interesting but it's still under construction. I have links to great places on the web at the bottom. One is a radio station in the Twin Cities. Check it out! It's got a top 40 list, contests and stuff. When I got this page, I promised a friend a small section of it. So, here's his section.
Wuz fucking up!! I just wanna say something right now! You all SUCK!!! What the hell are you doing on the fucking computer at this hour?!! Are you jackin' off with your jimmy while you slut surf?! I think you're just disgusting you fucking desperate computer nerd!!! Go to HELL!!
Okay. Give it up for Johnny! (He's on drugs) I would also like to have a section called, "LORD O' COMEDY" Has anyone been following the Clinton Scandal thing? Now I think that's a joke in itself. I mean, why are they blowing it out of proportion so much? In a normal marriage it is wrong to sleep with a woman twice as young as you, but if I were married to Hilary, hell I'd be sleeping with anyone with better looks than a dog. I mean come on! Hilary Clinton is an ugly fat whore! But so is Clinton so I shouldn't be poking around with that. That's what he chose not to say! *Applause* Another thing, what was Monica thinking? Personally, I think a woman would have to be liquored up or have a good lawyer to hop in bed with that geaser. People have been saying that the U.S. attacks were just to divert attention from the sex scandals that Clinton has performed but I think those people are simple-minded. He was diverting attention from the scandals happening now! *Huge Aww, applause, three enthusiastic whistles* Thank you! You've been a terrific audience! Remember when you log off, 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman.' (I had sexual relations with several others at the same time. She was just along for the ride)

Links to other sites on the Web

Tyra Web Gallery
KDWB 101.3

Thanks for visiting! Hopefully my page will be done with construction soon!

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