

The NJROTC ribbons are worn, centered, one-fourth of an inch above the left breast pocket of the shirt or coat. Adjustment may be necessary to make the ribbons parallel to the deck on the Service Dress Blue Coat. NJROTC ribbons are be worn in the order of precedence with the most senior ribbon worn on the top row and inboard when more than one ribbon is on a row. All earned ribbons can be worn at the same time, but only one of each ribbon may be worn with devices/subsequent awards attached to that ribbon. Other awards and ribbons awarded by other organizations besides NJROTC such as other military JROTC programs, DAR, American Legion, ROA, marksmanship, etc., are worn after (junior to) NJROTC ribbons in the order determined by the Naval Science Instructor (NSI).

Medals earned are only worn on uniforms where awards and decorations are authorized. They are positioned one-fourth of an inch below the bottom row of ribbons on the left breast pocket, arranging in seniority order inboard to outboard in the following order: NJROTC Academic Competition, NJROTC Marksmanship Competition, and all other awards prescribed by the NSI. No more than 3 medals will be worn in each row side by side or 5 medals when overlapping, in addition to its corresponding ribbon, if any. When wearing large medals, they are place immediately below the last row of medals so only the medallion of each medal is visible.

Ribbon Ribbon Name What it is given for.
Meritorious Achievement Awarded to any NJROTC cadet who distinguishes him/herself by outstanding meritorious achievement. Awarded on a case-by-case basis by the area manager.
Naval Honor Unit Awarded yearly to cadets who were unit members during the academic year in which the school earned Naval Honor School status. Awarded only to 20 percent of the NJROTC Units in the program.
Distinguished Cadet Awarded yearly to one cadet in each year group with the highest combined average for overall scholastic standing and aptitude in NJROTC unit activities (includes academics, homework, physical fitness, community service, drill, etc.)
Honor Cadet Awarded yearly to one cadet in each year group with the highest overall academic achievement (GPA) in school, including naval science courses.
CNET Unit Award Awarded yearly to cadets who were unit members during the academic year in which the school earned CNET Unit Award status. Awarded only to 20 percent of the schools in the program.
Military Aptitude Award Awarded yearly to those outstanding cadets who demonstrate an exceptional military aptitude and dedication to the NJROTC program.
Naval Science 4 Outstanding Cadet Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 4 based on citizenship, academic performance, personal appearence and conduct.
Naval Science 3 Outstanding Cadet Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 3. Same criteria as above.
Naval Science 2 Outstanding Cadet Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 2. Same criteria as above.
Naval Science 1 Outstanding Cadet Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 1. Same criteria as above.
Exemplary Conduct Awarded yearly to each cadet who demonstrates exemplary conduct for the year.
Academic Award Awarded, when earned, to each cadet who has met any of the following academic award criteria:

A. Awarded once annually upon completion of the minimum requirement, to any cadet who attains school honor roll status equal to 50 percent or more of the academic school year (need not be subsequential) The first award is the ribbon with a bronze lamp. Subsequent awards are as follows:

2nd Award - Silver Lamp
3rd Award - Gold lamp
4th Award - Gold Anchor

B. Academic Team -Awarded once annually upon completion of the minimum requirement, to any cadet who is a member in good standing of the Academic team and has participated in three or more competitions. The first award is the ribbon with a gold torch. Subsequent awards are as follows:

2nd Award - Bronze Star
3rd Award - Silver Star
4th Award - Gold Star

C. When both the honor roll and academic team awards have been earned, the torch and the lamp are positioned side-by-side on the ribbon, with the lamp on the wearers right. Subsequent award stars are worn outboard of the gold torch.

Exemplary Personal Appearance Awarded twice a year to each cadet who displays exemplary personal appeareance and has worn his/her uniform on all occasions required.
Physical Fitness Awarded twice a year to any cadet who meets or exceeds the basic physical fitness requirements outlined in Chapter 3 on page 3-7 of the NJROTC Field Manual.
Participation Awarded, when earned, to any cadet who has participated in three activities other than routine unit activities.
Unit Service Awarded to any cadet who has demonstrated exemplary service and dedication to the unit as determined by the NSI.
Community Service Awarded, twice a year to any cadet in good standing who distinguishes him/herself by dedicated and outstanding service to the community.
Drill Team Awarded twice a year to each member of a drill team in good standing, who has entered competition or performed at three or more official functions.
Color Guard Awarded twice a year to each member of a color guard in good standing who has entered competition or performed at three or more official functions.
Pistol/Rifle Team Awarded twice a year to any cadet in good standing who has entered any competition. (Looks just like the Drill team Ribbon due to the adverse affects of the scanner. They are really very different from each other.)
Orienteering Awarded twice a year, to any cadet in good standing who meets the orienteering standards listed on pages 1-45 and 1-46 of the NJROTC Field Manual, or who has entered any competition.
Recruiting Awarded, when earned, to a cadet who is instrumental in the enrollment of two students in the NJROTC program. Subsequent awards are given when two additional students are enrolled.
Mini Boot Camp Awarded to any cadet upon satisfactory completion of mini-boot camp, Leadership Academy, or similar training as approved by the area manager.
Sea Cruise Awarded to any cadet upon completion of an at-sea cruise (vessel must be cast off lines and be underway).


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Providence Senior High School Navy JROTC

