This is in NO WAY associated or endorsed by the royal family. I do know not know them nor do they know me. This is a completely ficional story!Please sign the guestbook or email me with your thoughts!


'Boom!' Plane pieces everywhere, a few body parts here and there. People screaming 'help me, please someone...' in the distance. "Boom!,' another explosion. The familiar red words flashed across the screen, "GAME OVER."

'Oh crap,' Devon thought to herself. I'll never beat this game. 'Although' she thought, 'these 3-D plane crash games are getting more and more real. And gory too...' The woman next to her on the Boeing 747 Airplane, had seen Devon play the game on her laptop. She looked worried after seeing the grim results of a plane crash. Not exactly the best game to play while still on an airplane. Devon packed up her computer and little snacks she packed for the long trip and while doing so, heard the captain asking people to get ready to land.

'Thank god for these baggy sweats. No one will recognize me now.' Devon was very popular in the media, and didn't mind the cameras at first. It was pretty cool to see your face on tv. But now, it had gotten old. And annoying. Devon was flying to England to shoot her next film, and to also vist an old friend of hers.

She walked off the plane and thanked god again for there being no cameras in site. She continued to wlk don the long corridor, but long and behold, there were the cameras. Trying very hard to ignore them she continued to walk into the airport. Hoping they wouldn't follow her, she walked quickly away. She made it out of the airport where a limosine was waiting. She changed in the limo and was on her way to St. James Palace. She arrived and stepped out of the car in her baby blue sundress with a cute little pink sweater over it. She walked into the gates, down the hall and saw a very familiar face.

Devon cried, 'Harry! Oh it's so wonderful to see you again! Your taller than me!' to her close friend, Prince Harry.
'We missed you so much Devon!' He replied with a soft hug.
'Devon!' A voice called.
'Oh hello!' She smiled and hugged Prince Charles.
'Where's Wills at?' Devon was anxious to see her almost-but-not-quite best friend.
'He's gone somewhere with his friends, I should imagine to...' Charles thought for a minute.
'The cinema' Harry interupted.
'Well okay, tell him i'm here!'

A butler showed Dev to the guesthome in the gardens.

'Their opening up now aren't they?' Dev said as she pointed to the colorful buds and flowers.

'Yes madam, they are quite beautiful this year aren't they?' He softly replied.

They walked up the stone steps to the house.

'The key, madam.' The elderly man gave Devon the key.

'Thank you sir'

She opened the door and just dropped her bags. They landed with a large plop.'Seems that they redid their house again.' She mumbled as she looked around and noticed that the furniture wasn't where it was a while ago.

'Oh well.' She said out loud to herself.

'Devon, who was very tired, got into her pj's and took a short nap.

The next day, still not hearing from Wills, Devon went shopping. She had to pick up a dress for the rememberance ceremony. A long time show business actor had died and the Actors Guild had put together a tribute to him. She would see Wills then. He would be her friend/date.


'What in the....?' Devon said to herself and turned around.

'Vera! Hello!' Devon spoke to her friend, Vera. She was a dress designer and Devon adored her work.

'I have some new dresses that I think you would love!'

'Really? That's perfect because I was looking for a dress!'

'Perfect darling! Come with me!'

After making small talk about their lives, they walked into a simply posh boutique.Vera pulled out some dresses covered in plastic.

'Here, try these on.'

'Okay, thanks!'

'Devon went inside and tried on a white chiffon lace dress. It had a sagging neckline, which was in-style and a long white flowing shirt that bunched up at the sides. It fit her perfectly and got the dress.

'Thank you so much! You are a total life saver!' Devon told Vera.

'No problem!'

Devon left the boutique and went home, well sorta her home for now.

'Where is she?' William impatiently asked and tapped his watch while talking to his father.

'She'll be here.' Charles knew that when Devon wanted to make an entrance, she did.

Devonny walked down the deep red staircase, trying not to fall in her almost 4 inch platforms. You never notice how tall your date is until you have to stand next to him all night.

William looked up and saw Devon.

'Wow, she's grown up hasn't she?' William muttered to Charles. William was suprised how pretty Devon had gotten, but he tried not to show it.

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