
Sayonara everyone from Megchan
I know you're all probably hating me right now ^^;; or not.. c.c Maybe this site won't even be missed. I mean there are tons of other Digimon sites to go to, and I never really contributed to anything, other than giving people online space to put their fanfics and fanart. But at any rate, I'm closing down !!PRODIGIOUS!! Why, you ask? It's not that I've gotten uninterested in Digimon. I could never stop loving the ever glompable Jyou-kun ^^; It's just... that we've gotten some... extremely personal problems at home, that I don't really wish to share at the moment. Just trust me on this, I no longer have the time to have a site. I have more important things to take care of now.

If you want to find a place to send fandom, try the sites in my links section. If you need a place to chat with other Digimon lovers, my message board will always be open. I might even pop in once in a while if I find the time. If you have any questions, feel free to post it at the mb, or email me. If you want to see the site, you can still view it here. It just won't be updated.

Once again, I'd like to apolagize to everyone for all the delayed updates and whatnots. I'm sorry for those who sent in a fanfic, but never got to see it on this site. Thank you for being patient with me and not flaming my butt off for when !!PRODIGIOUS!! was on hiatus, or for what ever other reason. And thanks to all the visitors who kept coming back, and to the one who sent me stuff to put up, actually giving me a reason to keep updating. When I first opened this site, I never imagined that it would be so successful. (or atleast as successful as it got, if you would call this successful.. O_o But I never expected it to get over 30 hits, so I'd call this a success ^^;;) Mmm.. so yea, hopefully in the future, I might open up another site(or maybe reopen this one), but right now, I just don't see that happening. Once again, thanks to everyone for your support. It's been fun, but I gotta go now.


Digimon, Digital Monsters © Toei Animation, Saban