way or the highway...

glad to see you didn't take the highway!

HELLO!Hello I'm finally getting the chance to make some changes on my page. Alot has happened in the last year and it is almost impossible to keep up with my self but yet keep all of you up to date. So keep in touch and those changes are coming slowly but surely!

Looking for a new do?? this ones sure to have one for yea!
Lookiing for a good product,for that not so great hair?
This is about my employer and my skills
this has nothing to do with nails or hair it is just my favorite site to visit, THIS IS A MUST SEE!


First I would like to thank SNaXX, he put alot of time into teaching me all about creating a web page! Once again "Thank You SNaXX" And if you are reding this Paul it has been a while since we last talked and it's not like i'm a hard person to get a hold of!!! Now just a little about myself..I'm a 24 year old female, mother of 2.My real name well can I trust you?....Yea If you came to this site I guess you aren't a freak. Monica that is what they call me!.Yes that really is my name! I'm a HAIRSTYLIST-NAIL TECHNICIAN from Ohio. I have been in this profession for 5 yrs now and can say I do not plan to quit anytime soon! I am a single mother of two, just recently divorced. Life as a single mother is a job within it's self but I wouldn't give it up for anything.

© 1997

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