Beware of this man who is President of Barbizon and is responsible for all the franchisees that must sell their modeling programs by saying and doing anything possible to get that sale. Only money counts for him as royalties are the order of the day!!!!!
We are here to warn you of the evils of Barbizon and now their partners in crime IMTA (International Model and Talent Association) headed by two     unscrupulous people named Barry Wolff and Hellen Rogers. Together they will tell you whatever they have to to get your hard earned money. IMTA will try and sell you a trip to LA or NY to attend a modeling convention with agents from around the world. But what you don't know is that they only come for the free hotel rooms and booze. They could care less for your child's hopes and dreams of becoming a star. Barbizon will tell you or your kids that they will become big models and that their agency will get them lots of work. But what you don't know is that they have no agency at all to speak of. Only some piddly agency that gets local jobs that don't pay, just to make you think that your getting something from them while you are attending their classes. After your classes finish, they never want to hear from you again. Should you call to find out more information on why they are not doing anything on your behalf, you'll only get the run around. Anyone with a story of how they were taken Barbizon or IMTA is invited to email us with their experiences. We are a concerned group of proffessionals with the muscle and power to initiate a class action law suit against the principals involved at Barbizon International, Inc., namely Barry B. Wolff and Louis Appinianni for their national and International practices of deception in their schools. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential and you will be informed of upcoming court dates etc. Please don't let yourself get taken by these unscrupulous business people who have cheated countless     thousands out of their hard earned money and most importantly their hopes and dreams that have been shattered! If you really wish to help us rid ourselves of these self serving individuals who crave on power and the misuse of it to use our children's hopes and dreams as leverage to extract our money, please respond with your stories and help us do justice to our rip off friends. When we hear more about the status of this case through the  courts, we will forward it along to you so you can follow along the proceedings. Hopefully we can come out with some kind of financial retribution to the people involved at the head office of Barbizon International, Inc. in sunny Boynton Beach, Florida, one of the nicest and secluded retirement havens in North America!
Please let us know by email your encounters with Barbizon and we will include you in our mailouts regarding our Class Action Law Suit. Just click the link below.
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