
University is finished, at least in practise. Will be getting my degree in July, but will still leave this page up for the time being.

Here is a brief presentation of my university, the University of Fribourg, where I have studied economics for the past four years. Economic studies at my university are divided into two cycles. The first two years include a number of classes giving the student the tools and insight necessary for the second cycle. The second cycle takes place during the 3rd and 4th year. Here one can choose five classes out of approxamitaley thirty. The idea is to perfect one's knowledge in the chosen subjects through a 2 year course and numerous papers and presentations.

At the beginning of the second cycle, I chose to continue my studies in Political Economy (the other two possibilities we have are: Management&Finance and Management Informatics). The subjects I took are Development Economy, Public Finance, Management of Public Finance, International Economy and Economic Theory. The second cycle of my studies involves an active presence at lectures, aswell as personnal work in preparation for numerous group presentations given throughout the year.

At the end of our studies we have to write a dissertation. I chose to write the latter with the Political Economy depatment, more specifically in Development Economy. My dissertation studies the economy of Ireland and observes the macroeconomic factors which led to an incredible economic growth in the past decade. You can already go and see an outline of the plan of my work (just the main chapters) on my mémoire page (in french).


