Short Biography

I graduated from the University of Washington. I am a Circuit Designer in the LTD Design group at Intel located on the 5th floor of the SC12 building on Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara, California. I am married to a wonderful man, John Lam. He is also a Circuit Designer at Altera.

John and I proudly announce the arrival of our first son, Brandon Ngoc Lam. Brandon is 8lbs 5ozs and 21.5in long. He was born on Friday Oct. 17, 1997 at 12:59. El Camino hospital, Mountain View.

Still feeling brave and adventurous (surprisingly!), we proceeded with our next tapeout. As a result, Elsa Cecilia Lam joined our family on Thursday April 29, 1999 at 13:00. Elsa is 7lbs 5ozs and 19.5in long. She was born on El Camino hospital, Mountain View.

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