Number of visitors since January  2000
The main subject of this site will be crossdressing, if this offends you in any way please feel free to leave.
Contained within the pages are some of my thoughts, a brief biography and photographs of me.  These are not meant for any sexual or perverse gratification.
None of the content could in any way be classed as pornographic or salacious, nor is it intended to prompt any response of a lewd nature.
  The photos may not be displayed elsewhere without prior permission from me.
Femail me
Links &
Site updated
15th September 2002
Number of visitors
in 2000 = 11570
Thank you !
Number of visitors
in 2001 = 14784
Thank you !
"Another Opening Of Another Show"
from Kiss Me Kate by Cole Porter
Welcome to my web site
Welcome to my web site
Excuse the mess -
this site is under reconstruction!