On what's been happening...

Updated on Friday, March 8, 2002

    Well. wow, i haven't updated this page for almost a year. lol. oopsie. So what's new... For the past year... i've... finished grade 12? went to summer school? went on a vacation? started OAC? hmm.. Yeah, quite a lot of stuff there to write about. Well, in the past few months.. i've changed schools (Yay!!), so i'm not stuck in the 'hell anymore!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! I go to Northview, and i love it here! Today is the last day before March Break! I'm loving this. I made it thru this week without going crazy, so that's good already. Then March break... and 3 more months... and i'm DONE WITH HIGHSCHOOL! I just CAN'T WAIT!!!

SO life has never been better i guess. Or at least it feels this way. I've really discovered myself in this past year. Learned a lot about life and all that kinda stuff. Learned one important lesson, if someone doesn't make you feel good, they shouldn't be around. And you should keep the people who make you feel good as close to you as possible. I've finally been able to find some people who are kinda like me. So i guess i'm not the only freak on this planet! yay! I got some grand plans for the summer... that's prawly when i'll write my next update anyways, if not later. lol. So till next time!
