My Family

Yeah, I did make a page on my site for my family, cuz I guess I owe them that much for raising me (well, maybe a little more than that). What I'm gonna write here is of course about my family, and a little about how it affects me personaly.

What I'm gonna go with here is a profile of each member of my family, etc.

I'll start with my MOM, cuz she was the first family member I saw when I came to this world

My mom's name is Janet, and that's why our family business is called Janet Designs. She is a fashion designer and she met my dad on the last year of university on a fasion show. I think she's a kool mom, cuz I can share everything with her, and I tell her everything (well almost) about what's going on in my life. She's probably the only one person I can count on for real advice on any topic.

I'll go on with the list with my DAD, cuz he was the second family member who I saw when I came to life.

My dad's name is Andre, and he's a fashion designer too. What I didn't tell you was that after my parents met at the show my dad walked my mom home, and asked her to marry him right in front of her house (a nice way of saying "bye"). He says it was love from first sight.
Also, everyone thought I looked like my dad when i was born, but now people say I look like my mom too. Actually also my dad and I have our birthday on the same day (which is May20), and that is pretty cool.

The next on the list will have to be my GRANDMA, who was the first family member to visit me after I was born.

My grandma's name is Inna, and she is my mom's mom. First she worked as a geography teacher, and then as a math engeneer (or something like that). So, she's the only person in the family who has 2 university degrees instead of the 1 that the rest have. I think she's the coolest grandma in the world (even thought she doesn't believe my eyes can change colour), cuz she's kind of a modern grandma, someone who could win "The Grandma of The Millenium" prize (if there was one like that).
