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Hiring a Caregiver
The first preference of most people is to remain in their own home as long as possible, whatever their disabilities. A conscientious surrogate will always try to accommodate such a preference within the limits of the persons finances, care needs, and the condition of the home, among other considerations. This very often entails hiring people to provide care in the home. The art and science of hiring and managing caregivers deserves extensive treatment, which we hope to get on this site at some point. This page deals with the much more limited subject of employmen agreements. When hiring caregivers there are two common alternatives.There are many, many nursing services such as Kelly or Catholic Community Services that are commonly used and generally provide good care. The caregivers are employees of the nursing service and are supervised by experienced nurses. Generally, nursing services perform assessment of the assisted person’s abilities and needs, and supervisory staff are valuable resources. In the event that a caregiver is unavailable to work as scheduled, nursing services are usually able to provide a replacement on short notice. If care needs increase, the service has staff. Although this is not always the case, the down side of nursing services are that there is greater staff turnover and no guarantee of who the actual provider of care will be over time, or sometimes even from day to day. Nursing services tend to be a little more expensive; but the wages paid to the actual providers of care are usually lower than the following alternative. The alternative is to hire directly. The assisted person is the employer. In the case of a guardian hiring caregivers, the employer is still legally the ward. The employer must assure that criminal background checks and reference checks are done, and must meet federal and state requirements of employers. The employer must make contributions to Labor and Industries, Social Security, withhold taxes and the rest. It is unwise to hire a caregiver as a "contract employee". This device is sometimes usd to avoid the requirements of law that apply to employers. IRS and other regulations define who is an employee, and hiring a caregiver clearly involves an employer/employee relationship. The fact that the ward is the "legal" employer does not relieve the guardian from handling the duties of the employer properly and lawfully. Staff are recruited through direct means such as the newspaper, or through specialized employment agencies such as McDonald’s Employment in Seattle, which usually performing include the background checks in their services. There are many agencies and bookkeeping services that manage payroll requirements at a very reasonable cost. The advantage to hiring directly is that the worker tends to be better paid, attracting more qualified people. There is greater likelihood of long term continuity of care. Additionally, the worker’s loyalty is more unambiguously to the assisted person. The disadvantages, other than the legal requirements, are managing emergencies when a caregiver cannot come in, dealing with problem employees and handling similar issues. If a caregiver is to be hired directly, it is important to have a written agreement setting out the terms of the employment. When a guardian is doing the hiring and supervising, it is important that the caregiver understand the relationships that are being established among the guardian, caregiver and ward. These are not necessarily obvious. The following is a sample contract to be used when hiring a care giver. Sample Caregiver Contract Caregiver Tips: Part One The Ins & Outs of Hiring Formal Caregivers Volume 8, Number 1 Caring for an older adult can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. Most caregiving is done “informally,” which means that the care is provided by family members and friends with no outside agencies assisting in caregiving activities. Informal caregiving can oftentimes be physically, emotionally and financially challenging. Informal caregivers must therefore be alert to the inherent stressors associated with caring for an older adult, and aware of the vast amount of resources that exist in their communities to support informal caregivers in their role. One option for those caring for an older adult to is to hire an individual or agency to supplement some of the caregiving duties. These are typically referred to as “formal caregivers.” Formal caregivers can either be hired through an agency or hired privately. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages as described in the chart below: Advantages Disadvantages Self-Hiring a Caregiver May cost less Personal selection of caregiver Flexibility in caregiver's work schedule Flexibility of caregiver responsibilities Time, cost and effort to advertise, interview, check references and select caregiver No supervision or training Cost of insurance coverage No coverage for caregiver absenteeism Requires payroll deductions and taxes hiring a Caregiver through an Agency Supervised caregivers Screened caregivers 24-hour/7 day back-up Insurance coverage (in some cases) Agency serves as employer and handles all payroll issues Higher cost Agency selects Individual caregivers may alternate Regardless if a formal caregiver is hired through an agency or privately, there are some necessary steps that must be taken to ensure a safe environment for the older adult. Screening Prospective Caregivers: If you self-hire a caregiver, thoroughly check the references for at least two of the final applicants you're considering. Ask for contact information from all of their previous employers and be sure to contact these employers. It is best to talk directly with former employers rather than accepting letters of recommendations. Also inquire about any time gaps in the applicant's employment history. With permission from the applicant, you can also conduct a criminal background check. If you hire a caregiver through an agency, learn about the agency's screening and hiring practices. Inquire if criminal background checks are conducted and work references are checked on all staff and volunteers. It is also important to find out about the supervision of staff and the process for filing complaints. Taxes & Paychecks: For information regarding the tax responsibilities associated with employing an in-home caregiver, contact both of the following agencies: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), (800) 829-1040 MI Employment Security Division, (800) 638-3994, www.michigan.gov/ua Agencies typically administer paychecks to their employees. If you hire a caregiver privately, however, you may be responsible for administering their paycheck and withholding taxes. If you do not want to deal with these issues, you can use a payroll preparation service. These services require a fee for their services. Homeowner & Car Insurance: Check with your homeowner's insurance about coverage for an in-home caregiver. If the caregiver will be driving your family car, inform your insurance agent. If the caregiver has a car, discuss the use of his/her car on the job and insurance coverage for transporting an older adult .Ensuring a Safe Environment: Although abusive situations are not common, you must be alert to the possibility. It is critical to thoroughly check the references of prospective caregivers. Make sure the caregiver completely understands what their position entails, the medical problems and limitations of the older adult, as well as any behavior that could lead to stressful situations. Before hiring a caregiver, ensure that the terms of employment, including hours and wages are clearly stated and agreed upon. It is strongly suggested to have a written employment contract signed by both you (the employer) and the caregiver. Most importantly, keep communication lines open and ensure the caregiver is not overburdened. Regardless who is providing care, it is necessary to protect the older adult's valuables: Lock private papers & valuables in a file cabinet, safe deposit box or safe. Make arrangements to have someone trusted pick up the mail, or have it sent to a post office box where it ca be picked up at a later time. Review bank and credit card statements at least once a month and periodically request a credit report. Consider having Social Security or pension checks deposited directly into the bank account. Do not allow caregivers to pay bills. Check the phone bill for unauthorized calls. Protect checkbooks and credit cards, never make them available to anyone you do not thoroughly trust. Always get receipts any time the caregiver shops for the older adult. Never add the caregiver's name to savings, checking, charge accounts, Social Security or any other documents. If Abuse or Neglect is Suspected: Immediately take the older adult out of harm's way and ensure their safety. Report the situation immediately to your local Adult Protect Services Office or Michigan's toll free 24-hour abuse hotline at 1-800-996-6228. All calls are confidential. If the situation is severe, do not hesitate to contact the police either. The Michigan Office of Services to the Aging (OSA) would like to give special thanks to University of Michigan School of Social Work Graduate Student and Hartford Fellow Debra Burns for her work in developing this Issue Alert. Copies of past Issue Alerts are available from OSA by contacting Ms. Chris Korloch at 517/373-4093. Canadian Work Opportunities (CWO) finds qualified foreign Caregivers that fit your needs and expectations. For us, here at CWO, the right fit is our goal. Immigration related issues: Unlike most agencies in Canada WE ARE NOT AN IMMIGRATION SERVICE. We place Caregivers from all over the world, experienced persons who want to be Caregivers because they like it and have the necessary skills and NOT for obtaining a Canadian legal status. However this doesn't mean that our recruitment process is discriminatory or that we don't encourage 2 year contracts. We place both short term and 1 - 2 year contract committed Caregivers. We have 38 partner agencies in 21 countries and our recruitment process is one of the most complex on the market. If, after 2 years, a Caregiver working for you wants to change the status in Canada to Canadian Landing Immigrant, we can help her/him with formalities. Back to top Screening and background checking: Unlike other agencies, the happiness of our clients is essential and we are committed to quality in everything we do. The Screening process includes four stages:1) The Prescreening Applicants must make themselves familiar with the program requirements. The partner agency collects the application forms and assesses them according to the applicant's experience and motivation, and program requirements. We are looking for information gaps and "red flags" that signal we should give extra consideration to certain areas of the applicant's qualifications. Our qualified staff uses pattern interviewing methods that improves the quality of our Caregivers. During the interview we assess the applicant's understanding of the job she/he is going to perform in Canada, give her/him the position overview, discuss host family expectations and applicant's expectations as well. We assess the applicant's inner drive and skills, relationship with people and job objectives, the childcare experience, the ability to commit and handle various tasks, the communication skills and enthusiasm. If the application is accepted, the prospective Caregiver is requested to submit two childcare and one character not family related references, a criminal report or criminal background check authorization. 2) The Interview During the interview we assess the applicant's skills, experience, personality and level of commitment and discuss expectations. The duration of the interview is at least 1 hour. At the interview the applicant authorizes the agency to check the references, the criminal record and the credit record. 3)Checking All documents presented at the interview are checked. In some countries, we run a parallel & simultaneous double-checking that is totally independent from our partner agency.4) Second interview The second interview is conducted over the phone by one of our staff members directly with the applicant. The information stated in the application form is verified as well as the applicant's English skills. After the second interview the personal profile of the candidate is ready to be presented to the family. Once we find a Caregiver for your family, you will have access to her/his complete file and you will be welcome to exchange e-mails and correspond. Back to top Bringing a Caregiver to Canada: If you are interested in bringing a Caregiver, the first step is to contact us in order to fill out a Questionnaire where you are telling us about your needs. If you want to download the Questionnaire now, please click here. You can print it out and fax or mail it to us. Or, just e-mail or call us and one of our representatives will contact you to provide guidance and customized help. Once we find the right fit for you and your family, Canadian Work Opportunities will take care of the process of bringing the Caregiver to Canada. We advise you on what you will need to do in order to hire a Caregiver from abroad. The process will take anywhere between seven and fourteen weeks. Back to top Our fees These fees are for one-year contract Caregivers. If you want a Caregiver for a period of time less than 5 months, please contact us. We pride ourselves in being able to provide a top quality service. The value of our services is given by the relationship between what you, our customer, pay and what to receive in return. That is why we are confident that you will find the best value on the market here, at Canadian Work Opportunities. Our fees cover the following costs we have per placed Caregiver: Prescreening, recruiting, interviewing, screening, and selection of Caregiver applicants Careful consideration of each Caregiver applicant to meet your family’s and Canadian Government's requirements Taking care of the appropriate documents so the Caregiver can come to Canada and you, as an employer to be able to hire the Caregiver Orientation and training program designed to welcome and introduce the Caregiver to a new culture and environment Our fee for a permanent placement of a local Caregiver is CAD$1,295 + GST. The fee is not based on the salary, which is set through direct negotiation between the applicant and the employer. The placement fee is due the day the Caregiver starts working in your home. It is your responsibility as an employer to keep payroll records, make deductions, remit taxes and be at any time in accordance with the federal and state laws. Our fee for a permanent placement of an Overseas Caregiver is CAD$1,395 + GST. The fee is not based on the salary, which is set through direct negotiation between the applicant and the employer. The fee is payable as follows:1) The first payment in the amount of $300 + GST is due on the day the contract between Host Family and CWO is signed.2) The second payment in the amount of $397.50 + GST is due on the day the most suitable applicant is confirmed with the Host Family.3) The balance of $697.50 + GST is due on the day the Caregiver starts working in your home. It is your responsibility as an employer to keep payroll records, make deductions, remit taxes and be at any time in accordance with the federal and state laws. If you are looking for a Caregiver with a driver's license allowing her/him to drive in Canada, there is an extra charge of CAD$200.00. For the year 2004, the following conditions apply: The processing fee for your application to receive a Caregiver is waived. The interview fee is waived (your designated representative will conduct an interview with your family to determine if you meet the Canadian Government and CWO requirements for receiving an Overseas Live-in Caregiver). As employer you will have to pay the Caregiver's salary Upon placement acceptance the host family and the Caregiver have to mutually agree on the amount of the money payable as salary that is set according to each province laws and regulations. Back to top You can e-mail us at: caregiver@aupair.ca Introduction Many older people eventually hire in-home caregivers; this can allow people to live independently in their own homes for much longer, and can take some of the pressure off other primary caregivers. Services provided by caregivers range from basic household help to full-fledged nursing care, depending on the needs of the elders involved. Instructions Difficulty: Moderately challenging Steps 1 Step One Ask your family physician about getting in-home help, or consult a public health nurse. These professionals should be able to put you in touch with reputable home-care services.2 Step Two Find out of part or all of the cost of in-home health care may be covered by your private or government insurance plan. 3 Step Three Ask if your local red Cross chapter provides home help services, or can recommend a reputable provider.4 Step Four Talk to people from groups or organizations hat support people with particular health conditions - such as Parkinson's or diabetes. They may be able to recommend caregivers who specialize in helping people with these conditions. 5 Step Five Check references carefully before you hire an individual to provide home care. Also get a criminal record check if possible. Step Six Find out what credentials the caregiver has. Does she have CPR and first aid training, or any other health-care training and credentials? Step Seven Define the tasks that need to be performed by the caregiver, and make sure that she is willing and able to do them. Will the caregiver need to help with bathroom and grooming duties? Meal planning and housecleaning? Feeding and administering medicines? Make sure the contract includes a precise job description that everyone can live with. tips & Warnings * When you are interviewing caregivers, include the person who needs care in the process and make sure the elderly person and the caregiver interact well together. Is the caregiver respectful, or does she seem condescending? Is she patient or abrupt? Does the elder enjoy the caregiver's company, or seem happier when she leaves?* Don't forget to have a backup plan in place, just in case your regular home care provider gets sick or needs to take some time off. You might want to hire a couple of flexible part-time people to counteract this possibility, or go with a professional service that provides alternates when necessary. CAREGIVER DESCRIPTION PLACED? Associate degree in Early childhood education and has one year of preschool teaching experience working with ages two through four year olds. Approx. two years of combined nanny experience which include two summer nanny positions with one family and one nine month after school position. Work history also includes some infant experience while working in a daycare setting. Her philosophy of childcare is to promote children's emotional and physical development in a loving, stable environment while encouraging creativity. Interested in finding a full time live out position. Available end of August 2004.EW-Placed Interested in a fulltime live out position. Twelve years experience with one family starting with a sixteen month old. She started the position on a part time schedule, graduating into fulltime employment after the second child was born. Over the years, the job scaled back to a few days a week on an as needed basis. Over the past few years she also serviced several other families on an as needed basis equating to fulltime employment. Experienced with newborns through elementary age. V-J is Immediate availability Three years of nanny experience with one family caring for two children ages three and five years old. Serviced several families on an as needed basis including care of children from infants through age nine. Interested in a fulltime live out position with a loving family. Available to travel. M-S is Immediately available An established caregiver having worked through Friend of the Family since 1998. She has experience as a fulltime nanny, daycare teacher and temporary on call childcare provider. One of her strongest attributes has been her ability to work with numerous temporary clients through the agency, successfully adapting to each families needs. One former employer says, "One thing I really like is that she takes the initiative to do things without needing to be told." Another client is quoted as say "her biggest strengths are dependability, punctuality and general knowledge of childcare." No Experienced in both childcare and eldercare. JL has ten years of experience working as a paraprofessional for special needs children working with ages six to twelve year olds in elementary and middle schools. Her background with children extends to infants and toddlers werhe she provided on call or short term, regular services to select families. She also spent one year caring for an elderly woman until the time of her demise. One of her clients is quoted as saying, "She is wonderful. She was very patient and loving with my son and she did everything I asked her to do with him. She played and talked with him and took him for walks. No DM has been caring for children on a professional basis since 1987. She has six years experience working as a pre-k teacher in daycare settings. She more recently ended a five year nanny position caring for one child. This family describes her as being patient, smart, creative and sensitive to children. DM also has four years of many experience with one family caring for a child from infancy. This family describes her as responsible, loving and calm. Her ideal job is a long term position, preferably with children ages over the age of one so she can utilize her teaching skills. She enjoys reading drawing, singing and dancing with children. Placed Her love for children is the key reason for her successful nanny career. Her three year nanny position caring for a toddler was very rewarding, especially after the family's arrival of newborn twins. She has worked with two additional families on a long term, temporary basis, providing individual care for an infant and a toddler in the two different settings. One of the families had the following comments about her, Placed Started her caregiver career providing on call services to both families and church nurseries while working as a piano instructor. Her services were requested repeatedly resulting in regular, part time caregiving assignments often lasting six months to as much as three year long relationships. she has successfully met the challenge of working with multiple infants and toddlers in the church nursery setting as well as managing in home care for infant twins, toddlers and early elementary age children. Her artistic ability is a great asset in capturing the imagination of children. currently interested in a part-time after school nanny position where she can provide individualized quality care. Placed Interested in a fulltime live out position in the Metro Atlanta area. Four years of experience with one family. Ca-Wa is immediate availabilityordsgeriatria clinica auxiliar de gerontologia convenio de geriatria clinica auxiliar clinica de geriatria geriatria enfermeria cuidados de geriatria cursos de geriatria cursos geriatria enfermeria auxiliar farmacia auxiliar temario de geriatria curso geriatria auxiliar de clinica sociedad geriatria revistas geriatria auxiliar de enfermeria geriatria gerontologia curso de geriatria ofertas de geriatria auxiliar de enfermer?a auxiliar de odontologia trabajo de geriatria auxiliar de cl?nica clinicas de geriatria auxiliar de quirofano auxiliar de odontologo geriatria envejecimiento auxilar de geriatria geriatria congreso auxiliar oposiciones auxiliar veterinaria auxiliar malaga geriatria madrid auxiliar trabajo auxiliar de emfermeria auxliar de geriatria auxiliar laboratorio auxiliar cl?nica empleo de geriatria auxiliar de veterinario auxiliar biblioteca auxiliar de geriatrico auxiliar de infermeria auxiliar murcia auxiliar de gereatria auxiliar de clinicas geriatria valencia cursos auxiliar tecnico auxiliar auxiliar madrid curso auxiliar empleo auxiliar temario auxiliar One option for those caring for an older adult to is to hire an individual or agency to supplement some of the caregiving duties. These are typically referred to as “formal caregivers.” Formal caregivers can either be hired through an agency or hired privately. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages as described in the chart below: Advantages Disadvantages Self-Hiring a Caregiver May cost less Personal selection of caregiver Flexibility in caregiver's work schedule Flexibility of caregiver responsibilities Time, cost and effort to advertise, interview, check references and select caregiver. No supervision or training Cost of insurance coverage No coverage for caregiver absenteeism Requires payroll deductions and taxes Hiring a Caregiver through an Agency Supervised caregivers Screened caregivers 24-hour/7 day back-up Insurance coverage (in some cases) Agency serves as employer and handles all payroll issues Higher costKeywords caregiver burnout caregiver help caregiver caregiver training caregiemployment caregiver jobs caregiver support caregiver stress caregiver burden caregiver canada caregiver job family caregiver caregiver agency caregiver services caregiver agencies elderly caregiver caregiver support groups cancer caregiver caregiver strain caregiver program caregiver resume dementia caregiver caregiver assessment alzheimer caregiver nanny caregiver caregiver programs live caregiver nursing caregiver nurse caregiver caregiver nurses caregiver nannies hospital caregiver caregiver research caregiver center patient caregiver volunteer caregiver caregiver health caregiver role medical caregiver live in caregiver caregiver management caregivers live in caregiver program family caregiver alliance caregiver contract alzheimer's caregiver senior caregiver canadian caregiver caregiver assistance elder caregiver livein caregiver caregiver toronto foreign caregiver hospice caregiver caregiver needs counseling caregiver caregiver resumes caregiver caretaker tesda caregiver childcare caregiver caregiver organizations caregiver guidelines hiring caregiver caregiver scale caregiver community caregiver daycare work caregiver caregiver children mental health caregiver carrie the caregiver care giver caring for caregiver caregiver for the elderly child care carrie the caregiver game caregiver association support groups caregiver game day care health care carrie the caregiver download canada caregiver job carrie the caregiver crack carrie the caregiver online play carrie the caregiver family caregivers carrie the caregiver serial carrie the caregiver game download primary caregiver live in caregivers caregiver games carry the caregiver homewatch caregivers carie the caregiver today's caregiver carrie the caregiver code carrie the caregiver key carrie the caregiver license key carrie caregiver game caregivers support caregiver com caregiver support group carrie the caregiver online game carrie the caregiver games compassionate caregivers carrie the caregiver full carrie the caregiver license carrie the caregiver torrent caregiver in canada carrie the caregiver keygen caregivers com carrie the caregiver the game caregiver alliance caregiver carrie caregivers association carrie the caregiver downloads caregiver online game play carrie the caregiver online live in caregiver canada alzheimer's caregivers carrie the caregiver full version carrie the caregiver unlock caregiver org family caregiver support program cancer caregivers child caregiver caregiver needed caregiver resource center foreign live in caregiver live in caregiver application carrier the caregiver caregiver magazine code for carrie the caregiver caregivers jobs elderly caregivers caregiver role strain carrie the caregiver episode 2 dementia caregivers carrie the caregiver license code caregiver school caregiver wanted caregivers support group heartland caregivers caregiver companion job in nj or ny interfaith caregivers caregiver resources caregiver course caregivers in canada gifts for caregivers caregivers network caregiver depression carrie caregiver download support for caregivers child caregivers caregiver application caregiver the game key for carrie the caregiver caring for the caregiver carrie the caregiver 2 help for caregivers support groups for caregivers during pregnancy primary caregivers carrie the caregiver unlock code california caregivers live in caregiver program canada caregivers support groups carry the caregiver game marijuana caregivers caregiver information caregiver education senior caregivers professional caregivers caregiver salary caregivers canada games like carrie the caregiver carrie the caregiver mac informal caregivers carrieBolsa de trabajo Empleos Jobs in Spanish Español Mexico Latinoamerica Latin America Professionals Jobs Spanish España Argentina  the caregiver pc game interfaith volunteer caregivers carrie the caregiver for mac caregiver abuse live in caregiver contract family caregivers association caregivers alliance live in caregiver jobs alzheimers caregivers care for the caregiver carrie the caregiver demo caregiver burden scale carrie caregiver crack caregiver program canada caregiver forum caregiver gifts caregiver tips caregiver schools caregiver california tips for caregivers caregiver game download ¿Nuevo? 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