Hi I'm Gabi.
I signed up on 06/16/98 01:07:55, but I've just started to construct this page.

My interests are:
Shopping, fashion, hanging out with friends.

This page contains info and goss on Leo DiCaprio, Romeo and Juliet,Clueless, Sweet Valley High,Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Party of Five, Heartbreak High and more! Also as a new addition you can now find a person to write to. If you wish to be added to this group, e-mail me. This new addition is called E-mail Pals!

A poem...
Ellie was sick, Ellie was ailing,
Her skin was as green as a leaf.
A doctor was called, two nurses installed,
Her mother was crying with grief.
"Oh what is the matter, dear doctor, dear man?
Diagnose it as quick, as quick as you can!
Has she eaten too much, or something that's bad?
Or was it those trifles I know that she had...?
For though she's no glutton and only gets thinner,
She does like her pudding and she does like her dinner...

Now the doctor was good, as good as you get,
As good as a mother could find,
but though he was called and nurses installed,
They couldn't read Elanor's mind
For the matter in fact with young Ellie that night,
was nothing to do with her diet, poor mite,
but simply a terrible, vivid-green dose,
of a thing that is caught from being to close,
to those who have everything when you have not,

note: A simple case of JEALOUSY!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Go and see my other fabulous page!
Welcome to the Gang's Hangout!: This page is being made by my group of friends.
Amber's Pagan Page!
The Cat's Meow: A page all about cats, made by Jacinta Paull
Free Homepages!
Free E-mail!

Autographs!: Autographs of your fav. stars!

Tina the
     Troubled Teen She's fourteen, listens to Switchblade Symphony, cuts Geography class, and smokes cloves when no adults are around. It's Tina, the troubled teen. Come back tomorrow to see what she says. You can get Tina by clicking on her.

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I've gotten most of my graphics from Laurie's Graphics. This page has got the best graphics and things on the web! Thanx Laurie!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer| Clueless | Party Of Five| Friends| Leo DiCaprio| Sweet Valley| William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet| Austin Powers

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