Mrs. Arizona USA, 1998



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Welcome to the homepage of Wendy L. Kohler, 1998 Mrs. Arizona United States.  Wendy, formerly Miss Kirbyville, Texas 1980, was crowned Mrs. Arizona United States on Sunday, June 28th, by a panel of five judges.  The contestants were judged in the areas of personal interview, physical fitness(bathing suit) and evening gown.  She was also awarded by the judges, the 'Most Photogenic', 'Best Evening Gown', and 'Best Physical Fitness'.  Wendy also was crowned Mrs. Gilbert, Arizona in March of 1998 before the state competition with 20 other city title holders.  She will be representing the state of Arizona in the Mrs. United States Pageant on July 29th and 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The pageant will be nationally televised at a later date.

Wendy is 34 years old, married, and has two sons Brent and David III.  She has resided in Arizona for 8 years and is employed by Cellular One as the Operations Specialist at the Superstition Springs Center.  Wendy is also a Certified Image Consultant for Beauti Control Cosmetics.  She will be representing Arizona in various community charities in 1998/1999.

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Wendy & Mrs. Arizona 1997 USA -
Karen Kaplan

(with child)


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Wendy & Mrs. Avondale, Mesa, and Glendale

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Wendy & presidential candidate Dan Quayle

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Wendy with Chris O'Donnell from "Batman & Robin" at the Alice Cooper Solid Rock Foundation Golf Tournament

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Connie Bottiglione
State Director
Mrs Arizona USA Pagent

To contact Wendy please send e-mail to:

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Check out the Miss Arizona United States web site

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