Stress...Do you have it?

Stress...Do you have it?

Most people do, no matter what age they are. People get stressed out for many reasons, work, school, looks, guys, girls etc. The list goes on and on. I know I have stress every day and I'm only a teenager. I know you all know that certain levels of stress can be dangerous, so we all have to keep it under some control. If it gets to high do activities that'll relax you, so it goes back down. If your having stress about a problem you might have and you would like advice send me your problem and others from around the world can write me with they're solutions and advice. So write me at and I'll post both question and answer up.

1. Ok I was with my exboyfriend for 7 months,I was his first love and I'm not sure if he was mine, but I broke up with him for someone else. My bestfriend, who I get along with great and have know for about 8 months, he liked me while I was with my boyfriend and I liked him. About a week before I broke up with my boyfriend he asked someone else out. Now he has a girlfriend and I don't have a boyfriend. He also already knows how I feel about him and he says he still has the same feelings for me. I find it hard to believe him. Should I?

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If your stressed out and would like to share your problems with the world to hopefully find a solution...e-mail me I'll post up your problem (your name isn't needed) and others can e-mail me with a solution (just specifiy which problem # your solving) and I'll post up others solutions to your problems

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