_____ Ok, I know that some people always want to be "perfect", in fact I'm one of them. Sometimes people think that models have the so called "perfect" look. Do they? Does a guy want a "Super Model" girlfriend? Or visa-versa? Should people try to look "perfect"? Can someone love or like you if you aren't "perfect" or don't have that "Super Model" look? Of course they can, tons of people aren't gorgeous and have good love lives and relationships. But attraction is what usually draws someone to another person in the first place, and if your very attractive does that mean your relationship is more likely to last or be stronger? I don't know the answer to that but if you have an opinion and you'd like to share it with me e-mail me.
_____ Aren't girls are always dieting, trying to get thiner, and puting makeup on to look better. Does it really work? Isn't there such thing as "Natural Beauty". Some hope so. Personaly I think so but those little extra things, like makeup can sometimes help. I think that it lets that "Natural Beauty" stick out more. That is as long as you look good wearing it and aren't plastering your face with tons of it.
_____ Not only do girls try to improve there looks but guys do to. I know sometimes that 's hard to believe, but it's true. Girls are just the ones more likely to change there looks, but that doesn't mean they care more about them. Guys try to look buff by working out, and playing sports to keep them in shape.
_____ We all dress, act, and look a certain way depending on who we are. I'm not saying that all girls wear makeup to impress guys or that guys play sports to show off in front of girls but those are the most common reasons. I also don't mean that everyone should change to impress others. What matters most is what you think of yourself. Even if you are trying to change for whatever reason please remember that your self-perception is most important.
_____ I know I'm not the only one who has a goal to obtain that "perfect" look, so I want to know exactly what I'm trying to look like.

Also later on I hope to have some pictures of some models, so that you can have a good look on what most people are staring at these days.
Ok I decided, why get the opinons of some high school kids, let's hear yours!!!
What Do you Think The "perfect" guy or girl looks like? E-mail me with your opinon, and I'll post them up! Thanks, but remember, the more people do, the more we know.

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E-mail me and tell me what you think. Tell me what you think the "Perfect" Person looks like. It can be male or female. Or if the " Perfect" person even exists.

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