PELA'S ADVENTURE Stardate 46715.4 Pela walked along the avenues of Delta IV's capitol, feeling the cold air on her face. It was winter, but she was well-protected in her new full-length black Andorian mink coat. Her topknot of lavender hair flowed in the wind, and her deep blue eyes were thoughtful as she remembered the words of her friend Hali, another Deltan… "I've got a love-game Dee taught me, that we play all the time" Hali had said, "Would you like to try it?" "Of course" Pela had replied, "you know how much I enjoy making love with you and Dee. What's it called and how do we play it?" Pela was more than a little curious. "It's called 'The Captive', and it's really easy. Within the next couple of days, when you least expect it, I'm going to 'abduct' you, take you to my 'secret hideaway' and have my way with you. Interested?" Hali asked with horny glee. Pela smiled widely as warmth rose from her groin, "Count me in!" she said, "Sounds like a really good time!" That was two days ago, and still nothing had happened. She was burning with curiosity as to what Hali was planning, as was getting pretty aroused to boot. "It'll probably involve fur" she thought to herself, "they both adore making love in fur, and so do I, since they introduced me to it". Her thoughts were lost in the possibilities of what the game was like when she was suddenly grabbed from behind. Fur-clad arms held her, and then she felt something press against her neck. She then heard a hypospray, and as she passed out, she heard a husky voice say "Gotcha!" Upon awakening, she immediately sensed that she was bound and completely nude. She was on some sort of bed, spread-eagled over soft, erotic, sensual fur. She was tightly bound with bonds of silk, stretched out to her max. Some sort blindfold prevented her from seeing, but she could smell perfume. Hali's perfume. Although deep inside she knew she was in no danger, she couldn't help but feel a quiver of fear in her gut. "Hello? Hali, is that you?" she asked. There was no reply. "Hali? Dee? Are you there?" Her breathing started to increase with excitement and fear. She then sensed someone approach the bed. A long moment passed, and then: "You're mine" said a voice like Hali's, but husky with intense passion, "All mine. And I can't wait to get to work on you! By the stars, I'm going to enjoy this!" Pela then felt Hali sit on the bed, and lean in over her. Hali was wearing a fur coat, she could tell because it brushed against her as Hali bent forward. "What are you going to do to me?" Pela asked quietly, fear and excitement mixing in her. "Shhhh, just relax" said Hali, "Save your breath. You're going to need it." "What do you-ooooh!" Pela's comment was cut off as soft, plush fur was rubbed down her arms, over her full, firm breasts, down her belly and finally into her groin, where Hali started to work it. Pela was Half-Deltan, and as such, her body was hairless, except for her eyebrows and topknot of lavender hair. This made her skin very sensitive, and the sensation of the fur rubbing vigorously on her pussy and now on her breasts as well was driving her crazy. She squirmed and moaned, begging for more "Oh Yes! Oh Yes! Oh my God! Hali! Don't stop! DON'T STOP!" Hali kept at it, leaning in and kissing her passionately. Pela returned the kiss eagerly, their tongues intertwining. Hali soon slid on top of Pela, enveloping her in the fur coat she was wearing, rubbing her whole body at once. Pela's body surged forward to meet the furry embrace "OHGOD! OHGOD! OHGOD! OHGOD! OHGOD! OHGOD!" she cried as Hali writhed against her, kissing her and furring Pela's whole body. After what seemed like a brief eternity, Pela orgasmed wildly, her body gushing with ecstasy, and could tell that Hali was coming as well. A short while later, panting and gasping, Pela uttered "Oh… Hali! That was…incredible! Oh God, that was wonderful! What kind of furs are you using on me?" "Well love, you're lying on your own black Andorian mink, and I'm wearing a full-length, down to the toes, white Efrosian fox, lined with white, sheared Terran beaver. As I fur you, I fur myself. Feels remarkable, doesn't it?" Hali replied, her voiced husky and filled with desire. "Oh, yes!! Please do it again! Please Hali, I beg you, do it again!" Pela pleaded. "All in good time my love, all in good time" whispered Hali, "but first, I want to watch you writhe, quivering with helplessness, as I bedevil your luscious body, plaguing it with torment!" "W-What do you mean?" asked Pela, a wave of erotic fear spreading over her. "Why, I'm going to TICKLE you my love!" proclaimed Hali, sliding down to the end of the fur-covered bed, "I'm going to tickle you so much, you'll scream with laughter and beg for mercy…which I won't give of course!" With that, Hali began to work the long, skilled fingers of each of her hands on the soles of each of Pela's delicate feet. Pela tried to resist, but she couldn't escape, and began to chuckle uncontrollably. "Oh, yeah" said Hali as she rubbed the front of her body in Pela's mink coat, "I knew you'd enjoy this!" She picked up the pace, tickling Pela's feet faster and faster. Pela stopped chuckling and burst out into cackling laughter. "Aaahhhh! Ahahahahaha Stop! Stop! Hahahahaha! OhGod! OhGod! Bweeheheheheeeeee! Hahahaha!" Hali kept tickling Pela's feet, tickling and tickling, rubbing herself in the fur, building to an orgasm. Pela's laughter intensified "HAHAHAHA! NO! NO! WAAHAHAHAHA! STOP! PLEEEEZE! HAHAHEEEEHAHA! DON'T! HAHAHAHHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAH! STOP! HAHAHA!" "What's that?" taunted Hali, nearly at her bursting point, "Please don't stop? Well, I'm sooo glad you're loving this! I know I am!" She kept on tickling Pela's feet, tickling and tickling and tickling, making Pela shriek with laughter. Hali finally came, her orgasm rolling through her like a wave. She stopped tickling Pela and gasping breathlessly, rolled over and watched Pela oh-so-slowly stop laughing and giggling. "Now THAT was beyond belief!" said Hali, her voice filled with passion, "Now I truly understand the erotic joy Dee has tickling ME like this". "O-Okay Hali. T-That's enough. P-Please, don't tickle me anymore. I can't take it." Pela begged her lover. She felt Hali slide off the bed and heard her shake out her white Andorian fox/Terran beaver coat. "You know Pela, I don't believe you" scoffed Hali playfully, "I think you can take a LOT more". At that, Hali hoped back on the bed and straddled Pela, and started tickling her sides with excruciating potency. Pela couldn't utter a word in defense as she used all her breathe for laughing "EEEEIIIIIAAAAHAHAHAHAHA ! NO! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHAHA! HEEEEEE! STOP! STOP! YAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE! HEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" With Hali straddling her, Pela was utterly helpless, unable to escape the torment of tickles for a single moment. Hali then moved her adept hands up to Pela's silky-smooth underarms. She started tickling them lightly, intent on torturing Pela with teasing tickles, but Pela's body was so receptive now, she started laughing hysterically. "WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! HAHAHAHAHA! OH! OH! OOOWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! NO! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! MERCY! MERCY! NYAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE!" Hali was bewitched with Pela's squirming, ticklish body and tickled her way to the bottom of Pela's stomach, just above her bare pussy, and continued the relentless tickling there. "EEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHAHAHAHA! WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHHEHEEEHAHA! NO! NO! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEEEEIIIIHAHAHA!" Pela had sweat on her face and neck, and Hali could feel another orgasm coming. Mercilessly, Hali continued tickling Pela, tickling her way back up Pela's stomach, over her tits and ribs and finally stopping at her underarms, concentrating the tickles there once again. Hali soon came again, arching back, rubbing her tits and pussy with her fur coat. She slide off Pela and collapsed beside her, gasping. The first tickle session had lasted about ten to fifteen minutes; this one at least twice that long. Pela lay there motionless, still giggling and chortling, her gorgeous body covering in a film of sweat. Hali got off the bed and shook out her coat, hanging it on the end of the four-poster bed. She went to the wash room and got a towel. On her way back to the bedroom, she stopped at the closet and got out her queen-sized, night-purple Argelian sable blanket. When she got to the bed, she put the blanket down and untied Pela's wrists and ankles, and took off her blindfold. She was so weak from the wild tickling, she was like a raggedy-doll. Hali toweled her down top to bottom, back to front, and replaced the black mink for the purple sable. Kissing her lover and best friend, she asked quietly "Did you like that, Pela?" Pela looked up into Hali's deep grey-green eyes and then smiled. "Yes" she said shyly, "I enjoyed it very much" she admitted. "Well my love, that's what Dee does to me regularly. Fur and tickles, fur and tickles, for hours and hours of ecstatic lovemaking" said Hali. "Would you like to do it to me?" Hali asked with a smile, her nipples erect. Pela felt a swell of craving for Hali's laughter, and eagerly voiced her hunger for it "Oh, yes! Please Hali. Let me tickle you!" In response, Hali told her to put on her fox and beaver coat, and Pela reveled in the feel of the fur against her skin. Hali then walked over to the replicator, turned and looked at Pela and said "Computer. Half a dozen Risian peacock feathers." Reaching in, she pulled out the lush, firm, black and purple feathers, each about a foot long. She came back to the bed, and sitting down, handed the feathers to Pela. "Your turn" she said, and stretched back on the bed. Pela's smile grew wide and lustful as she anxiously laid Hali out on the bed. She tied Hali's hands together above her head, attaching them firmly through a carved hole in the headboard. She bound Hali's feet about a foot apart, again using the carved wood of the bed to secure her lover. Pela then slipped a couple of pillows beneath the midnight-purple sable blanket, under the small of Hali's back. Hali was now completely defenseless. Pela then stood up, took off the fox and sheared beaver coat, turned it inside-out and put it back on. "Ooooh, that feels wonderful" Plea cooed as she ran her hands all over herself, rubbing the fur everywhere, especially on her tits and pussy. "Well Hali, are you in for it now!" she declared and sat down on the bed. She picked up the resplendent black and purple feather feathers, three to each hand, and began stroking them up and down over Hali's underarms. Hali immediately began giggling, and her head was soon rolling from side to side as her body twisted in response to the tickling feathers. Pela picked up the momentum, swirling the feathers in circles on Hali's underarms and up and down her sides. Hali gave up chuckling and burst into ecstatic laughter. "EEEEEIIHHAHAHAHAHAH! WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHHEHEEEHAHA! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEEEEIIIIHAHAHA!" Pela's face lit up with carnal joy as she watched Hali convulse with laughter. Pela kept tickling her underarms and sides with the feathers for a good five minutes, then started tickling Hali's firm breasts. "WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! HAHAHAHAHA! OH! OH! OOOWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" wailed Hali. Pela could feel she was wet with excitement, so she dropped the feathers in her left hand and started rubbing the fur coat into her womanhood. As she masturbated with the fur, she brought the feathers down and tickled Hali's belly, groin and inner thighs with the feathers. This drove Hali wild with hysterical laughter. "HAAAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! HAHAHAHAHA! OHNO! OHNO! OHNO! HAHAHAHAHAHA! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! NYAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! YES! PELAYES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA!" After about ten minutes of this refined tickle-torture, and vigorously furring herself, Pela climaxed. As her orgasm pulsed through her, she let go of the remaining feathers and flopped back on the bed, rubbing her tits and pussy with the fur coat. When her body finally calmed down, Pela sat up and found Hali lying their with a smile on her weary, beautiful face. "You really loved that, didn't you?" asked Pela. "Yes" Hali acknowledged "I even came at the end, with you tickling my groin so zealously." Pela looked, and sure enough, Hali was soaking wet. "Well, I am going to tickle you again, but first…." Pela let the words fade as she bent down and started licking Hali's pussy, cleaning her up with her tongue, and sucking on her clit. Hali gasped, her back arching as much as possible under the restraints. "Oh yes! Oh Pela, Yes! Please! Make love to me!" Hali begged of her lover. Pela devoured her, licking and sucking, probing deep inside with her fingers. Minutes later, Hali had another small orgasm, and Plea suckled that up as well. Pela then untied Hali's feet, and laid on top of her. As she began humping her, Hali wrapped her legs around Pela. Pela kissed her lovingly, rubbing the white sheared beaver all over Hali's bosom, tantalizing her nipples. Pela's hips drove the fur into Hali's groin, and Hali rubbed her thighs back and forth over Pela's fur-covered legs and rear. With soft Argelian sable underneath her, and Pela's body pressing sheared beaver all over her front, Hali was in total fur paradise. It was no less rapturous for Pela. As she ravished Hali, the Efrosian fox was everywhere. Hali's gyrations, mixed with her own, was working the fur into Pela's own pussy, and driving her breasts and nipples crazy with ecstasy. The two Deltan belles made love like this like this for over half an hour, and after a few small orgasms, finally climaxed together in a torrent of ecstasy, crying out their love for each other. Breathless and sweaty, Pela slid off Hali and stretched out on the bed beside her. Shortly after, she turned and looked at Hali, who returned her adoring gaze and simply said "I love you." Pela smiled and returned the sentiment. She then untied Hali, and the two paramours got off the bed and shook out all three exquisite furs. "Ready for more?" asked Pela with a provocative smirk on her face. "Oh, yes! You promised me more tickling…" replied Hali, "…and tickling you're going to get!" finished Pela, "I still owe you for all that precious torture you put me through!" Laughing, the two women spread the midnight-purple Argelian sable blanket back over the bed, covering the entire surface with stimulating fur. Hali then spread-eagled herself belly-down on the bed, nuzzling herself in the arousing pelts. Gleefully, Pela proceeded to bind Hali to the bed, making sure the silken shackles were good and tight. She placed a couple of pillows under Hali's head, making sure she was comfortable. Pela proceeded to run her fingers down Hali's arms, tickling lightly, making her giggle. When her hands reached Hali's underarms, she slipped her hands under and started tickling Hali's underarms with complete abandon. Hali screamed, laughed and wailed. "WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! HHEHEEEHAHA! HEEHEEIIIIIIIIIIIIYAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAH! HOHOHOHOHOHOHAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEE! HEEHAHA! HAHA! HAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEEEEEIIIIHAHAHA!". Convulsing on the bed with hysterical joy, her body twisted and turned in the fur, turning her on even more. Pela then worked her hands down Hali's sides, bedeviling her with excruciating tickles. "Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!" she said, uttering the words like an erotic mantra. "WAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH YES! OH YES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA!" Hali cried out with hysterical mirth. Pela then slipped her hands under Hali's body and started tickling her tummy energetically. "EEEEIIIIIAAAAHAHA! HAHA ! NO! NO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHAHA! HEEEEEE! OHGOD! OHGOD! YAAAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE! HEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hali laughed uncontrollably. Pela was so aroused now, she mounted Hali's right leg, and laid down on top of her. As she tickled her, she rubbed her fur-covered body against Hali's backside; her tits and nipples and pussy getting full attention. Feeling a potent orgasm building in her, Pela continued her hymn, but even louder. "TICKLE, TICKLE, TICKLE, TICKLE, TICKLE!!" As she recited, she started tickling Hali's underarms again, causing Hali to cry with laughter "EEEEIIIIIAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! OHGOD! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HEEHEEHEEHEEHAHA! HEEEEEE! DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP! YAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE! HEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The lovers lay there like that, with Hali sandwiched between two layers of unimaginably pleasing fur, and being tickled completely senseless. Finally, Pela was overcome by an amazing orgasm, and stopped tickling Hali, shuddering and shaking with ecstasy. When she slid off a few minutes later, Hali was still giggling and crying, covered in sweat, and gasping for breathe, having cum herself. Plea untied her and sat her up, holding her and wiping away the tears and sweat with the towel. Concern filled her face, but Hali motioned that it was all right. About ten minutes later, when she had her breathe back, Hali said reassuringly "Don't worry beloved. I'm all right. That was just so magnificent! The combination of tickling and fur just drove me crazy with delight, like it always does." Pela smiled and hugged her friend warmly, and said "I never dreamed tickling could bring me such…such sensual rapture! Both as the tickler and the ticklee!" "I'm glad you found it as pleasing as I do" Hali said. The two then got up, shook out the beautiful furs and hung them up. They then took a refreshing shower together, gently making love as the water cascaded over them. They then gave each other a relaxing massage. As Hali lay there, feeling Pela knead the muscles on her back, she said "You know, Dee will be arriving home in a few hours. After dinner, how does the idea of being tied up again on the furs and being wildly tickled by BOTH of us sound?" Pela just smiled, and leaned down to whisper in her friend's ear "Only if we get to do the same to you". Hali giggled and said "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way!"