JerkyFlea's Celebrity Hair Spray

"Giving you a firm, yet manageable hold on celebrity hair news . . . "


Howdy! It's JerkyFlea here with an update on celebrity hair news. Am I going to tell you anything about myself? No, because you know and I both know that you don't give a rodent's rectal region about me as long as I deliver the goods in the form of follicular flashes from famous females. But enough alliteration. Here's how I'm gonna lay this out:

OLD NEWS: Hair news that you may or may not have heard of since the last time the column was updated. This will be items that came out right around the time that the column was posted, but didn't make the column. If there is any new detail I can offer I will, but otherwise think of it as a checklist ("Knew that. Knew that too. Already heard that." etc.) on how up to date you are.

THE LATEST: Anything that's current or not too old. If I (emphasis on "I") have seen it posted on some other hair site before I get it in the column, then it immediately becomes OLD NEWS. If DS and I are doing our jobs, then this section should be large and OLD NEWS should be small.

THE SCOOP: If there is anything that I stumbled across that I'm pretty sure most folks don't know or that you probably wouldn't find with out the help of your pal JerkyFlea, then look for it here. For obvious reasons, this section won't be around every time.

AND FINALLY, DID YA KNOW...: This will be little bits of trivia or older tidbits that are stuffed in the back of my head that you may not know and that need a place to be dumped. This would be that spot.

****** DISCLAIMER: My opinions are mine only, so don't yell at DS. I am not a complete short hair devotee, believing that the style should fit the person; be that waist-length tresses or a pixie. In my humble opinion, the only woman that virtually bald has ever worked for is Sinead O'Conner. I still love that "Nothing Compares to U" video. So, that said, on with the show...


LIV TYLER has gotten shorn for her new movie, "Cookie's Fortune", currently in production. She went from mid-back to an over the ears pixie at the request of director Robert Altman. When interviewed on "Entertainment Tonight", she still seemed a bit uncomfortable with it, but it could have been because it was the first time she had been interviewed or photographed since she got it cut. Look for her on the talk show circuit when she starts promoting "Armageddon".

FLEA'S CALL: Too short for Liv, though she's beautiful no matter what. Sweeping the bangs to the side will help since bangs never looked good on her even with long hair. Here's hoping she shampoos with Miracle Grow.


LISA KUDROW seems to have been made aware of the rule that all new moms must cut their hair after the birth of their child. Lisa has ditched her almost waist-length blonde hair for a long bob to the top of the shoulder. Some subtle layering around the face makes it reminiscent of the layered 'do she got at the beginning of the second season of "Friends", but with out the bangs and quite a bit shorter.

FLEA'S CALL: Looks great on her. But what's Phoebe without long hair? Doesn't seem right that Jennifer Aniston will have the longest hair on the series come next season.


"Dharma & Greg"'s JENNA ELFMAN is sporting long (about 8 inches below the shoulders) blonde hair these days.  Did she come up with some miraculous hair growth formula since filming of her series wrapped for the season? Nope, she just got extensions put in for the movie "Ed TV" that she is currently filming with Matthew McConoughey.

FLEA'S CALL: Though she could go a little longer than her current style if she wanted, the extensions prove that long hair isn't in the cards for Jenna.  Her current medium mop of curls and waves does much more for her.


Since the new X-Files movie was actually filmed last summer, it must have finally gotten to GILLIAN ANDERSEN that she had to maintain the exact same hairstyle, color, and length for an entire year for continuity. She has since altered what had to be about the best bob on TV for a slightly more layered style. Think of it as a cross between her former style and the currently ubiquitous "tucked behind the ears" style (i.e., more layered on the sides and back). The biggest change, however, is in the color, which is now a chestnut brown instead of some shade of Scully's traditional red. It looks quite good on her and really makes her blue eyes pop out even more. Will she go back to red when the series starts filming again for the fall? Stay tuned.

FLEA'S CALL: Looks damn good. But then again, Gillian always looks damn good.


The former Mrs. Trump, MARLA MAPLES, showed up at "Comic Relief 8" with a new super short 'do. How short? Picture the shortest iteration Sharon Stone's current short style that you've seen...and then picture it if Sharon got a haircut. It's also back to brown; something that she originally did a few months ago before making a guest appearance on ABC's "Spin City".

FLEA'S CALL: It's a cut too far. Assuming growth of a half-inch per month, it should look good at around Halloween.



FLEA'S NOTE: I was debating if this should be scoop material, but since I'm virtually positive that no one else heard this (mainly because I was one of the few people there and I actually got to ask the question), I thought I'd include it.

As we all are aware, the lovely and talented SANDRA BULLOCK has now grown her hair to about 3/4-of-the-way-down-her-back length from the bob she had in "Speed". If you think farther back, you'll remember that Sandra actually got the bob for "Demolition Man" (with Sylvester Stallone) after having butt-length hair in "Love Potion #9", her movie immediately prior. So how did Sandra feel about the major change and would she do it again?

Well, that every question was asked during a recent online chat with Sandra when she was doing promotion for "Hope Floats". She said that after she got the part in "Demolition Man", the producers said that "in the future, you'd have short hair". She said she was "so scared" because she had "hair down to her tush" at the time. After cutting it, however, she said that she felt very liberated and that it doesn't matter to her anymore. She'd shave her head if the role required it.

FLEA'S CALL: You can do no wrong Sandra.

Coming in on the fringe of "celebrity" hair news, it looks like the First Lady has changed the First 'Do again.  In photos of the current China trip, HILLARY CLINTON has once more layered the First Bob into the First Whatever-You-Call-The-Tucked-Behind-The-Ears-Shaggish-Style.  Length is thesame (top of the shoulders) with the top longish and the sides and back a bit layered (very similar to Gillian Andersen's/Candace Bergin's new style).

FLEA'S CALL:  Though never a big Hillary fan, this style does work better for her than the bob.  She has a very round face and the bob only emphasized it.  This gives her some height on top and slims the sides. Much more flattering.  But, it's...well...still Hillary.


And finally, did ya know that when RAQUEL WELCH cut her hair short the first time back in the 80's, she did it herself? Yup, according to her beauty book, she basically set up a bunch of mirrors in her bathroom and went at it with the scissors over a couple of days. She just kept cutting until she got something she liked. She said she did it because she never really trusted hairdressers. Does explain that really short and funky spiky look she had for a while, doesn't it?:)

As usual,



*(Want to see the interview? You need RealPlayer 5.0 installed. Go to HERE, Click "I Agree, Chat Now", Click on the "On Demand" button on the bottom, choose "Sandra Bullock" from the list, and then click on "28.8 Real Media". The part you want is about halfway through, though the whole thing is only about 5 minutes long and what better do you have to do than look at Sandy?)
