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Donnake - 03/28/00 10:20:39
My URL:/dionna_75
My Email:dionna_75@yahoo.com
Birthday: oct. 6th
Fave Color/food: blue, purple / italian and lekker food
Hobby: cooking, music, learning
Message for me?: I am married and I just feel better
I stay in Hoeilaart, Belgium now with my lovely belgian man of mine. I like this lovely peaceful city and I just don't believe it now that I move away from asia to europe. Thanks to GOD anyway!. enjoy your day and smile!

Jeff Riley (DCPRINCE) - 05/06/99 06:21:19
My Email:dcprince@webtv.net or dcprince@yahoo.com or shobiz16@hotmail.com
Birthday: October 5, 1966
Fave Color/food: Black and Red/ italian food
Hobby: Singing, playing instruments, making music, and being romantic with the lady of my life who ever that may be.
Message for me?: Aren't we libra's the greatest people in the world.
It is great that we share our birthdays almost together. Your pictures are very beautiful which means that you are very beautiful. I really don't think that you needed herbalife at all because you are very beautiful even before herbalife. I would love if e became friends and write to each other and really get to know each other. Maybe we may find out that we have more things in common. I have several email addresses that you can write me on and I will write each one in the importance they are to me from t e most to the least: 1. dcprince@yahoo.com 2. shobiz16@hotmail.com 3. dcprince@webtv.net 4. irishice@yahoo.com 5. jeffriley@mailexcite.com I will tell you more about myself later as I would love to learn more about you. I will also tell you what dcprince mean and how I got that nickname among other nicknames. Well take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

Peter - 12/04/98 15:57:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southBeach/coast/4659/
Hobby: Helping people los weight, photography
Message for me?: Herbalife friend
Hi there! I'm a Herbalife distributor in South Africa and it's great to meet new distributors especially so far away. Go to my site to find out more about me. Keep in touch. Cheers for now ;)

Jay Hayase - 11/26/98 07:19:29
My Email:jh45@hotmail.com
Birthday: 3/57
Fave Color/food: blue / anything hey I live in Hawaii food is life
Hobby: swimming
Message for me?: Very impressive site
You are very attractive with or without the 11 pounds.

Donny - 11/25/98 19:44:46
My Email:gste764028@aol.com
Birthday: 11/05
Fave Color/food: seagreen/Thaifood
Hobby: surfing
Message for me?: is Lombok bagus ?
Hai Donna,u'r site brings senual pleasures to mind terima kasih...Is Lombok Bagus ?I will be returning to Indo.in 99 to surf Da Kine waves,a smile with u in thought.....selalu, Donny

Stephen from singapore - 11/25/98 18:45:35
My Email:comasia888@hotmail.com
Birthday: Sept. 22
Fave Color/food: Blue - ?
Hobby: philosophy - travel
Message for me?: Great Home Page!
hi Donna - Apa Kabar!? - I'm an American living in Singapore and appreciate your cutlure very much and would love to know more about you - I travel to Indonesia quite often - write if you get a chance... be well stephen - email at= comasia888@hotmail.com

Russell Parker - 10/23/98 12:31:47
My Email:rparker@mdot.state.ms.us
Birthday: 8-21-1965
Fave Color/food: maroon/mexican
Hobby: sports
Great website. You really gave a good description of yourself. Good luck in all your hopes and dreams.

Jim - 09/18/98 19:31:38
My Email:jrh@inetww.com
Birthday: 8/13/69
Fave Color/food: Blue/Vegetarian
Hobby: Guitar/Weightlifting
Message for me?: Hello Beautiful!
I was just surfing around and came upon your page. Very nice job! Your pictures are very attractive too. I invite you to check out my home page too, and drop me a line if you want. Good Luck!

Philip - 09/12/98 11:34:13
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/sky60617
My Email:vandeputte.philip@skynet.be
Birthday: 03 december 1968
Fave Color/food: Red / SPaghetti
Hobby: Sports, comics, programming
Message for me?: Have a glorious day.

Tim Carter - 09/12/98 00:45:33
My Email:tbcarter@norcom.net.au
Birthday: 14/06/65
Fave Color/food: Blue ,Sea food
Hobby: Fishing,Diving
Message for me?: Your on the right track for what you want out of life.
Hi Donna, I have only been on the internet for a few weeks, and yours is the best home page that I have been to so far. I will call in again soon and may even try to do a home page myself.

Teguh Wikan Widodo - 09/11/98 05:34:34
My Email:45980007@nodai.ac.jp
Birthday: March 3-rd, 1966
Hobby: Reading book, sight seeing, enjoy arts, etc.
Message for me?: I want to make friendship with you
I am surprise with your effort in handle, your school activity, develop your ability (in some course language/ computer), and Job experience. My question is why as in your work records likely just in short time and then change another job? I want to hear your explanation, please. Thank`s alot for your kind attention. Whiky-Tokyo.

Bruno KLEIN - 08/22/98 12:06:05
My Email:bruklein@skynet.be
Birthday: 29/09/1957
Hobby: Dj, music
Message for me?: Hello from Belgium

Rita - 08/08/98 03:33:24
My Email:Radnasari@hotmail.com
Birthday: August 19, 1970
Fave Color/food: Brown & blue
Hobby: Listening to musics
Donna, Your pictures are cute maaaaaan !

Wes - 08/03/98 11:53:06
My Email:wesleyw@mindspring.com
Birthday: 1/12/68
Fave Color/food: green
Hobby: counseling
Message for me?: hey you!
Donna, Nice page! Talk to you soon! :<> Wes

Didier Willaert - 08/03/98 09:25:41
My Email:dwillaer@vub.ac.be
Birthday: 28 January '72
Fave Color/food: purple and turqoise/Mediterranean
Hobby: Sport/Internet/Organising events
Message for me?: Bridge fundaments get stronger each day. Isn't it?
Glad I could help setting up your homepage (I love the colors and pictures). You are indeed a quick learner and have much talent. Well, as you say so often to me: "always keep smiling". CU and :-{}

Erik Sean McLean - 08/03/98 07:23:50
My Email:mclean@netmdc.com
Birthday: 9 April 73
Fave Color/food: red/jagerschnitzel
Hobby: sports
Message for me?: love talking to ya
Hello Donna, it's really great being able to talk to you all the time. I just wish we didn't live so far away from each other. I would love to someday meet you and really talk to you face to face, not computer to computer. Oh well, until then, let's ke p chattin'. Erik

Hanna FA - 07/31/98 11:03:51
My Email:Yari@Bahana.co.id
Birthday: 18 March 98
Fave Color/food: Farley, Juice Apple, Papaya, orange, Creme Nutricia
Hobby: Bobok, Mamam, Mimi, Pipis, Pup
Message for me?: I hope we can be friend...OCEH
I am just a little child....but I am so sweet and funny....guarantee!!!!

Sari - 07/31/98 10:37:58
My Email:s_saptr@hotmail.com
Birthday: August 23 1973
Fave Color/food: black/ayam goreng
Hobby: reading
Message for me?: (what does it mean huh?)
Hi...hik...hik.... Congratulation finally you've made it....was it difficult? please, let me know... Hope you'll explore the whole website and find your handsome and cute blond man... Keep a good job buddy.... Peace...

santi - 07/23/98 10:50:26
My Email:santi@bahana.co.id
Birthday: 21 March 1975
Fave Color/food: red/ all kind of food
Hobby: reading, gossip, etc
Message for me?: hi...
Dear donna, congratulations on your website, it was wonderful to know about you more and can i learn the making of your website sometime later ?? well...anyway, i can learn it everyday cause YOU SIT NEXT TO ME...ha..ha..ha... Bye, santi

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