  • brush
  • hair oil
  • did I mention a brush
  • oh yeah a brush
  • a hand held brush
  • a wave cap/doo rag can help sometimes

    MY point here is that you have to brush your hair quite a bit . Brush it all the time 4 times a day, for a good two weeks and you should see results. It's just that simple. I thought it was rocket science but it is not. It is work. Some people see waves sooner than others. If you aren't seeing any waves we'll have to check your shampoo and conditioner.

    Shampoo and Conditioner tidbits
    condition your hair twice a week for 20 minutes. If you wash your hair everyday then wash hair , apply conditioner, shampoo body and then rinse out conditioner. Apply moisterizer such has hair oil/grease, or a moisturizer formula (pink oil, moisture max, always moisterizer etc) and brush your hair with a soft brush the texture of your hair will determine whether moisture max type oil or just plain grease will work. At night place a wave cap,scarf or doo rag on your beautiful hair.