Winter Flame
This one is acrylics and was a lot of fun to paint. In case you're wondering, that's grass that the pegasus is trying to dig up.
Leaping Tabby
My first picture of a "Furry." I saw "Cats" recently and was inspired.
Vampire Hunter D
This is my take on the main character of what has become one of my favorite animes. It's pretty much a cult classic film. If you haven't seen it yet, run to the movie store and rent it!
Blue Dragon
Boredom + Acrylics = Painting
Scaly Dragon
Another product of boredom.
Mischevious little fey chick.
Fire Griffon
This was a request from a friend. Acrylics.
I have no idea...
Another character sketch for a friend.
Click here to go to my Elfwood page and see the latest stuff. As always, the offer remains: If you would like me to do art for you, email me at and we'll work out the details.
Remember, all of this stuff is copyright '98 by me. So don't steal or I'll track you down and break your kneecaps. Have a nice day :)
Come on! Everybody sing! We all live in a yellow submarine!