Welcome to my Guestbook!

Richard - 09/06/00 02:22:02
My URL:http://www.legendarywomen.com
My Email:legendarywomen1@aol.com
Your Location: Hollywood, CA

Beutiful Lady

chuck wright - 04/21/00 17:35:44
My Email:caw19482@yahoo.com
Your Location: Indianapolis, In.

I liked your photo session. You appear to be relaxed and sweet. I would like to know more about you and how you spend the free time you may have. Hugs and kisses, Chuck

Don Pinder - 01/27/00 18:20:14
My Email:dpinder@hydro.mb.ca
Your Location: Canada

Bravo! Work hard,be honest to yourself and success will come to. You are a very beautiful woman. Personality? Life will see... ;-)

Chris - 01/17/00 02:09:31
My Email:CGolden_2000@yahoo.com
Your Location: Greenville,SC.

Jennifer, I think that you are sweet and good looking. I am now a fan of yours! Chris

adrian - 01/01/00 23:42:25
My Email:nairda13@hotmail.com
Your Location: Adelaide


John Simmons - 12/20/99 23:45:17
My Email:jsimmons@smartsand.com
Your Location: Sunnyvale Ca.

Great site. Best of luck.

chuck - 11/20/99 14:27:54
My URL:http://www.fpv.com
My Email:chuckd@fpv.com
Your Location: loveland


Kelly - 11/06/99 00:18:37
My URL:/westhollywood/castro/9563/
My Email:hamptonrail@compuserve.com
Your Location: London

Jennifer you really are a truly beautiful woman I would love to emulate and do a few photo shoots with. Great pics and a great site you have one more to your legion of fans and admirers, keep up the good work and best of luck take care Kelly xxx

Sean Opalenik - 11/04/99 05:53:18
My URL:http://Flintstones.acmecity.com/rockymoto/326
My Email:POpal9412@aol.com
Your Location: Cleveland, OH

Hi Jennifer how are you doing honey. I just love your website because it's great. I also have a crush on you because your smile turns me on and i want to meet you beacuse your very pretty. If you decide to visit My hometown of Cleveland, i'll show around y hometown in the future. Jennifer please send me your pictures over my e-mail address for me to download. I have a crush on you and please visit me in Cleveland. I love you Jennifer and keep up the good work on your website and please check out my websit and it's http://Flintstones.acmecity.com/rockymoto/326 and i hope you like my website Jennifer. I love you a lot Jennifer. Thanks and love & kisses from me to you Jennifer my honey bunny.

rob - 11/01/99 08:27:01
My Email:rob012669@hotmail.com
Your Location: ny, ny

You are truly beautiful

Mike Ketchel - 10/28/99 13:49:31
My Email:fishusa@helicon.net
Your Location: Perryopolis,Penna.


Dick - 10/08/99 10:08:07

You look incredible! Pretty smile, nice tush, great legs. You look absolutely edible!
Bill - 10/04/99 16:59:37

You are not only very attractive, you look very intelligent. Keep up the good work. I just wish I were twenty years younger. Old, or not, I still enjoy beautiful music and beautiful women. Good luck, and God bless.

Jim - 09/08/99 04:11:14
My Email:jimcot@chewgum.demon.co.uk
Your Location: London, England

If there was a prize for the most perfect lady on the Net (or anywhere else, come to think of it) you'd win it by a mile! You're Stunning! Absolutely stunning!!!!!!

Rick Turner - 08/27/99 17:48:39
My Email:k turner @ uti net.net
Your Location: Cinci. OH.

Hi Jennifer, I finnally found the time to visit your website and really enjoyed it.You do very nice work. I enjoyed meeting you both the other day.Look forward to possibly working together soon.I'll try to fax you more info when I can. By for now. Rick Turner ("Timeless Impressions Studio")

Patrick Mahaffey - 08/27/99 13:31:09
My Email:pdm1999@mindspring.com
Your Location: Atlanta, GA

I think your website is great. You are a very beautiful woman and I wish you luck in all your endeavors.

Peter M. Black - 08/13/99 16:16:16
My Email:LL5226@aol.com
Your Location: Atlanta, GA

I'd have shot the Schneider B&W shot with a longer lens....you're a fine looking lady though. I'll buy you an iced tea here in Atlanta and show you my work. Pete

Feneiqia - 08/11/99 19:05:51
My Email:feneiqiagust@hotmail.com

You are the best

Kelly - 08/05/99 22:10:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/castro/9563/
My Email:hamptonrail@compuserve.com
Your Location: ENGLAND

You look truly wonderful Jennifer in a great site - congratulations. All the best.

Eddie Cheng - 08/04/99 02:35:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/ecportraits2000
My Email:eddiec1@earthlink.net

A truly wonderful person and beautiful model. Best wishes to you in your modeling career. For those professional photographers wanting a great model to work with, Jennifer's the one.

Wil Kornegay Jr. - 07/23/99 23:29:42
My URL:http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/~wmk0592
My Email:wilster@tdo.infi.net
Your Location: Tallahassee FL

You are a beautiful woman. You look ethnic which is a plus in my book. I wish you all the best. I hope you will visit my site.

Brad Shelt - 07/11/99 04:05:36
My Email:emailmeanytime@yahoo.com
Your Location: Stuart, FL

Well, what can I say. I pretty lady that is NOT stuck up. That's the first in awhile. Your beautiful and can handle "HTML" :-) Best of Luck in the future. Call me ;-)

The Toronto Guy - 07/08/99 23:16:53
My Email:Doesnt really matter
Your Location: Toronto, Canada

Funny how alot of people say your "bright" because of the way you look. hehe. You are very easy on the eyes indeed. Best of luck with your carrier. If your a plumber or a lawyer, I hope it all works out. Cheers The Toronto Guy

tim - 07/08/99 00:40:40
My Email:bandit@fwi.com
Your Location: ft wayne,indiana

I think you are a very lovely lady.I look forward to seeing more pics of you in the future.

brad konopaki - 06/20/99 16:11:42
My Email:saskowindows@focalpoint.net
Your Location: Saskatchewan, CANADA

You are absolutely incredible. All I can say is WOW! Hope to hear from you.

Jerry Wheeler - 06/17/99 21:23:04
My Email:jwheeler@midwest.net
Your Location: Illinios

great photos keep up the good looks

Randy - 06/13/99 17:57:04
My Email:txprowler1@aol.com
Your Location: Dallas, Texas

You are a very beautiful lady and respond to the camera very well. I do regular 35mm photography and trying to venture out in Digital/Web photography. You are very gorgeous!! Love your photos!

Anders Ericson - 06/07/99 01:11:47
My URL:http://www.csd.uu.se/~ae96a1er/
Your Location: Sweden

Many compliments of your photographer. To bad you live not in Sweden.

Stuart Leger - 06/03/99 00:22:36
My Email:stuartleger@kosher.com
Your Location: Mason, OH

It is getting better all the time...

Ralph Dunn - 05/25/99 17:56:42
My Email:ralphdunn@aol.com
Your Location: Cincinnati, OH


Marnitz Kritzinger - 05/23/99 00:33:52
My Email:einselec@icon.co.za
Your Location: South Africa

Great site. Look after yourself and stay healthy!! From sunny South Africa. Einstein

Rob - 05/19/99 22:23:04
Your Location: Los Angeles

I'm speechless

Johnnie Jackow - 05/13/99 07:09:47
My URL:http://www.tbfinc.com
My Email:info@tbfinc.com
Your Location: Houston, Texas

You are very beautiful. I am sure you hear that all the time. How many times have you heard it from a nationally known author and fitness expert? I specialize in the human body. Lucky woman!

Calvin - 05/08/99 07:29:54
My URL:http://www.perfectmodels.com
My Email:webmaster@perfectmodels.com
Your Location: Texas

Jennifer, you are a spectacular model! Thanks for helping my site become a success.

anonymous - 05/02/99 20:48:25

I could stare into your eyes for hours! You are one beautiful woman.

Martin Guldner - 04/27/99 19:31:39
My Email:mmg3328@yahoo.com
Your Location: Florida

I moved from Hamilton, Ohio to Florida 8 years ago, when I was 16. It is nice to see a sexy Ohio woman for a change. bored looking at Florida women for years.

Jay - 04/12/99 02:36:10
My Email:jschumacher@onlocationmm.com

Hello!!! Just thought I would say hi!

Jeff - 04/08/99 17:18:32
Your Location: Oklahoma

You are such a pretty women. I wish you the best in your career.

CC - 04/08/99 15:40:30
My Email:chasjean@sprynet.com
Your Location: marietta, oh

Jenn, you are one terrific young lady, sure hope the best for ya in anything you choose to do..take care and know that this ole man thinks you are great.....

Michael S. - 04/01/99 23:43:55
Your Location: New York

Great website! You've got the brains AND the looks! Are you taken?

Ron Koranski - 04/01/99 02:55:15
My Email:Ronko@hotmail.com
Your Location: Minnesota

Wow, I love your site! You're gorgeous!

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