Eric SALIEGE Photograph
Meursault / Rico / Erx / Erix
(This photograph has been taken withOLYMPUS C400 digital camera
in Quartier du Marais PARIS)
I was born in 1971, and I currently live in ARCUEIL (suburbs of PARIS). You surely guess I'm french. 
I'm currently programmer in ADA under UNIX for a military project. 

Clogs and me

It was in LISIEUX (Normandie) in the mid eighties, I first saw clogs , when I saw a young female teacher wearing black clogs with white socks and tight blue jean.
I don't exactly remember how were them but, in my mind they were fabulous. I was kinda shocked when I saw them, I was staring at them like nobody else... I don't think anyone liked clogs at this time (and now ?) more than me...
I walked in the streets looking for shoe shops for clogs, I don't remember if I found one.

There's a weather I associate with clogs, it's rainy day with dark clouds and it's good time for buying clogs in shoe shop, a kinda "intimist" moment.

I first bought clogs in VIERZON in 1991, I bought french clogs (which were cool), and italian clogs, both black.
I first found the italian ones cool, but it was the first time I own clogs... Now I find them awful ! (flat)

I must say that loving clogs is not kinda "snobism" (such as people who return to wildlife after have spent long time to work for years).
Loving clogs is not a mood for me, this love won't get off (I think). I love clogs for their design (and then for their comfort).

I'm not a purist but some exotic kinds of "clogs" appear these years and I don't like the most of them.
I like someones, wich give clog a interresting and cool variation, but most of them are simply "fashion clogs", it's not very fair to call such things clogs, there're sometimes so awful !...

It's incredible that much girls buy these ugly shoes and not actual clogs, the worst came with square heels. So you girls, don't tell me clogs look bad !
These years, don't you remark cars become softer and softer, and shoes square ? 
I agree with experiments about clogs design 'cause purism is a bit stupid, but I associate the word clog with one design first, and I'd pretty like buying exotic clogs.
And the problem is that you can buy such shoes but you can't find any actual clogs (in France) !!!
Clogs look changes depending on the point of view 
I remarked that certain clogs may look very nice when worn, but not attractive when not worn. Some things change:

Clogs victim of fashion. 
Why catalogs introduce derivated clogs and not any real clog ?

My ideal clog

For me clogs are classic swedish with wooden sole. 
Generally, I like wooden sole shoes and I like certain exercise sandals, but the combination of wood and leather of clog is the most wonderful (until someone find another style of clogs). 
TESSA Painted Clog (CLOGGS) 
This is an example of ideal clog, from TESSA painted clogs, imported from Sweden, their design is near perfect. 
Ideal clog 2
The inner side is perfect, round enough and also thin


Clogs and girls

I like clogs worn by women, I like women wearing clogs. 
I pretty do not know much girls wearing clogs, the only one I knew is now far away...
But of course, I do like (love) girls wearing clogs, and yes I especially prefer the ones who wear clogs and who love 'em (e.g. not the ones who wear clogs only for work and who do not like clogs a lot, ones could wear anotherthing if they could), you understand me.

I love girls who like (love) clogs.
Why ?


Obsessed with clogs

I am fund of clogs, but I'm not in enough to give my clogs a name, or to idolize them (if it can have a meaning), or anything else (fetish ?). I don't blame people like this, but I just love clogs.

Obsessed with

women feet

Woman feet
I am fund of women, this is relatively close to my obsession for clogs. I love feet like men love breasts (of course, I also love breasts), the only difference is that I also love feet instead of men generally not caring about feet. And if clogs are a pretty thing, woman is always the prettiest.

Contact-me !

For any information, contact, bug report, clog discussion or anything else, feel free to contact me.