Nymph Daphne's World
Nymph Daphne's World!!!

"private" by Namie Amuro

Click here to have the little nymph guide! It helps you to get
to the other places in Nymph Daphne's World
without returning to
the main page every time!!!

Let's see what is inside Nymph Daphne's World:

About Me!
About me
As the author of this page, I think I have
to put a bit of my information here, so
that you will know who to blame when
you discover a lot of mistakes and shortage
in this home page.

Road Of Design In HK!!!
Road Of Design In HK
Do you know where to learn design in Hong
Kong< Here are some hints about Hong
Kong's education on the topic of fashion

Clothes Through The Ages!!! Clothes Through The Ages
Everyday we wear clothes, but do you know
how did clothes develop< Be prepare, we
have to go back to long long time ago......

What's Hot< What's Hot!
Here are some tips about what will be hot in
spring 1998, go and have a look, then plan
your new wardrobe!(* The What's Hot! section
of summer 1998 will probably be on after the end
of May when my HKCE Examination finish ...... I know
it will be a bit late ...... but please forgive me ......)

Cool Links!!!

Cool Link!
This is a collection of my favourite web sites!
You can find sites about fashion, cosmetic,
music, cards etc. Also, here are links to my
friends' sites! Hope you will enjoy these links.

Cor Cor Palace Cor Cor Palace
This is my little palace, I would like to put a
little stuffs about me and my interest here...
I will update it everyday so that, there will
be new things on everyday... it may be lyrics,
a realaudio file, a picture/photo, my diary,
anything...just check out what's on today...

Sign My Guestbook! Sign My Guestbook
Please,please......please sign my guestbook
before you leave. Please let me know you
were here and whether you had a good time.
I really need your comments to improve this
site, thanx a lot...^0^...

View My Guestbook
Have a look at my little guestbook and see
what others said about this site.

Thanks must be given to: (in alphabetical order)

(1) A+ Art for providing me with those lovely icons, backgrounds and

(2) My dear Anthea for being by my side all these years...

(2) My dear Cher for teaching how to use those Java...

(3) My dear Elizabeth for telling me what are gifs... * heehe... I only
have poor knowledge about computers *

(4) Geocities for providing me this free home page...

(5) Helen's Web Treats for providing me with those beautiful background,
icons, bullets and dividers...

(6) Hey You! for providing me with those beautiful borders, buttons,
bullets and dividers...

(7) My dear Kiki for telling me how to make RA files and how to use
FTP for uploading files...

(8) My dear Lok for providing technical help for my graphic works.

(9) My dearest Queenie for helping me to organise things, buying me lunches,
reminding me when are the testes, helping to tackle all problems, giving
me a copy of the dictation text in the dictation morning so that I can
revise it in the assembly time and lots more ... * If there is no Queenie,
I won't have time and will not be able to make this home page *

(10) My dear Stanley for helping me to check through the homepage for errors...

(11) My dear Su for helping me to tackle my problems all the time...

(12) My dear Vicky for creating the YU55 homepage * I made this home
page because I saw Vicky is making one * and telling me all the time
that I should not get online so often but revising my works...

(13) Windyweb for providing me with those beautiful backgrounds,
and icons...

(14) My dear Winnie (Cookie) for kindly lending me her clock, so that you can
see Hong Kong time in this page...

(15) My dear Xina for telling how to upload files, accompanying me all the
time when I am in school and when I am online...

(16) And of course, YOU!!!

Once again, thx a lot to all of you!!!
Thank you!!!

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Declaimer : Please do not take anything including graphics, backgrounds,
sound files,javascripts and etc away from this home page without permission.
Many of the works here are copyrighted to their respective copyright holders.
If you really want to use these in your web site, please E-mail me and I will tell
you where can you get these things and who to be given link back and credits

Copyright  98 Nymph Daphne's World. All rights reserved.
Last updated: December 30, 1998.

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