Welcome to my Guestbook!

11/16/00 12:12:50
Name: Colin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Another website link

Hi Jessica, love the pictures but how about nude? Your the only model site I have visited where there is not at least a few topless shots.

10/14/00 23:34:47
Name: Richard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfer

very nice

06/24/00 15:00:25
Name: Mersch My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: collegeclub

I just wanted to drop a line and say that are beatiful! I am a 23 year old male from EMU, if you want to chat or chill give me an email back! John

06/12/00 15:02:58
Name: Lance My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Web Search

We do a lot of projects for music videos, films, & print work in the USA & around the world - If you have an interest please visit http://www.violentwind.net/talent.htm Then e-mail me any questions To learn more about our projects please visit Amanda's Tour page http://www.violentwind.net/tour/index.html Thank You Lance

04/22/00 10:31:27
My URL: Visit Me

Here's a model that you might want to link with.

04/10/00 02:01:34
Name: Tim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Teenage models webring

Your very attractive and I'm sure you know that anyway I really enjoyed seeing you. Your eyes are killer!

04/03/00 19:16:53
Name: jennelle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: searching

Hi i am a model also i work for a modeling agencey in GR michigan i am going to an interview with Ford models hopefully they will sign me so far so good though just thought i would e-mail you and tell you never give up

02/22/00 05:14:28
Name: Nick Bohac
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very nice layout!!!

02/14/00 01:19:05
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfing webrings looking for local models to photograph

WOW..love your eyes..

01/31/00 04:50:29
Name: Darryl Edwin Mays My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: From A Friend Of Mine

Hi Jessica! How are you today? My name is Darryl Edwin Mays from Los Angeles, California, and, I really love this truly awesome, and, outstanding homepage of yours. You are one incredibly beautiful-looking, most lovely, and, irresistable-looking young lad ! I would really like to be your best friend! Jessica, please put me on your Mailing List! Please also, sign my guestbook found on my awesome homepage! Thank you so very much Jessica! Sincerely Yours, Darryl Edwin Mays

01/23/00 06:03:56
Name: blade My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: aol by luck

evey one lives for the best things in life and with out thoes best things in life there would be mo life jes you are one of those best things in life

01/01/00 13:19:10
Name: kobi hen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: by - AOL

i think you are very beautifull lady and i'd like to meet you. i'm 18/m/Israel i'm tall(187cm),brown hair and eyes alot of muscles ,very cute person , and very modest as you can see. so , hope to hear from you as soon as you can. take care kobi.

01/01/00 04:44:29
Name: JAJ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Just surfed on it! Looks Great! :)

Just thought I'd let ya know that I like yer page. Very well done. =-) Good Luck in the future:)) Byeeee. JAJ

12/29/99 04:18:47
Name: Joe (sandman) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: in chathouse....

Hey Jess, well i though that when you got off chathouse, i thought I would come and check your site out...Very nice...Well i don't know how often you check you guestbook, but email me, drop me a line when you get a chance. It would be nice to hear from y u. Well hope you have a good holiday and wish you all the best in your career...

12/29/99 04:07:51
Name: Joe My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: in chathouse....

Hey Jess, well i though that when you got off chathouse, i thought I would come and check your site out...Very nice...Well i don't know how often you check you guestbook, but email me, drop me a line when you get a chance. It would be nice to hear from y u. Well hope you have a good holiday...Later... Joe (sandman) -December 28, 1999- jkullos@hotmail.com

12/24/99 15:12:44
Name: Javed My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: through ICQ

I seen all ur pics..mostly..I find u extremely cute.......kinda turn me on :) .....keep up the good work! take care

12/12/99 04:36:56
Name: Mark Raphael My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: It was a miracle

To flee or not to flee, that is the question.

12/01/99 01:41:48
Name: Jeff Roy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: friend

I think you are beautiful and you have a lot to be proud of. I am a student at Eastern, so if you ever get bored drop me a line on my email. Thanx and hope to hear from you soon.

10/28/99 12:13:53
Name: Indianmale
My Email: Email Me
How did you find me: ICQ

I think you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my life.(I am 32 yrs old) I think I must confess that you are a real turn on (No offences meant) I wish you all the very best in your assignments and every other venture in life. A sincere well wisher from INDIA

10/22/99 09:58:43
Name: Tony My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Surfin Around

Hi, just cruzin around the web,and came across your web site, and may I say,
I am very impressed with the job you have done with your site.Drop by my site sometime, but don't forget to leave your mark,so I know that you have been. Anyways keep up the good work and I'll drop by from time to time to look for new developments.

Cheers Warlock

09/22/99 00:21:32
Name: Al Cooley Photography My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Very Lucky

You must be a very busy..Please contact me for a paid assignment..

08/26/99 01:49:11
Name: Red Merriman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: got lucky

Hi Jessica, You have a great page here, Your photos are great, Keep up the great work, Believe in your dream ! Take Care, Red

08/12/99 23:05:47
Name: Myrah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Models ring

Lovely photos beautiful and sexy model.

08/06/99 23:52:29
Name: Karen - 98 UMMI "International Ambassador" My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: another's guestbook

Nice photos Jessica...you've got the potential, so go for the gold! All the best! -karen-

08/04/99 01:20:40
Name: Wil K. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: another guestbook

You are a beautiful girl. I bet you would look even better if you smiled. I guess that is my own bias. You have a subtle sexuality which I like. God Bless.

07/27/99 16:37:33
Name: Kristen Springs My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surf on through geocities.com

Nice site!

07/16/99 19:02:23
Name: Ron My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: thewayIseeit@excite.com


07/12/99 05:04:46
Name: Michael
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: That sexy thing told me

Nice page Jess ...I am sute u will go far u got the looks that for sure ...I really hope we become friends ..:-)..*leaves a rose for u @)-,--*

06/18/99 01:02:58
Name: sheri My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Geocities

You are a very pretty girl - but you looked "posed by the photographer" in most of your photos. Break lose with your talent, girl! You've got a lot and can make it!

05/27/99 06:27:33
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: BY ACCIDENT


05/27/99 06:22:34
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: BY ACCIDENT


05/05/99 15:57:18
Name: big baby jesus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: you bought my rekkid

dope that body is lookin dope and cleaner than a bar of soap

04/21/99 03:50:11
Name: steve My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: netsurfing for talent

hello.. my name is steve of the metromodeling agency.. we would like you to visit our webpage and fill out a form.. we would like to add you to our listing.. if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or if you have icq my number is 13914 91.. thank you , sincerely, steve

04/11/99 18:19:30
Name: Wil K. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Webring

There are some broken links on page 2. Your Page 3 gallery is wonderful. You have a great figure. I hope you will visit my site and sign my guestbook.

03/27/99 21:14:47
Name: Neal
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: Zolex Studios



I just happened to be surfing around and I landed in YOUR world...

...good luck with your modeling career....

See y'all there!!!


03/12/99 18:46:43
Name: dan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: collegeclub

you are a very hot sexy girl. we both go to emu, i think we should meet.

03/08/99 00:23:18
Name: Mike Williams
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice Page! Great Pics!

03/07/99 00:17:51
Name: Jen B My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Surfing!


Good luck with your modelling. If you have any questions to do with Fashion or Commercial Print modelling, feel free to visit my site and post on my forum. I also have a guide to modelling to help you out. All the best, Luv Jen -x-

02/16/99 07:12:47
Name: leroy johnson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: you

you are so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02/01/99 04:41:52
Name: Mr.G.
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: Surfing

Enjoyed my visit

01/16/99 04:20:18
Name: Dan(SUPERMAN) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: U said Dan I love U and I want U to see me...Look at my pics...I was like ummm okay!!!

I loved all of your pics...eXspecially the one with U in all that leather...mmm MMM...Well anyways check out my home page and sign it to...later.

01/12/99 18:06:49
Name: Boomer K6
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: Internet

Great pictures! Very attractive and stunning!! Good luck in the future with your work. Best wishes

01/08/99 19:41:24
Name: Trent My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfin te web

You should put up some more pix and change the layout of your page make thumb nails of the pix and catagorize then it will be quicker and easier to find your way around well i think you are a very pretty girl those are my comments e-mail me if you wish trent

01/08/99 13:58:09
Name: JOAO CARLOS My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Geocities

Maravilhosa.. pagina..

01/07/99 00:35:14
Name: Brian Treaster My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfing the web

Hey nice page you have got some very nice pics here, I was wondering if you could tell me how you advertise your page? I have just created a modeling web page of my own and would like to promote it better. take a look at my page and give me your thought on it Brian Treaster

12/20/98 13:16:29
Name: Al Cooley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Second Shoot wnt well!!

Hi Jessica Just thought I'd let you know that the pics from our second shoot are in the mail. NOW you can finish the web page...for now. Please... this time spell my name right???hahaha To all that doesn't know, She one good model!

12/08/98 12:54:55
My URL: Visit Me


12/04/98 02:09:18
Name: Lance My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfed in

I liked your site, nice pics and very easy to navigate.

12/02/98 16:58:55
Name: David McGarry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Davey

Jess, you is one hot mama. Keep up the great work!

11/20/98 14:27:01
Name: Darrin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Web Surfing

I wish I were a photographer so I could hire you. You have one of the best sites that I've seen yet. I'm sure you will be a very successful model if you aren't already....thanks for putting together such a cool website, I really liked the photos that I aw. I hope to see more pictures of you so I will be checking back after a while. Good luck!

11/13/98 02:05:24
Name: Al Cooley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: LUCKLY

Hi Jessica, I just had to say GREAT SHOOT. I am glad that I picked you for the fashion shoot this afternoon. Your professionalism and willingness to please made the shoot enjoyable. See you end of this month for the our next assignment. Thanks. Photographer-Al Cooley

10/20/98 00:35:24
Name: Meshel Lynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: You e-mailed me

Nice pictures Jessica, you have a lot of potential. Being that we are practically neighbors, maybe we'll model together some day! Best of luck!

10/10/98 02:33:11
Name: Craig My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: Young Models Webring

Jessica site looks great. Keep up the great work.

10/02/98 17:23:32
Name: Jeff
My Email: Email Me
How did you find me: surfing

You are beautiful Jessica!!!!!!=-)

09/13/98 07:16:12
Name: will poland My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: surfed the net

i love all ur pics. could u send me on so i can put it on my webpage? preferably one like the one of u in panties and shirt. just send me that one and ones like it. wpoland everyone welcome to check out my webpage of beautiful women.

09/10/98 19:14:04
Name: sunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: web ring

I am doing 2 projects for which I am looking for models. Are you willing to travel?? Also I need following pics: Close up on face nude for art file gallery. You will not be projected nude but I need to you see you first send me pics by mail

09/08/98 16:36:53
Name: Bob My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: got lucky

You have brought a smile into a troubled soul. Good luck in the future! Hope to see more of you.

Cindy - 09/08/98 12:03:59
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kathy Estherman - 09/08/98 12:03:58
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com
My Email:zecrets@usa.net
comment: I like this...... Visit mine thanks

08/20/98 03:17:58
Name: Sinder
My Email: Email Me
How did you find me: Must be a blonde thing

I wish i may i wish i might but yer knee hurts so i can t throw you right. Great Photos...

08/17/98 15:26:27
Name: David McGarry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: I know you

Man on Man, i would hire you in a second! Maybe I will someday! Hope to meet you some day. Lots of love! Davey

08/17/98 14:50:36
Name: Chris aka Zepp
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me: #michigan

Hey Jess, Nice pics!! Wish you best of luck at EMU and everything you do :)

08/15/98 23:48:50
Name: tbone20 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: IRC (#michigan)

You're a babe. Post more pics like white.jpg !!

08/15/98 16:12:35
Name: Xavier White aka MrWhite My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: hehehe.. you know how!

Wonderful pictures Jessica.. You look as beautiful as ever.

08/15/98 02:52:12
Name: bailey
My URL: Visit Me

Well, I could attempt a funny thing about peaches... but let me just say that knowing you these past 2 years has been great. I wish you all the happiness you can find on this earth and hope you keep smiling :)

08/15/98 02:20:07
Name: Jeff
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You are very pretty, I hope you have Fun at the race. Keep an Eye ON #24 Jeff Gordon

08/14/98 23:35:32
Name: Mr_Pond My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: IRC EFNET #chatzone

Kewl page young lady !! You are a rather stunning * beuatiful looking girl Best of luck in the future !! Take care - Stephan

08/14/98 17:30:51
Name: Aaron My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me: IRC #!Michigan

Nice pics Jess, page 3 doesn't seem to work though :o( See ya later

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