Acclaimed Supermodels - Body Choice.

Which Supermodels own which bodies?
Have you been keeping abreast of swimsuit fashions?

See the models, then give the head and body choice your best shots.
Now c lick on the bikini clad pictures to see the fully enlarged photos.
Discover which supermodels do relate to which bodies.

Have you scored 100% correct in selecting the figures
and curves to the heads of the swimsuit models?


If you can perfectly match the beautifull looks, faces and lips, to the thighs in the bikini,
or swimsuit, then send me an email and I will add some new models.

If not, then you are sentenced to bookmark this site
and return here again and again until you get it right.

Email: Andy

Best Supermodel Links:
Jacko's Celebrities & Supermodels
Celebrities Supermodels Babes Inc.

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