Mariana Lasprilla Tuirán

E-mail: mlasprilla [at symbol]
MSN: mariana_l_ [at symbol]


[06.06.2005] Currently I work as a software developer in the area of HR applications in Heidelberg, Germany.

[10.07.2004] I'm a graduate student at the TUHH in Hamburg, where I pursue a MSc title in Information and Communication Systems, with a focus in Internet applications. Parallel to this, I take part in the Master Program in Global Technology Management at the NIT, a private partner institute of the TUHH. My studies are sponsored by Airbus.

My main research interests are software modeling, automatic code generation, multimodal applications and bioinformatics.


Projects in Informatics

  • Master Thesis (April-October 2004): Extending EMF with statechart-based specification of model constraints I wrote my Master Thesis on the subject of extending Eclipse EMF to integrate constraints using statecharts. The resulting plug-in, StatefulEMF, should be available soon --once a few small enhancements are done. I'm also planning to develop a better, AspectJ-based implementation of StatefulEMF, sometime soon.
    Technologies involved: Eclipse, EMF, Java, UML Statecharts, JET.
  • Studienarbeit: Multimodal News Portal in X+V (November 2003-January 2004): I wrote my required 3-month Studienarbeit (Project Work) at the Alcatel Research Centrum in Stuttgart, on the subject of development of a multimodal (voice+graphics) news portal using IBM implementation of the X+V standard.
    Technologies involved: XHTML+VoiceXML, Web Services, JSP, Java Beans, Websphere, IBM Multimodal Toolkit.
  • Airbus CINS Status Application (August-October 2003): During my 10-week internship in Airbus Cabin Communication Systems department, I developed a test Web-based application to monitor the status of the different devices that form the cabin network of Airbus planes.
    Technologies involved: Perl, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Linux.
  • GL Geographical Locator Service (June-September 2003): As part of a web and mobile portal designed by the university STS department for Germanischer Lloyd, I developed a Web Service that provides the geographical coordinates of (almost) any location in Europe given the name of the city and country or the Zip code.
    Technologies involved: Web Services, Systinet WASP, mySQL, Java.
  • Syban (January-March 2002): The website for Syban was one of the projects I worked in while at PORTIMA. The focus of the project isto provide a registration method for victims of nuclear accidents in Belgium. It was the first website from the PORTIMA Tech Dev team developed in .NET framework.
    Requirements: Works best with IE 3.0+.
    Technologies involved: Visual Studio .NET. , MS SQL Server 2000, CSS, Adobe Acrobat.
  • CANTV Energia Lara, New Design (May-June 2001):1 The department Intranet site was redesigned in order to comply with the new company image. Also, two web-based applications were added:
    • Reportes: Automatic monitoring of alarms in the power system for the western area of the country. The alarms are presented in Crystal Reports format, and they can be filtered by location, date and current status.
    • Motores: The power alarms are stored in an Access database and used to keep track of the total functioning time for each generator in the area, for maintenance purposes.
    Requirements: This website was designed for a corporate Intranet. The host is a Windows NT server, and every client of the Intranet uses IE 4.0+ and high-speed connection.
    Technologies involved: HTML, CSS, ASP, Javascript, Flash, Crystal Reports.
  • CANTV Energia Lara (July 2000):1 Website designed for the company Intranet .
    Requirements: This website was designed for a corporate Intranet. The host is a Windows NT server, and every client of the Intranet uses IE 4.0+ and high-speed connection.
    Technologies involved: HTML, Javascript.
  • UNEXPO Vice-Rectorado Barquisimeto - Venezuela: The university official website (July 1998).
    Requirements: Back in 1998, UNEXPO Barquisimeto was installing its first Internet server, and it required an official website –a simple web page that provided information about the university without loading excessively the server. The page should be viewed correctly on different browsers and with low Internet access (14Kbps+).
    Technologies involved: HTML 3.0.
  • Update May 2002: The UNEXPO Barquisimeto website has finally been redesigned. You can view a screenshot of the old website in the Credits page.

  • Secretaría UNEXPO (October 1998):1 The official website of the university secretary .
    Requirements: The website should provide information about the university secretary without loading excessively the server. The page should be seen correctly on different browsers and with low Internet access (14Kbps+).
    Technologies involved: HTML, Javascript.
(1): These are backups of the original websites. There may be some broken links due to compatibility and privacy issues.


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